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Load Balancing, Multicast routing, Price of Anarchy and Strong Equilibrium Computational game theory Spring 2008 Michal Feldman
Load Balancing: Model Set of machines M = {M 1,…,M m } Set of jobs N = {1,…,n} Weight of job J N on machine M i M : w i (J) Action space of job J: S J = M (job J selects machine s J ) B i s = {J | s J = M i } set of players on machine M i L i (s) = J Bis w i (J) Load player J observes: c J (s) = L i (s), where s J = M i Objective function: makespan (OPT = min s makespan(s))
Load Balancing Model: Unrelated Machines Set of machines M = {M 1,…,M m } Set of jobs N = {1,…,n} Unrelated machines model: Job (player) i has load w ij on machine j Strategy: select a machine Cost of a job = total load on selected machine Objective: minimize makespan (max load) Special cases: – Identical machines: w ij =w ij’ for all j,j’ – Related machines: each machine j has a speed s j, and each job i has load l i, and w ij =l i /s j M1M1 M2M2 J1J1 57 J2J2 23 J3J3 41 5 4 3 L 1 (s)=9 M1M1 M2M2 L 2 (s)=3 jobs machines
(pure) equilibrium existence Potential function – Identical machines: sum of squares (why?) – Unrelated machines: Does sum of squares work? No ! Before migration: 10, after migration: 9, so cost decreased Yet, sum of squares increased from 10 2 +5 2 to 9 2 +9 2 10 5 1 4
Lexicographic order Definition: a vector (l 1,…l m ) is smaller than (l 1 ’,…,l m ’) lexicographically if for some i, l i < l i ’ and l k = l k ’ for all k<I Definition: A joint action s is smaller than s’ lex. (s s’) if the vector of machine loads L(s), sorted in non- decreasing order, is smaller lex. than L(s’) s s’ s s’
(Pure) NE Existence Lemma: if a job i improves its cost by migration, then the lexicographic order decreases Proof sketch: – a job migrating from blue machine to red machine – Only the load on these two machines change (blue decreases, red increases) – But if the migrating job improves, red (in post-migration) must be lower than blue (in pre-migration) – Thus after migration, both blue and red are lower than blue prior to migration – Thus profile decreases lexicographically Conclusion 1: load balancing game admit a Nash equilibrium in pure strategies Conclusion 2: price of stability of any load balancing game is 1
Price of Anarchy for identical machines Theorem: in any load balancing game on identical machines, it holds that Proof: – Let s be a NE and let s* be OPT – Let i’ be a machine with highest cost in s, and let j’ be job with lowest weight on machine i’ – wlog, at least 2 jobs on machine i’ (why?), thus w j’≤ ½ cost(s) – Since s is a NE, for any machine i≠I’ (job j’ stays) l i ≥ l i’ – w j’ ≥ cost(s) – ½ cost(s) = ½ cost(s)
Convergence time of best response for identical machines Max-weight best response policy: – activate jobs, always activating job of max-weight among unsatisfied jobs – activated job migrates to its best machines (i.e., performs a best-response) Theorem: for any load balancing game on identical machines, the max-weight best response policy converges to a NE, after each agent was activated at most once (from any initial profile)
Convergence time of best response for identical machines Proof sketch: – Claim: once a job was activated, it never gets unsatisfied again – Proof of claim is based on two observations (for identical machines): Job is satisfied IFF assigned to machine with minimal load (other than itself) Best response never decreases the minimal load among the machines (why?) – Thus, a job can become unsatisfied only if another job migrated to its own machine – Thus, sufficient to show that a migration of a job of lower weight into one’s machine cannot make it unsatisfied – Proof in class.. Note: order is crucial. Under “min-weight best response policy”, there may be instances with an exponential number of steps
Price of anarchy for unrelated machines POA for unrelated machines is unbounded 1 1 Job 1 Job 2 Machine 1Machine 2 11 Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 1 Social optimumNash equilibrium makespan= makespan= PoA=1/
Allowing Coordination in Equilibrium Strong Equilibrium [Aumann’59] – No coalition can deviate and strictly improve the utility of all of its members very robust concept may be a better prediction of rational behavior most games do not admit Strong Eq. – usually applied to pure Eq with pure deviations
Example 1: Prisoner’s Dilemma 0,5 5,0 cooperate defect Unique Nash Eq. Strong Eq. ? Prisoner’s dilemma does not admit any Strong Eq.
Strong Price of Anarchy Determining SPoA requires two parts: – Proving existence of Strong Eq – Bounding the worst ratio SE NE SPoA ≤ PoA Price of Anarchy (PoA) [KP00]: Strong Price of Anarchy (SPoA):
k-Strong Equilibrium A joint action s S is not resilient to a pure deviation of a coalition if there is a pure action profile of such that c i (s - , )<c i (s) for any i – e.g., (defect,defect) in Prisoner’s dilemma A pure Nash Eq s S is resilient to pure deviation of coalitions of size k if there is no coalition of size at most k such that s is not resilient to a pure deviation by A k-Strong Equilibrium is a pure Nash Eq that is resilient to pure deviation of coalitions of size at most k S=S 1 x…xS n
Strong Equilibrium Hierarchy 1-SE 2-SE n-SE = NE =SE [Aumann]
Related Work Existence of Strong Equilibrium – monotone decreasing congestion games [Holzman+Lev-tov 1997, 2003] – monotone increasing congestion games + correlated SE [Rosenfeld+Tennenholtz 2006] Related solution concepts – Coalition-proof Eq. [Bernheim 1987] – Group-strategyproof mechanisms [Moulin+Shenker 2001] – Coalitions with transferable utilities [Hayrapetyan et al 2006] SE CPE NE
Existence of Strong Equilibrium in load balancing games Is every Nash Eq. on identical machines also a Strong Eq ? – NO ! (for m ≥ 3) 5 5 44 33 1077 s 55 44 3 3 69 9 s’ Coalition: 5,5,3,3
Strong Eq. Existence Theorem: in any load balancing game, the lex. minimal joint action s is a k-SE for any k
Recall Lexicographic Order Definition: a vector (l 1,…l m ) is smaller than (l 1 ’,…,l m ’) lexicographically if for some i, l i < l i ’ and l k = l k ’ for all k<I Definition: A joint action s is smaller than s’ lex. (s s’) if the vector of machine loads L(s), sorted in non- decreasing order, is smaller lex. than L(s’) s s’ s s’
Proof of SE existence Lemma: suppose L(s) and L(s’) differ only in the loads of machines in a set M’ M. if for each M i M’, L i (s) < max k {L k (s’) | M k M’}, then s s’
Proof of SE existence Recall: s is a NE Suppose in contradiction that s is not a SE Let be the smallest coalition that can deviate (any job in deviates) Let M( ,s) be the set of machines that the coalition chooses in s – For every M i M( ,s) that a job wishes to migrate to, another job wishes to migrate from (otherwise, contradicting s NE) – For every M i M( ,s) that a job wishes to migrate from, another job wishes to migrate to (otherwise, contradicting minimal) – Therefore, only machines in M’=M( ,s)=M( ,s’) change their loads Since each job benefits from the deviation, the new load on each machine M i M’ must be < max k {L k (s) | M k M’ } By previous lemma, s’ s, contradicting minimality of s
Proof of SE Existence Suppose in contradiction that s (lex. minimal) is not a SE, and let be the smallest coalition (deviating to s’). Claim: the same set of machines are chosen by in s and in s’ (denote it M( )) – If a job migrates TO some machine, another job migrates FROM it else contradicting s is NE – If a job migrates FROM some machine, another job migrates TO it else contradicting minimality of Since all jobs in must benefit, all loads of M( ) in s’ must be smaller than max load of M( ) in s – Contradicting minimality of s
Price of Anarchy (PoA) Recall: for unrelated machines, PoA may be unbounded 1 1 Job 1 Job 2 Machine 1Machine 2 Objective: min makespan Social optimum Nash equilibrium PoA=1/ 11 M1M1 makespan= M2M2 makespan= M1M1 M2M2 Strong equilibrium SPoA=1
Strong Price of Anarchy Theorem: for any job scheduling game with m unrelated machines and n jobs, SPoA ≤ m
Proof for SpoA ≤ m Claim 1: L 1 (s) ≤ OPT – else: coalition of all jobs to OPT M1M1 MmMm MiMi M i-1 M1M1 MmMm MiMi OPT L 1 (s) OPT L 1 (s)
Proof for SpoA ≤ m Claim 1: L 1 (s) ≤ OPT – else: coalition of all jobs to OPT Claim 2: i L i (s)-L i-1 (s) ≤ OPT – else: consider s’, where all jobs on machines i..m go to OPT. For all J c J (s) > L i-1 (s) + OPT c J (s’) ≤ L i-1 (s) + OPT (since all J together add at most OPT) M1M1 MmMm MiMi M i-1 M1M1 MmMm MiMi > OPT OPT L m (s) ≤ m OPT L i-1 (s)L 1 (s) L i (s)
Lower Bound (m machines) Theorem: there exists a job scheduling game with m unrelated machines for which SPoA ≥ m Proof : M1M1 M2M2 M3M3 M4M4 MmMm J1J1 11 J2J2 12 J3J3 13 J4J4 14 JmJm 1m OPT = 1 makespan=m SE
Identical Machines Theorem: there exists a job scheduling game with m identical machines and n jobs, such that 12m-1m J1J1 JmJm J m+1 J 2m 1 1/m 1 m-2 m-1m OPT SE 1+1/m 2
2 Machines: Strong Price of Anarchy Let s be a Strong Eq. If for every job J on M 2 : w 1 (J) ≥ w 2 (J) L 2 ≤ 2 OPT OPT ≥ J w min (J) / m Otherwise let J on M 2 : w 1 (J) ≤ w 2 (J) L 2 ≤ L 1 + OPT OPT ≥ max J w min (J) L1L1 L2L2 s OPT
2 Machines: Strong Price of Anarchy L 1 ≤ L 2 < OPT – IMPOSSIBLE!!! L 1 ≤ OPT ≤ L 2 – L 2 ≤ OPT + L 1 ≤ 2 OPT OPT < L 1 ≤ L 2 – Not a Strong Eq. – Deviation by all players THEOREM: SPoA ≤ 2 L1L1 L2L2 s OPT
Mixed Deviations and Mixed Strong Eq Nash Eq – unilateral deviations – pure and mixed deviations are equivalent Strong Eq – coordinated deviation – Pure and mixed deviations are not equivalent – Given a mixed deviation, there might be no single pure deviation which is good J1J1 M1M1 M2M2 J3J3 J2J2 Unique Nash Eq J1J1 J2J2 ¾¼ c J1 =c J2 =15/8 c J1 =c J2 =2 mixed deviation J1J1 M1M1 M2M2 J3J3 J2J2 ½½
Mixed Deviations and Mixed Equilibrium However, in many cases, allowing mixed deviations by a coalition eliminates all Nash Eq. Theorem: for m≥5 identical machines, and n>3m unit jobs, there is no 4-Strong Eq when mixed deviations are allowed – Based on a lemma that shows that the support of any two “mixing” jobs must be disjoint
Strong equilibrium in multicast routing Theorem : There exists a multicast routing game that does not posses a strong equilibrium. Proof: s t1t1 t2t2 2 1 1 ½-3ε 2+2ε 1-2ε 1+3ε Unique NE: c 1 (S) = c 2 (S) = 2/2+1=2 deviation: c i (S) < 2 No SE in game
Single-Commodity Games Theorem : Every single-commodity fair connection game possesses a SE Proof: we show that a profile S in which all players choose the shortest path from s to t is a SE st S Cost(S’\S) ≥ Cost(S\S’) c i (S’) ≥ c i (S) S’
Strong Price of Anarchy Theorem : The strong price of Anarchy of a multicast routing game with n players is at most H(n). Proof: Let S be a SE, and S Γ be the induced profile of players in Γ, and let S* be OPT For k=n,…,1, since S is SE, there exists a player “k” k ={1,…,k} that does not benefit from coal. deviation. i.e., Potential function:
Proof (cont’d) We got for every k: Summing over all players:
Lower Bound OPT: all users use indirect edge, c(OPT)=1+ Unique NE and SE: each user uses direct edge to t i, c(NE)=c(SE)=H(n) PoA = SPoA = PoS = SPoS = H(n) t1t1 t n-2 t3t3 t2t2 t n-1 tntn s 1 1+
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