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Paradise Stream Watershed Assessment Data Gap Evaluation Principle Investigator/ Presented by: Mr. Brian Oram, PG, PASEO Co-PI’s: Dr. Dale Bruns & Mr.

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Presentation on theme: "Paradise Stream Watershed Assessment Data Gap Evaluation Principle Investigator/ Presented by: Mr. Brian Oram, PG, PASEO Co-PI’s: Dr. Dale Bruns & Mr."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paradise Stream Watershed Assessment Data Gap Evaluation Principle Investigator/ Presented by: Mr. Brian Oram, PG, PASEO Co-PI’s: Dr. Dale Bruns & Mr. Bill Toothill Wilkes University, GeoEnvironmental Sciences and Engineering 1-800-572-4444 ext 4619

2 Center for Environmental Quality Non-profit/ equal opportunity employer, is operated and managed, within the GeoEnvironmental Sciences and Engineering Department. Outreach Programs Environmental and Professional Education and Training Applied Research and Water Quality Monitoring Community and Business Outreach Programs Private Well Owner/ Watershed Group Programs Certified Testing Laboratory Website:

3 Paradise Creek Watershed

4 Data Gap Analysis Compile Available Data (Multiple Sources) Correct Typographical Errors Remove (, 0, nd, ?) Correct Date Errors – like 02/12/1192 Develop Spatial Information for Sampling Sites Evaluate other Sources of Spatial Data for [Dams, USGS Stations, Hazardous Sites, Roads, Land-Use Non-Point Sources (Septic, Stormwater Run-off) Hydrography.] Present Readily Available Data using a Geographic Information System (GIS) and Lay Foundation for the Development of a Geospatial and Relational Database.

5 Sources of Data (Water Quality) Brodhead Watershed Association (BWA) Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) Monroe County Planning Commission (MC) Paradise Township (PADTWP) Normandeau Associates/ Aventis (RMC) Mount Pocono Municipal Authority (ITC) USGS- Paradise/Swiftwater Creek (1966- 1980) ALLARM-Paradise Creek

6 Data Sources (Spatial-GIS Data) Monroe County Planning Commission Wilkes University Center for Environmental Quality and GIS/Remote Sensing Laboratories EPA Basins (* USGS PAGIS Consortium ( Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access (PASDA) * Data requires correction and is not reliable.

7 Data Summary Tables

8 Total Number of Available Water Quality Records 1985 - 2002



11 Importance of Volunteer Monitoring BWA- Brodhead Watershed Association


13 Sampling Sites (1985-2002)

14 Overall Stream Quality Aquatic Life Cold Water Fishes—Maintenance or propagation, or both, of fish species including the family Salmonidae and additional flora and fauna which are indigenous to a cold water habitat. EV –CWF- Exceptional Value Cold Water Fishes Devils Hole – Basin to South Boundary of State Game Land HQ –CWF- High Quality Cold Water Fishes Devils Hole – From South Boundary of Games Land to Mouth Butz Run Cranberry Creek Swiftwater Creek Paradise Creek Unnamed Tributaries to Paradise Yankee Run Source:PACode93

15 Water Quality Data Needs Establish Fixed Water Quality Stations and Establish Protocols for Testing, Monitoring, Sampling, and QC/QA Plan Confirm Methods Used for Existing Data and Complete Screening of Existing Data Develop a Field and Laboratory Data/ Reporting Format Increase Monitoring Frequency (Monthly) at Selected Sites Improve Field Monitoring Capability for Volunteer Groups Stormwater or Storm Event Sampling Real-Time/24-hour monitoring (?)

16 Hydrogeological Needs Inventory of Water Sources (Wells and Springs) – PAGIS Data Inventory/ PADEP- Integration into Existing Wellhead Protection Programs or Expand these programs to include groundwater monitoring. Establish Stream Gauging Stations within the Watershed (Combination of Continuous and Fixed Point Stations) Stream and Stream Bank Stability Assessment and Inventory

17 GIS Needs Updated Land-Use/Land Cover Mapping Document Location and Description of Hazardous Sites or Non- Point Sources Field Confirm Sampling Site Locations Additional Corrections Needed to Available Public Datasets Develop a Metadata Format and Acquire Metadata for Available Datasets and Water Quality Data as part of QA/QC Plan

18 Paradise Creek Watershed

19 Paradise Stream Watershed Assessment – Preliminary Data Gap Evaluation Prepared by: Mr. Brian Oram, PG, PASEO Wilkes University, GeoEnvironmental Sciences and Engineering 1-800-572-4444 ext 4619

20 What is GIS? A GIS is defined as an organized collection of computer hardware, software, geographic data, and personnel designed to efficiently capture, store, update, manipulate, analyze, and display all forms of geographically referenced information. (ESRI, 1995). GIS is a very powerful tool for storing and accessing geographic information, conducting geographic analysis, and producing high-quality maps and other types of graphic output.

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