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EAST ASIA. Major Geographic Qualities of East Asia 1.52 billion, high density river basins Jakota Triangle: Vanguard of development Political and economic.

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Presentation on theme: "EAST ASIA. Major Geographic Qualities of East Asia 1.52 billion, high density river basins Jakota Triangle: Vanguard of development Political and economic."— Presentation transcript:


2 Major Geographic Qualities of East Asia 1.52 billion, high density river basins Jakota Triangle: Vanguard of development Political and economic forces continue to transform traditional cultural landscapes Rural China – Urban Japan. Economic transformation in China Intensifying regional disparities Instability and awesome potential.

3 Regions China proper- eastern half; the core Xizang (Tibet)- high elevation; sparsely populated Xinjiang- vast desert basin & mountain rim Mongolia- a desert, buffer state Jakota triangle Japan, South Korea, Taiwan Rapid economic development


5 Physiography and Climate Longitudinal extent is comparable to Canada 75° Latitudinal range from Northern Quebec to central Caribbean Bordered by Pacific and 4 seas, Mountains: e.g. Kunlun Shan, Himalayas Steppe and desert Monsoon Asia


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