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What’s On Your Plate? Weight loss tips to help you become a “successful loser”

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Presentation on theme: "What’s On Your Plate? Weight loss tips to help you become a “successful loser”"— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s On Your Plate? Weight loss tips to help you become a “successful loser”

2 Objectives  Review assessment of body weight and discuss realistic weight loss goals  Provide practical suggestions for weight management  Outline popular diet plans and effective eating strategies

3 Determining a Healthy Weight  Ideal Body Weight  Body Mass Index  Waist Circumference  Waist-Hip Ratio

4 Calculations of Ideal Body Weight Men Men 106 pounds for 5 feet tall 106 pounds for 5 feet tall plus additional 6 pounds per inch plus additional 6 pounds per inch Women Women 100 pounds for 5 feet tall 100 pounds for 5 feet tall plus additional 5 pounds per inch plus additional 5 pounds per inch

5 Clinical Guidelines of BMI  Underweight<18.5  Normal Weight18.5 to 24.9  Overweight25.0 to 29.9  Class I Obesity30.0 to 34.9  Class II Obesity35.0 to 39.9  Class III Obesity> 40

6 Waist Circumference  Indicative of abdominal obesity Men: > 40 inches (102 cm) Men: > 40 inches (102 cm) Women: > 35 inches (88 cm) Women: > 35 inches (88 cm)

7 Realistic Weight Loss Goals Considerations: Medical History Exercise potential Weight history Short-term goal: 5 to 10 percent achieved 1 to 2 lb per week

8 How???  Starvation  Low Carb  High protein  Low Fat  Jenny Craig  Meal Replacements  Surgery  Weight Watchers  OA

9 Develop a Plan  Set a goal  Identify any barriers  Create tools for self- monitoring  Track and reward success

10 Keys to a Healthy Weight  Diet Therapy  Physical Activity  Behavior Modification

11 Diet Plan  Must achieve a NEGATIVE energy balance  Assess current diet habits – write it down!  Macronutrient distribution –Low Fat –Reduced Carbohydrate –Lean protein  Consideration of meal replacements Vegetables Lean Protein Fat High fiber carb

12 What’s on your plate? ¼ Carbohydrates whole grains (at least 3), fruit (3-4/day), lowfat dairy (2-3/day) ¼ Protein (amount depends on metabolic needs) lean meat, poultry, fish or beans 2-4 oz./meal, 1-2 oz./snack ½ Vegetables (except breakfast!) 5-7 servings/day, dark greens, cruciferous veggies and lots of color! Small amounts of fat (and sugar) 5-7 servings/day of olive oil, soft spreads, almonds, walnuts, avocados etc.

13 Low Fat, Low Calorie vs. Low CHO  Greater initial weight loss with a low carbohydrate, high protein diet d/t fluid loss  More weight loss at 6 months on a low carbohydrate, high protein diet BUT at 12 months, no significant difference  Bottom line: Make changes now that you can sustain over time for a healthier lifestyle.

14 Physical Activity  Aim for 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity  Don’t forget LIFESTYLE activity  Find an EXERCISE BUDDY!!

15 Behavior Modification  Break the chain of unwanted calories  Plan ahead  Consider social situations  Stress management

16 Tips to Win the Biggest Loser  Start your day with breakfast.  Keep Food Records EVERYDAY  Make the time to exercise  Plan your meals ahead of time  Eat small regular meals – avoid skipping  Measure/weigh foods if portion control is a barrier  Aim to drink ~8 glasses of water each day

17 Questions?

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