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CS 5950/6030 Network Security Class 4 (F, 9/9/05) Leszek Lilien Department of Computer Science Western Michigan University [Using some slides prepared.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 5950/6030 Network Security Class 4 (F, 9/9/05) Leszek Lilien Department of Computer Science Western Michigan University [Using some slides prepared."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 5950/6030 Network Security Class 4 (F, 9/9/05) Leszek Lilien Department of Computer Science Western Michigan University [Using some slides prepared by: Prof. Aaron Striegel, U. of Notre Dame Prof. Barbara Endicott-Popovsky, U. Washington, and Prof. Deborah Frincke, U. Idaho]

2 2 1.2. Survey of Students’ Background and Experience (1) Background Survey CS 5950/6030 Network Security - Fall 2005 Please print all your answers. First name: __________________________Last name: _____________________________ Email_____________________________________________________________________ Undergrad./Year ________ OR: Grad./Year or Status (e.g., Ph.D. student) ________________ Major_____________________________________________________________________ PART 1. Background and Experience 1-1)Please rate your knowledge in the following areas (0 = None, 5 = Excellent). UNIX/Linux/Solaris/etc. Experience (use, administration, etc.) 0 12 3 4 5 Network Protocols (TCP, UDP, IP, etc.) 0 12 3 4 5 Cryptography (basic ciphers, DES, RSA, PGP, etc.) 0 12 3 4 5 Computer Security (access control, security fundamentals, etc.) 0 12 3 4 5 Any new students who did not fill out the survey?

3 3 Section 1– Class 4 Class 1: 1.1. Course Overview Syllabus - Course Introduction 1.2. Survey of Students’ Background and Experience 1.3. Introduction to Security Class 2: … 1.3.4. Vulnerabilities, Threats, and Controls – PART 1 … Levels of Vulnerabilities / Threats A) Hardware level / B) Software level Class 3: C) Data level / D) Other levels 1.3.5. Attackers 1.3.6. How to React to an Exploit? 1.3.7. Methods of Defense – PART 1 Class 4: 1.3.7. Methods of Defense – PART 2 1.3.8. Principles of Computer Security

4 4 1.3.7. Methods of Defense Five basic approaches to defense of computing systems Prevent attack Block attack / Close vulnerability Deter attack Make attack harder (can’t make it impossible  ) Deflect attack Make another target more attractive than this target Detect attack During or after Recover from attack

5 5 A) Controls Castle in Middle Ages Location with natural obstacles Surrounding moat Drawbridge Heavy walls Arrow slits Crenellations Strong gate Tower Guards / passwords Computers Today Encryption Software controls Hardware controls Policies and procedures Physical controls

6 6 Multiple controls in computing systems Fig. 1-6 – p.23 system perimeter – defines „inside/outside” preemption – attacker scared away deterrence – attacker could not overcome defenses faux environment (e.g. honeypot, sandbox) – attack deflected towards a worthless target (but the attacker doesn’t know about it!)  Note layered defense / multilevel defense / defense in depth (ideal!) Medieval castles –photos nad drawings location (steep hill, island, etc.) moat / drawbridge / walls / gate / guards /passwords another wall / gate / guards /passwords yet another wall / gate / guards /passwords tower / ladders up

7 7 A.1) Controls: Encryption Primary controls! Cleartext scambled into ciphertext (enciphered text) Protects CIA: confidentiality – by „masking” data integrity – by preventing data updates e.g., checksums included availability – by using encryption-based protocols e.g., protocols ensure availablity of resources for different users Much more later [cf. Barbara Edicott-Popovsky and Deborah Frincke, CSSE592/492, U. Washington]

8 8 A.2) Controls: Software Controls Secondary controls – second only to encryption Software/program controls include: OS and network controls E.g. OS: sandbox / virtual machine Logs/firewalls, OS/net virus scans, recorders independent control programs (whole programs) E.g. password checker, virus scanner, IDS (intrusion detection system) internal program controls (part of a program) E.g. read/write controls in DBMSs development controls E.g. quality standards followed by developers incl. testing

9 9 Considerations for Software Controls: Impact on user’s interface and workflow E.g. Asking for a password too often?

10 10 A.3) Controls: Hardware Controls Hardware devices to provide higher degree of security Locks and cables (for notebooks) Smart cards, dongles, hadware keys,......

11 11 A.4) Controls: Policies and Procedures Policy vs. Procedure Policy: What is/what is not allowed Procedure: How you enforce policy Advantages of policy/procedure controls: Can replace hardware/software controls Can be least expensive Be careful to consider all costs E.g. help desk costs often ignored for for passwords (=> look cheap but migh be expensive)

12 12 Policy - must consider: Alignment with users’ legal and ethical standards Probability of use (e.g. due to inconvenience) Inconvenient: 200 character password, change password every week (Can be) good: biometrics replacing passwords Periodic reviews As people and systems, as well as their goals, change

13 13 A.5) Controls: Physical Controls Walls, locks Guards, security cameras Backup copies and archives Cables an locks (e.g., for notebooks) Natural and man-made disaster protection Fire, flood, and earthquake protection Accident and terrorism protection...

14 14 B) Effectiveness of Controls Awareness of problem People convined of the need for these controls Likelihood of use Too complex/intrusive security tools are often disabled Overlapping controls >1 control for a given vulnerability To provide layered defense – the next layer compensates for a failure of the previous layer Periodic reviews A given control usually becomess less effective with time Need to replace ineffective/inefficient controls with better ones

15 15 1.3.8. Principles of Computer Security Principle of Easiest Penetration (p.5) An intruder must be expected to use any available means of penetration. The penetration may not necessarily be by the most obvious means, nor is it necessarily the one against which the most solid defense has been installed. Principle of Adequate Protection (p.16) Computer items must be protected to a degree consistent with their value and only until they lose their value. [modified by LL]

16 16 Principle of Effectiveness (p.26) Controls must be used—and used properly—to be effective. They must be efficient, easy to use, and appropriate. Principle of Weakest Link (p.27) Security can be no stronger than its weakest link. Whether it is the power supply that powers the firewall or the operating system under the security application or the human, who plans, implements, and administers controls, a failure of any control can lead to a security failure.

17 17 Section 1 Summary 1.1. Course Overview Syllabus - Course Introduction 1.2. Survey of Students’ Background and Experience 1.3. Introduction to Security Examples – Security in Practice What is „Security?”

18 18 Section 2 Outline 2. Cryptology 2.1. Threats to Messages 2.2. Basic Terminology and Notation 2.3. Requirements for Crypto Protocols...

19 19 2.1. Threats to Messages Interception Interruption Blocking msgs Modification Fabrication “ A threat is blocked by control of a vulnerability” [Pfleeger & Pfleeger] [cf. B. Endicott-Popovsky, U. Washington]

20 20 2.2. Basic Terminology & Notation Cryptology: cryptography + cryptanalysis Cryptography: art/science of keeping message secure Cryptanalys: art/science of breaking ciphertext Enigma in WW2 Read the real story – not fabrications!

21 21 Basic Cryptographic Scheme plaintextciphertext original plaintext ENCRYPTION ENCODING ENCIPHERING E DECRYPTION DECODING DECIPHERING D PCP P = p i = i-th char of P P = „DO NOT TELL ANYBODY” p 1 = „D”, p 2 = „O”, etc. By convention, cleartext in uppercase C = c i = i-th char of C C = „ep opu ufmm bozcpez” c 1 = „e”, c 2 = „p”, etc. By convention, ciphertext in lowercase

22 22 Benefits of Cryptography Improvement not a Solution! Minimizes problems Doesn’t solve them Remember: There is no solution! Adds an envelope (encoding) to an open postcard (cleartext) [cf. D. Frincke, U. of Idaho]

23 23 Formal Notation C = E(P)E – encryption rule/algorithm P = D(C)D – decryption rule/algorithm We need a cryptosystem, where: P = D(C)= D(E(P)) i.e., able to get the original message back plaintextciphertext original plaintext ENCRYPTION ENCODING ENCIPHERING E DECRYPTION DECODING DECIPHERING D PCP

24 24 Cryptography in Practice plaintext P ciphertext ENCRYPTION ENCODING ENCIPHERING E C hostile environment ciphertext original plaintext DECRYPTION DECODING DECIPHERING D CP hostile environment Sending a secure message Receiving a secure message

25 25 Crypto System with Keys C = E(K E, P) E = set of encryption algorithms / K E selects E i  E P = D(K D, C) D = set of decryption algorithms / K D selects D j  D Crypto algorithms and keys like door locks and keys (p.37) W need: P = D(K D, E(K E, P)) ED PCP Encryption Key Decryption Key KEKE KDKD

26 26 Cryptosystems w.r.t. Keys Keyless cryptosystems exist (e.g., Caesar’s cipher - below) Less secure Symmetric cryptosystems: K E = K D (p.38) Classic Encipher and decipher using the same key Or one key is easily derived from other Asymmetric cryptosystems: K E ≠ K D (revious slide) Public key system Encipher and decipher using different keys Computationally infeasible to derive one from other [cf. B. Endicott-Popovsky, U. Washington]

27 27 2.3. Requirements for Crypto Protocols Messages should get to destination Only the recipient should get it Only the recipient should see it Proof of the sender’s identity Message shouldn’t be corrupted in transit Message should be sent/received once Proofs that message was sent/received (non- repudiation) [cf. D. Frincke, U. of Idaho]

28 Continued – Class 5

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