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SynerMind Idan Gelbourt Asaf Navon Itai Ra’anan Yoav Reshef Ziv Yiermeyahu The Wisdom of Synergy.

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Presentation on theme: "SynerMind Idan Gelbourt Asaf Navon Itai Ra’anan Yoav Reshef Ziv Yiermeyahu The Wisdom of Synergy."— Presentation transcript:

1 SynerMind Idan Gelbourt Asaf Navon Itai Ra’anan Yoav Reshef Ziv Yiermeyahu The Wisdom of Synergy

2 Vision “Developing a new kind of intelligence, and a human mind’s abilities” By combining a Computational power

3 Market Call Center Call Centers kinds: –Tourism, Sales, Banking, Computers etc. –Information Queries, Consulting, Costumers services CC employees In USA = 1% the American work force Over 70% of Call Centers costs are labor costs A CRM division Growing market Constant conflict: service vs. cost

4 Technology Development Interactive Voice Response (IVR) 1st G: DTMF 2nd G: Voice Menus The future: 3 rd G: NLU SynerMind

5 The Pain – Voice Menu Menus are stiff Number of options in each menu is limited Number of menus is limited Voice recognition errors Market available for VM is limited Quality of service is not high

6 The Pain - NLU Computers cannot “understand” natural language! The progress in the field is slow. No breakthrough is expected in the near future.

7 The Product

8 Our solution 1.SynMenu, An advanced smart voice menu, which in addition to the usual menu capabilities manages the communication between the computer and an online human Operator. The application schedules the “understanding” tasks between the computer and the human and manages the control between these two. Integrating a human operator in the computerized voice response system for online support.

9 Example “Hello, you’ve reached SynerMind’s prototype, a simulation of Citi Banks’ Call Center. This is James, your computerized banker, What is your name?” “George” “What is your account number?” “XXXX” Caller 1 Caller 2

10 “What is your request?” “I would like to open a saving account” “I’m sorry, could you repeat your request?” “I’d like to open a saving account.” “I understand that you want a saving program.Let me recommend the one we have today on sale…” Example (Failure) Caller 2 Caller 1

11 Features and Capabilities Menu with certain open questions – SynMenu can cover most of the call centers functions Smart Menu - decisions on line Unique graphical interface Several response possibilities for the agent. Learning system Modules of control and supervision – online and offline

12 Architecture

13 Prototype Performances The test: –2 callers, 3 calls each, a few times. –1 agent handling the exceptions For comparison (calls on average): –Normal call length: 50 seconds As a result of using SynerMind: –Agent time for each call: 9 seconds

14 Prototype Performances Average time spent by an agent: down 82% An agent can handle (on average): more then 5 calls at once. Average time/call for client: no change For all calls going through the system the call center can use only 18% of it’s labor

15 Benefits Lower Operational Costs Shorter time spent on each call  Fewer agents needed – significant savings Increased Revenues Resources saving – allocating human agents to complex tasks such as sales Increased customer satisfaction and retention Higher error resolution, less holding time, easier navigation, less abandoned calls Unique capabilities and features A single agent handles multiple callers, agent voice response, first sentence redirection etc… Competitive Advantage New Markets Immediate Market Entrance Leading Future Progress

16 Strategy Guidelines Fast entry to the market – get market share Enhance the system as we go After launching the product: acquire NLU capabilities for the next product generation Using technology developments in recognition and understanding to improve our product

17 Development Plan Prototype Pilot at a simple call center Pilot at a complex call center SynMenu 1.0

18 Bezeq 144 –Simple Call Center Record & Play: simple system, Minimal voice recognition. Our incentive: –Implementing with systems in a call center, Testing a part of the concept, Making a connection with a big Integrator (Alcatel) Bezeq’s incentive: –Building a program suited to it’s needs –A possibility to upgrade to NLU with us –Very competitive price: Location, Cheap resources, Imitations of existing solutions, Not our flagship product

19 The Market

20 The Voice Market time Sep. 2000 Nuance = 150$ /share July 2002 Nuance = 3.8$ / share SynerMind Voice Market Value

21 Customers Criteria for voice applications 3 alternative call centers: –In-House - Alone –Full Outsource –In-House - with an Integrator

22 Integrators (Coopetition) Nortel Networks Accenture Alcatel Ness

23 Competitors

24 Financial Plan

25 Estimated Burn Rate Based on industry assumptions of USD 8000 per employee per month. First year’s total costs: 1.2M USD.

26 Pricing the Product One-time costs: –Software license –Hardware costs –3 rd party software license –Customization –Implementation Recurring costs: –Maintenance (software, hardware, 3 rd party software) –Support

27 Revenues All sums are in 1000’s of US Dollars 3rd party costs (Hardware, Software) have been subtracted from these figures Prices are based on comparative system prices from other companies such as Nuance, Speechworks etc

28 Revenues Forecasted Revenue, 2003 & 2004: ~ USD 3.1M

29 Risks Educating customers – change in concept Volatile market Long and expensive integration High competition - imitation

30 Rewards Wealthy customers Big and growing market certainly a paradigm shift Unrealized potential – voice products Potential market leader Short term ROI –100-agent call center, 3M$ annual costs w/o SynerMind –SynerMind saving: 900K$ annually, ROI: 6-7 months.

31 Thank You, SynerMind July, 2002

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