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1 Zachary Wolf 1 Undulator Tuning Status June 9, 2009 Undulator Tuning Status Z. Wolf, S. Anderson, R. Colon, S. Jansson, D. Jensen,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Zachary Wolf 1 Undulator Tuning Status June 9, 2009 Undulator Tuning Status Z. Wolf, S. Anderson, R. Colon, S. Jansson, D. Jensen,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Zachary Wolf 1 Undulator Tuning Status June 9, 2009 Undulator Tuning Status Z. Wolf, S. Anderson, R. Colon, S. Jansson, D. Jensen, S. Kaplunenko, Y. Levashov, Ed. Reese, A. Weidemann

2 2 Zachary Wolf 2 Undulator Tuning Status June 9, 2009 Undulator Tuning Status Overview Status/Schedule Reference Undulator Undulator Repairs Radiation Damage

3 3 Zachary Wolf 3 Undulator Tuning Status June 9, 2009 Re-Tuning We are re-tuning all the undulators because of 1)damage from temperature excursions 2)beam pipe interferences

4 4 Zachary Wolf 4 Undulator Tuning Status June 9, 2009 Re-Tuning Schedule 28 undulators are in the tunnel 5 undulators are still required 2 undulators need repair 6 spares need to be tuned K vs Temperature studies still need to be done

5 5 Zachary Wolf 5 Undulator Tuning Status June 9, 2009 Reference Undulator X-Trajectory, Y-Trajectory, Phase vs Z, Phase In Cell, all stable Reference Undulator measured many times

6 6 Zachary Wolf 6 Undulator Tuning Status June 9, 2009 Reference Undulator Field Integral Measurements, Long Coil Field integrals stable, but some systematic changes I1XvsX I2XvsX I1YvsX I2YvsX Reference Undulator never tuned for ±6 mm good field region

7 7 Zachary Wolf 7 Undulator Tuning Status June 9, 2009 Reference Undulator I1X vs Time I2X vs Time I1Y vs Time I2Y vs Time Field integrals at X=0 at different times Started straightening coil routinely, improved repeatability Field integral changes possibly due to coil straightness

8 8 Zachary Wolf 8 Undulator Tuning Status June 9, 2009 Beam Axis Position The beam axis position relative to the tooling balls is affected by many errors. The repeatability of the reference undulator beam axis position is a measure of the rms error on K for the undulators in the tunnel. Reference Undulator

9 9 Zachary Wolf 9 Undulator Tuning Status June 9, 2009 Undulator Tooling Balls Relative To Beam Axis Reference Undulator

10 10 Zachary Wolf 10 Undulator Tuning Status June 9, 2009 Change In Beam X Position Relative To X Tooling Balls Reference Undulator Average change doesn’t affect performance. RMS change is important.

11 11 Zachary Wolf 11 Undulator Tuning Status June 9, 2009 Change In Beam Y Position Relative To Y Tooling Balls Reference Undulator

12 12 Zachary Wolf 12 Undulator Tuning Status June 9, 2009 MMF Temperature History Aside: The 9 degree temperature excursion in December 2008 caused a one month delay while we recalibrated, straightened the bench, and checked all the undulators in the MMF. The smaller temperature excursions caused a one week delay each while we checked our calibrations. Reference Undulator

13 13 Zachary Wolf 13 Undulator Tuning Status June 9, 2009 MMF Temperature Excursions T > 22 C The large temperature excursions are not responsible for the slope in the beam axis x-position plot. deg C Reference Undulator

14 14 Zachary Wolf 14 Undulator Tuning Status June 9, 2009 Hall Probe Calibrations The hall probe was calibrated several times during the tuning. The changes in x-position remained. Hall probe calibration errors do not appear to be responsible for the change in beam axis x-position. Reference Undulator

15 15 Zachary Wolf 15 Undulator Tuning Status June 9, 2009 MMF Temperature Accuracy deg C Yurii compared our temperature measurement system output to a reference thermometer on 4/16/09. The temperature difference is shown. We have done similar tests in the past, with similar results. There does not appear to be any significant error in our temperature measurements. T# Read Refere Differ 1 19.96 19.958 0.002 2 19.97 19.966 0.004 3 19.96 19.956 0.004 4 19.94 19.943 -0.003 5 19.93 19.931 -0.001 6 19.88 19.875 0.005 Reference Undulator

16 16 Zachary Wolf 16 Undulator Tuning Status June 9, 2009 Kugler Bench Reference Dipole (B hall – B nmr ) / B nmr is stable to better than 10 -4 over the past year. Reference Dipole, uniform field, NMR measurements Reference Undulator

17 17 Zachary Wolf 17 Undulator Tuning Status June 9, 2009 Hall Probe Calibration History a)B calib – B nom vs V hall B nom is linear in V. (Take out linear part of calibration.) See some changes in probe. b)At V = 5 V (1 T), change in calibration over time. See an ageing of probe. Calibration takes this out. c)Residuals B meas – B fit Residuals less than 0.2 G. a) b) c) Reference Undulator

18 18 Zachary Wolf 18 Undulator Tuning Status June 9, 2009 SN16 Radiation Damage Test Heinz-Dieter will comment on the dose and the number of equivalent years of usage.

19 19 Zachary Wolf 19 Undulator Tuning Status June 9, 2009 SN20 Radiation Damage Test Heinz-Dieter will comment on the dose.

20 20 Zachary Wolf 20 Undulator Tuning Status June 9, 2009 Undulator Repairs Straightness Repairs Are Complete 6 Undulators BeforeAfter

21 21 Zachary Wolf 21 Undulator Tuning Status June 9, 2009 Undulator Repairs SN6 needs the end pole assemblies re-installed. SN4 needs a pole repaired. We are setting up a lab to do this work. In addition, we will install a block magnetizer and a helmholtz coil in this lab to repair undulators and allow prototype development.

22 22 Zachary Wolf 22 Undulator Tuning Status June 9, 2009 Conclusion 28 undulators are in the tunnel 33 undulators will be installed in July Reference undulator trajectories and phases are stable Reference undulator axis position indicates rms ∆K/K errors of 3×10 -5 for production run 2 MMF temperature measurements appear accurate by comparing to a reference thermometer Reference dipole measurements are stable to 10 -4 determined by comparing the hall probe to an NMR. Hall probe calibration fits have residuals less than 0.2 G. The hall probe shows some ageing with time. (The calibrations correct this.) A radiation damage test was done and no damage was detected. The final undulator repairs are in progress. Studies of K vs temperature will start as soon as the production work is done. We need to tune 6 spare undulators and then we are ready for routine radiation damage checks. We will be able to fix undulators and build small prototypes with our fixturing and block magnetizer.

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