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Stat 470-6 Today: 2-way ANOVA (Section 2.3)…2.3.1 and 2.3.2; Transformation of the response.

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Presentation on theme: "Stat 470-6 Today: 2-way ANOVA (Section 2.3)…2.3.1 and 2.3.2; Transformation of the response."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stat 470-6 Today: 2-way ANOVA (Section 2.3)…2.3.1 and 2.3.2; Transformation of the response

2 Two-Way ANOVA One-way ANOVA considered impact of 1 factor with k levels (e.g. meat packaging example) Two-way ANOVA considers the impact of 2 factors with I and J levels respectively Have possible treatments for each replicate of the experiment If have n replicates, the the experiment has observations

3 Example: An experiment was run to understand the impact of two factors (Table speed and Wheel grit size) on the the strength of the ceramic material (bonded S i nitrate). (Jahanmir, 1996, NIST) Each factor has two levels (coded -1 and +1 respectively) The experiment was repeated 2 times

4 Data

5 Model:

6 Hypotheses

7 Running the Experiment Two-Way ANOVA Model is appropriate for experiments performed as completely randomized designs That is, we list the treatments (e.g., 1-8 in the ceramics example) and assign treatments to experimental units in random order The trials are in random order

8 ANOVA Table

9 Return to Ceramic Data

10 Interaction Plot

11 ANOVA Table

12 Residuals Must still do residual analysis

13 What would happen if the experiment was unreplicated (l =1)? What could we do to address this?

14 Multi-Way (or N-Way) ANOVA (Section 2.4) Can extend model to more that 2 factors Approach is the same

15 Experiment Situation Have N factors The experiment is performed as a completely randomized design Assumptions:

16 Transformations (Section 2.5) Often one will perform a residual analysis to verify modeling assumptions…and at least one assumption fails A defect that can frequently arise in non-constant variance This can occur, for example, when the data follow a non-normal, skewed distribution The F-test in ANOVA is only slightly violated In such cases, a variance stabalizing transformation may be applied

17 Transformations Several transformations may be attemted: –Y * =

18 Transformations Analyze the data on the Y * scale, choosing the transformation where: –The simplest model results, –There are no patterns in the residuals –One can interpret the transformation

19 Example An engineer wishes to study the impact of 4 factors on the rate of advance of a drill. Each of the 4 factors (labeled A-D) were studied at 2 levels

20 Example Would like to fit an N-way ANOVA to these data (main effects and 2- factor interactions only) Model:

21 Example




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