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Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
Wael Batobara
Case 1 82 y Female smoker (30 pack) Seen in OPD because of
6/12 SOBE , Cough No Orthopnea , PND ,LL swelling No CP , Wheeze , Fever ,Sputum , Wt loss No similar episode in the past Able to walk 3 blocks & climb 20 stairs
History PMH : HTN , IHD ,Hypothyroidism
Medication: Thyroxine , Altace , Ranitidine Ventolin PSH : Partial gastrectomy for bleeding GU Works as Cook Travel to Arizona & North ON No pets No Contact with similar case
Examination Afebrile BP 120/70 RR14 Sat93% RA
No Clubbing or lymphadenopathy Chest : N BS No wheeze Fine crackles Bilaterally basally CVS : N JVP S1+S2 +0 No Signs of Pulmonary HTN Abd & LL : NAD
Investigation CBC & Coagulation N BUN , Creat & Lytes N LFT & UA N
Cardiac Enzyme & EKG & 2DE N CXR & CT
Investigation ABG PH 6.42 PCO2 36 PO2 68 Hco3 24 Sat 93%
PFT : Isolated decrease in DLCO 60% 6MWT : 100 m HR 115 Sat 85% Open Lung Bx Non caseating granuloma & organizing pneumonia Sent to Mayo Clinic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
Course Patient was symptomatic persistently
H/O exposure To Wheat & Flour 24 lbs /week Persistent decrease DLCO & walking hypoxemia Prednisolone 40 mg was initiated Will be seen in OPD in follow up
Case 2 52 y Female Xsmoker (15pack) Seen In OPD because of
6 months H/O SOB ,Cough Cough non productive SOBE NO orthopnea ,PND No fever , night sweating , chest pain , wheeze No Wt Loss , anorexia
History NO CTD symptoms No leg pain or swelling
PMH Hypothyroidism & Migraine No H/O CAP ,TB contact NO IHD risk factor Rx Thyroxine Lives in Portage la Pairie Works as animal rescue aids 25 y
Examination Afebrile BP 120/70 HR 80 RR 16 Sat 93% RA
No clubbing ,lymphadenopathy JVP N Chest Bilateral fine crackles No wheeze CVS ,Abd & LL NAD No CTD signs
Investigations CBC & Coagulation N BUN , Creat , Lytes N LFT N UA N
CXR , CT Chest PFT
Patient Course Seen By Allergy / Immunology
+ve precipitant to avian protein Hypersensitivity pneumonitis Bird Fancier lung Advised to avoid exposure Steroids has not been started Given the mild symptoms & N exercise test
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
Syndrome of varying presentations & natural history Immunologic reaction to an inhaled antigen mainly organic Genetic predisposition 44 Pt with HP Vs 50 Asymptomatic Vs 99 control MHC 2 & TNF alpha levels difference Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001 Jun
Epidemiology Data from Farmers lung & Bird fancier lung
Great variation because of geographical , seasonal & local practice Bird fancier prevalence / Farmer % Life guard in swimming pools Contaminated forced air system
Smoking Effect Less symptoms & immune response 102 pigeon breeder
1/23 smokers +ve IgG Vs 39/65 Non smokers Clin Allergy 1985 Sep 92 dairy farmers Micropolyspora faeni antibody Non smoker 27% Vs 7% smoker Am Rev Respir Dis 1989 Sep
Smoking Effect 12 smoker Vs 31 non smokers farmers
No difference in age ,gender ,working environment & exposure duration Acute FLD in non smoker 58% Vs 8% Chronic insidious in Smokers 92% Vs 42% 10 y survival 91% Non Sm Vs 70% Sm Persistent symptoms & radiological findings & higher reccurent episodes in Smokers Intern Med 1995 Oct
Etiologies through droppings ,feathers
Farming ,Dairy or Cattle workers Different from Organic Dust Toxic Syndrome more common than HP occur with single day exposure & non immunologic reaction Bird ,Poultry & Animal handling through droppings ,feathers processed products or serum
Etiologies Grain and flour processing and loading
being colonized with organisms & easily aerosolized Contaminated Ventilation & Water Source Forced air systems , heated water reservoir Spa Hot tubs, swimming pools water damaged carpet MAC as a cause in immunocompetent Construction & Lumber milling Plastic , Painting & electronic industry
Classification Acute 6-12 hours of heavy exposure Misdiagnosed as CAP
Fever ,Chills ,Cough, SOB , CP & Malaise Tachypnea & fine crackles
Classification Acute Symptoms will resolve with removal of
offending agent Complete radiological resolution takes weeks Elevated ESR & Immunoglobulin +ve specific Precipitating IgG BAL Lymphocytosis PFT restrictive pattern
Classification Acute Radiologically HRCT > CXR
interstitial , micronodular middle &lower zones Bx mononuclear infiltrate poorly formed non caseating granuloma peribronchial distribution
Classification Subacute , Intermittent Gradual symptoms & signs
More Wt loss Improvement with removal of exposure Improvement takes longer than acute
Classification Subacute , Intermittent DLCO decreased
Radiologically Upper & middle zone Ground glass & micronodules Focal fibrosis & emphysema Bx Granuloma more formed Bronchiolitis +/- organizing Pneumonia Interstitial Fibrosis
Classification Chronic Progressive Worsening cough & SOB
Removal of exposure yield partial relief ? Clubbing as bad prognosis 82 Pt followed for 5 years 16/44 +ve clubbing worsening PFT 5/38 -ve clubbing worsening PFT Arch Intern Med 1990 Sep
Classification Chronic Progressive PFT Restrictive +/- obstructive
Hypoxemia exertional or at rest Radiologically Volume loss Honeycombing , Emphysema Less Ground glass Bx difficult to differentiate from IPF
Diagnosis Exposure +ve aero/microbiological cultures
History +ve aero/microbiological cultures +ve serum precipitins Compatible Clinical & Radiological Finding Symptoms appearing or worsening after exposure Reticular .nodular or ground glass Restrictive / obstructive pattern
Diagnosis +ve Inhalation challenge test
Rexposure either in environment or in PFT lab BAL / Bx Lymphocytosis & Low CD4/CD8 ratio Granuloma / Mononuclear Infiltrate
Diagnosis Serum Precipitins Suggestive not diagnostic
High false –ve & +ve Used to convince about hypersensitivity Smoking Effect ?!
Diagnosis Inhalation Challenge Test 2 reactions:
Common 6-8 hours post challenge with fever ,malaise ,SOB neutrophilia & decreased FVC Less common immediate wheeze & decreased FEV1 followed 6 hours later by decreased FVC & DLCO
Diagnosis Inhalation Challenge Test 17 with HP Vs 11 ILD Vs Control
Challenged with pigeon serum Increase in Temp & Post Challenge decrease FVC ,PAo2 & Sat All HP & 3 ILD +ve but none of control Increase in Temp by 0.5 C 100 PPV & 85 NPV Decrease in FVC by 16%81%PPV & 83% NPV No complication were observed Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1998 Sep
Diagnosis Inhalation Challenge Test Methacholine challenge
37 dairy farmers & 11 controls 12 with FLD , 13 Asymptomatic with +Ab 12 Asymptomatic with –Ab +ve in all farmers No statistical difference in farmers subgroup in term of degree of responsiveness Am J Respir Crit Care Med Jun
Diagnosis BAL Lymphocytosis non specific but useful in
narrowing differential Dx CD4/CD8 ? Prognostic 17 Pt study HP with fibrosis Vs no Fibrosis High CD8 acute presentation & less fibrosis High CD4 chronic & more fibrosis Chest 1993 Jul
Diagnosis Lung Bx Retrospective study
105 TBB 55 FLD Vs Control {other ILD} Gold Standard Test for FLD was not open Bx History ,fine crackles ,Lymphocytic BAL & resolution with removal of exposure 2 pathologist reading as Probable FL ,Possible FL , non specific or alternative Dx Chest Dec
Diagnosis Lung Bx Interobserver agreement was fair
Upto 48.5% of Bxnon specific LHR for Probable FLD was Possible FLD Lymphocytic Infiltrates 9.1 Granuloma Chest Dec
Management Environmental Control Reduction of antigenic burden
wetting compost & Abx use Design & Maintenance of Facilities Keeping Humidity below 60% Heating ,Ventilating & AC water shouldn’t be recirculated Early water damage control Protective devices ?
Management Environmental Control
Relocation ? If persistence of exposure will lead to disease progression 61 Pt with FLD 37 /61 continued farming 5 y follow up on PFT At 1 & 3 year reduction in DLCO,TLC more in continued exposure At 5 no statically significance difference Chest 1985 Jun
Management Steroids Accelerates initial recovery
but doesn’t change long term outcome 36 Pt FLD Prospective Randomized DB 8 weeks either Prednisolone (20Pt) Vs Placebo (16Pt) At 1 month difference in DLCO At 5 years not statically significant difference in DLCO ,FEV1 At 5 years 5 of Prednisolone group had recurrence Vs 1 of Placebo Not statically significant Am Rev Respir Dis 1992 Jan
Management Steroids Prospective Randomized 3 arms 93 Pt FLD
12 weeks Vs 4 Weeks Vs Placebo Follow up 18 months No difference between 12 & 4 weeks outcomes Eur J Respir Dis 1983 May
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