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Prototyping. prototyping. Presented By: By: By: Web Address: Topic Number: Topic Number: Date: Date:

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Presentation on theme: "Prototyping. prototyping. Presented By: By: By: Web Address: Topic Number: Topic Number: Date: Date:"— Presentation transcript:

1 prototyping. prototyping. Presented By: By: By: Web Address: Topic Number: Topic Number: Date: Date:

2 Dr.Kevin new ideas He established a nonprofit practice called the Freeform Research Studio He envisions building into a think tank for projects involving digital design, advanced manufacturing techniques, and mass customization.

3 Who is Dr Kevin Rotheroe?? Has a Ph.D. from Harvard’s GSD and teaches at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Is fluent in a number of rapid- prototyping methods for making models and mock-ups of building components And in emerging large-scale fabrication methods, such as metal deposition used for making consumer products, that could form full-size components directly from computer models,which helps to remove many of constrains on architects to create free forms A wire-frame view of a study for a complex, tubular structural-steel member.

4 Dr. Kevins goal…….... He wants to bring these groups together with researchers, educators, students, and manufacturers so they can advance the state of the practice,which will be funded through a combination of research grants and contracts with private organizations. Which can provide technology transfer. His goal was based on a previous experience where heworked with architects and software makers, such as Lord Norman Foster and Bentley Systems, to modify their existing methods and tools to make them suitable for digital manufacturing.

5 Rotheroe is interested in biommetic design ……? Organic architecture has been one of the harbingers of the digital age, Rotheroe is likewise interested in looking to nature for inspiration for new forms, which he calls biomimetic design. It’s not a new idea—Gaudí, among others, was doing this decades ago—but modern technology makes it easier and cheaper to model, analyze, and build such structures.

6 Rotheroe constructed a model with GSD….WHAT???????? GSD IS: aGenerative Components software. He used it to design a patent for a complex system of metal tubular parts, similar to tree branches, that can be manufactured at full scale, shipped to a site, and assembled into a load-bearing building frame. The interiors of the tubes are strengthened and stiffened by 3D lattices of metal. The tubes are made by casting them onto foam models cut with a CNC milling machine, but the latticework has to be made separately and installed later. Rotheroe modeled this complex roof with Bentley’s GenerativeCompon ents software

7 At the end Rotheroe said: “Nature uses materials very efficiently,”and the aim is buildings that are strong, use less material, and are cheaper to construct—powerful selling points for designs of any stripe.

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