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Summer Research Inhibition of Type I Interferon Signal Transduction Pathways by JEV infection 中研院生醫所 R443 林宜玲老師 清大生科 05 蔡文揚 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Summer Research Inhibition of Type I Interferon Signal Transduction Pathways by JEV infection 中研院生醫所 R443 林宜玲老師 清大生科 05 蔡文揚 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summer Research Inhibition of Type I Interferon Signal Transduction Pathways by JEV infection 中研院生醫所 R443 林宜玲老師 清大生科 05 蔡文揚 2003

2 實驗室簡介 研究 Flavivirus- 日本腦炎病毒 登革熱病毒 黃質病毒的基因體為單股正向的 RNA ,能夠作出一個 大蛋白質,經過切割後形成大約 11 個病毒結構性以及 非結構性蛋白質。 C prM/M E NS1 NS2ANS2B NS3 NS4ANS4B NS5 : host signalase : viral protease NS2B-3 : furin or other golgi-localized protease : unknown protease **

3 Interferons (IFNs) are a family of cytokines that possess antiviral activity. Type I IFNs (viral IFNs) Type II IFN (immune IFN  include IFN- , IFN- , IFN-  and IFN-  produced by most types of cell can produce IFN-  produced only by NK cells, CD4 + T help cells and CD8 + cytotoxicity cells

4 IFNs-mediated signaling pathway and anti-viral strategies

5 Viral interference with the IFN system

6 Our works Construct JEdomainE/pIRES-hrGFP Construct prMM/ME/pR21-TE12Q

7 Construct JEIII/pIRES-hrGFP pSecTagA pCR3.1JEV-E IIIpCR3.1 BamH1Xho1 Kpn1 Asp7181 Hind III Sfi1 Nhe1 Xba1 Apa1 Sal1 ATGMyc epitope pIRES hrGFP Sma1 Sal1

8 JEV-E III/pSecTagA Nhe1 T4 DNA polymerase Clean up Sal1 IRES-hrGFP Sma1(blunt end) Clean up Sal1 Clean up CIP Ligation Ligase Transformation Gel elution

9 Transfection Lipofectamine (artificial membrane) BHK-21 Immunofluorescence Assay Western plot

10 IFA IRES-hrGFP control JE-III/pIRES-hrGFP DAPI Myc+Texas Red

11 Construct prMM/ME/pr21- TE12Q Fail………….

12 心得 科學家一定要心地善良

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