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Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics – Department of Computer Science Embedded Systems Lecture #2 Supervisory Control Architectures.

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Presentation on theme: "Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics – Department of Computer Science Embedded Systems Lecture #2 Supervisory Control Architectures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics – Department of Computer Science Embedded Systems Lecture #2 Supervisory Control Architectures

2 2 Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics – Department of Computer Science Subsumption

3 3 Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics – Department of Computer Science Finite State Supervisors MIT Leg Lab – Marc Raibert (circa 1995) Hopping Machines – Dynamics and Control

4 4 Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics – Department of Computer Science Dynamics, Decision, and Control MIT Leg Lab – Marc Raibert, Gill Pratt

5 5 Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics – Department of Computer Science Communication and Coordinated Action if robot j is seeking an external goal: “pull” relation  j  i g g(j) “push” relation  j  j g g(i) world robot j  LOS(j) robot i  world robot i  Moore-Penrose (null space) operator to mediate control interactions

6 6 Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics – Department of Computer Science Finite State Supervisors and Concurrent Control  alert  bitefood RND nest  1XXXX111 p = [nest food alert bite] swarm simulation Attack/Repel Oecophylla longinoda (African weaver ant) 2-Butyl-2-octenal (bite) 3-Undecanone (attract/bite) 1-Hexanol (attract) Hexanal (alert) 1 cm small:~grupen/C/ants/x

7 7 Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics – Department of Computer Science Example: ROTATE schema

8 8 Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics – Department of Computer Science Integrated Behavior 4 states, 2 actions Twist control (R 3 ) with two choices for the “effector” ROTATE schema STEP schema

9 Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics – Department of Computer Science Extension to Irregular Terrain

10 10 Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics – Department of Computer Science Bimanual Motor Sequences  g  g  K  g  T  g  g’ 

11 Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics – Department of Computer Science Dexter’s Bimanual Grasp Null Space MDP

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