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Before we get started Tonight, an optional lab Groups? Other Questions? Tonight, an optional lab Groups? Other Questions?

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Presentation on theme: "Before we get started Tonight, an optional lab Groups? Other Questions? Tonight, an optional lab Groups? Other Questions?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Before we get started Tonight, an optional lab Groups? Other Questions? Tonight, an optional lab Groups? Other Questions?

2 AjaxAjax

3 XMLHttpRequest object Quick Review and More Details Quick Review and More Details

4 Using XMLHttpRequest  Create the object (in most current browsers thusly) and bind to a variable  http_request = new XMLHttpRequest();  With IE 5 and 6, use:  http_request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");  Create a link between the event handler and a function that handles the results  http_request.onreadystatechange = a function you define;  Create a connection and send the request "GET", url, true);  http_request.send(null);  Create the object (in most current browsers thusly) and bind to a variable  http_request = new XMLHttpRequest();  With IE 5 and 6, use:  http_request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");  Create a link between the event handler and a function that handles the results  http_request.onreadystatechange = a function you define;  Create a connection and send the request "GET", url, true);  http_request.send(null); Examples from:

5 Distinguishing Browsers  Since this isn't a standard, IE 5/6 and Mozilla differ in implementing XMLHttpRequest  Fortunately, you can test for this easily  Since this isn't a standard, IE 5/6 and Mozilla differ in implementing XMLHttpRequest  Fortunately, you can test for this easily if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla, Safari,... if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla, Safari,... http_request = new XMLHttpRequest(); http_request = new XMLHttpRequest(); } } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE try { try { http_request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); http_request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { } catch (e) { try { try { http_request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); http_request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) {} } catch (e) {} } } example from

6 Handling Errors and Doing Something  Finally, we need to check if the request was successful, and do something based on that  Note the use of an anonymous function  Finally, we need to check if the request was successful, and do something based on that  Note the use of an anonymous function if (!http_request) { if (!http_request) { alert('Giving up :( Cannot create an XMLHTTP instance'); alert('Giving up :( Cannot create an XMLHTTP instance'); return false; return false; } http_request.onreadystatechange = function() http_request.onreadystatechange = function() { // This is the what that happens { // This is the what that happens alertContents(http_request); }; alertContents(http_request); };'GET', url, true);'GET', url, true); http_request.send(null); http_request.send(null); } example from

7 The alertContents function function alertContents(http_request) { function alertContents(http_request) { if (http_request.readyState == 4) { if (http_request.readyState == 4) { if (http_request.status == 200) { if (http_request.status == 200) { alert(http_request.responseText); alert(http_request.responseText); } else { } else { alert('There was a problem with the request.'); alert('There was a problem with the request.'); } } }

8 The Trigger  Finally, a trigger to call the function <span style="cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline" style="cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline" onclick="makeRequest('test.html')"> onclick="makeRequest('test.html')"> Make a request Make a request</span>

9 More than one way to do this  00_ajax_demo.html is pretty complicated  Let's look at a simpler example from the jah code  Also 2 functions, but simpler  00_ajax_demo.html is pretty complicated  Let's look at a simpler example from the jah code  Also 2 functions, but simpler

10 Jah: Creating the object function jah(url,target) { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.onreadystatechange = function() {jahDone(target);}; req.onreadystatechange = function() {jahDone(target);};"GET", url, true);"GET", url, true); req.send(null); req.send(null); // IE/Windows ActiveX version // IE/Windows ActiveX version } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); if (req) { if (req) { req.onreadystatechange = function() {jahDone(target);}; req.onreadystatechange = function() {jahDone(target);};"GET", url, true);"GET", url, true); req.send(); req.send(); } }}

11 Jah: What's called by the listener function jahDone(target) { // only if req is "loaded" // only if req is "loaded" if (req.readyState == 4) { if (req.readyState == 4) { // only if "OK" // only if "OK" if (req.status == 200) { if (req.status == 200) { results = req.responseText; results = req.responseText; document.getElementById(target).innerHTML = results; document.getElementById(target).innerHTML = results; } else { } else { document.getElementById(target).innerHTML="jah error:\n" + document.getElementById(target).innerHTML="jah error:\n" + req.statusText; req.statusText; } }} Notice that the only thing this looks for is a state of 4 and a status of 200….

12 HTTP Status Codes  1xx are informational  2xx means success  3xx means the user agent should redirect in order to complete the transaction  4xx means a user agent error  5xx means a server error  see: 2616-sec10.html 2616-sec10.html 2616-sec10.html  1xx are informational  2xx means success  3xx means the user agent should redirect in order to complete the transaction  4xx means a user agent error  5xx means a server error  see: 2616-sec10.html 2616-sec10.html 2616-sec10.html

13 You can see this with telnet gilgamesh:~ hays$ telnet 80 Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'. GET /indse.htm HTTP/1.0 HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2008 11:41:59 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat) Content-Length: 287 Connection: close Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 …

14 Walking through the steps  This example shows how the status of the connection changes  Notice how a 404 is dealt with, versus how a security issue is dealt with  This example shows how the status of the connection changes  Notice how a 404 is dealt with, versus how a security issue is dealt with XMLHttpRequestWalker2.html

15 Another example  This is a simple page that calls various calculators into a div  Since I'm putting a whole web page into the div, I'm using innerHTML  To code cleanly, you'd push just a chunk of html code into the div  This is just two functions and some buttons  This is a simple page that calls various calculators into a div  Since I'm putting a whole web page into the div, I'm using innerHTML  To code cleanly, you'd push just a chunk of html code into the div  This is just two functions and some buttons aaxmlhttprequest.html

16 GotchasGotchas  This has to run through a server (the XMLHttpRequest object has no access to files)  In this version, if the text pulled in isn't XML, you get an error (but it works)  This is due to the forcing of the type of the XMLHttpRequest results  Which begs a question--do you need to use XML?  And if not XML, what?  This has to run through a server (the XMLHttpRequest object has no access to files)  In this version, if the text pulled in isn't XML, you get an error (but it works)  This is due to the forcing of the type of the XMLHttpRequest results  Which begs a question--do you need to use XML?  And if not XML, what?

17 innerHTML.htmlinnerHTML.html  All of these examples use the innerHTML property….  Did I show you this?  This shows some simple manipulations of a page using the innerHTML property outside of ajax  Note that pictures don't have any innerHTML (since there's no HTML there)  All of these examples use the innerHTML property….  Did I show you this?  This shows some simple manipulations of a page using the innerHTML property outside of ajax  Note that pictures don't have any innerHTML (since there's no HTML there)

18 form_contents1_02.htmlform_contents1_02.html  The goal of this example is show a form that uses php for validation of data  First step (well, the first successful step) was to create a simple html form for a userid  Added a function to act as a trigger  Wrote a simple php program, checkid.php, that reads a list into an array and checks for the userid there  The goal of this example is show a form that uses php for validation of data  First step (well, the first successful step) was to create a simple html form for a userid  Added a function to act as a trigger  Wrote a simple php program, checkid.php, that reads a list into an array and checks for the userid there This is inside the FormExample folder

19 The Logic  checkid.php takes a GET variable, get_id, and checks that against a text file list of ids  form_contents1_02.html has a form with a box  onchange is the trigger, calls an ajax function (trigger this with a tab, a return submits the form!)  that function passes the content to checkid.php and returns it's results to a div tag (or an alert)  thus it dynamically checks the validity without a reload  This you can do with either innerHTML or DOM references  checkid.php takes a GET variable, get_id, and checks that against a text file list of ids  form_contents1_02.html has a form with a box  onchange is the trigger, calls an ajax function (trigger this with a tab, a return submits the form!)  that function passes the content to checkid.php and returns it's results to a div tag (or an alert)  thus it dynamically checks the validity without a reload  This you can do with either innerHTML or DOM references

20 checkid.phpcheckid.php $ids=file("./files/userids.txt");$x=0; while ($ids[$x]) { $ids[$x] = trim($ids[$x]); $ids[$x] = trim($ids[$x]); $x++; $x++; } if (strlen($_GET["get_id"]) < 3 ) { echo "Userids must be 3 or more characters"; echo "Userids must be 3 or more characters"; } elseif (strlen($_GET["get_id"]) > 10 ) { echo "Userids cannot be more than 10 characters"; echo "Userids cannot be more than 10 characters"; }…else { echo "This userid is available!"; echo "This userid is available!"; }

21 The Functions  Relied on the functions from the mozilla example  The url that is called is the php script:  Relied on the functions from the mozilla example  The url that is called is the php script: function check_value(object, target_object) { makeRequest('checkid.php?get_id=' + object.value, target_object); }

22 Let the hairpulling begin…  The goal is to insert some text into the form  Easy with innerHTML, but with the DOM you have to identify the object you want to affect  We talked some about the DOM architecture, here's where things get more complicated  Recall that you can reference objects by ID, or out of an array (based on an object's position)  The goal is to insert some text into the form  Easy with innerHTML, but with the DOM you have to identify the object you want to affect  We talked some about the DOM architecture, here's where things get more complicated  Recall that you can reference objects by ID, or out of an array (based on an object's position)

23 Simple HTML  From text to DOM hierarchy  You can see this with Firefox's DOM Inspector  From text to DOM hierarchy  You can see this with Firefox's DOM Inspector from <body><div><p>Hello<em>Tim</em> How Are You? How Are You? </body>

24 form_contents1_03.htmlform_contents1_03.html  This version uses DOM: referencetarget_object.firstChild.nodeValue  Defined a span element with an id  Added some buttons for troubleshooting  Also, note use of: document.getElementById('is_userid_valid') (since the DOM is made of objects, not strings, you must reference the object--to display the text within an object, you have to reference the nodeValue of an object): target_object.firstChild.nodeValue = http_request.responseText;  This version uses DOM: referencetarget_object.firstChild.nodeValue  Defined a span element with an id  Added some buttons for troubleshooting  Also, note use of: document.getElementById('is_userid_valid') (since the DOM is made of objects, not strings, you must reference the object--to display the text within an object, you have to reference the nodeValue of an object): target_object.firstChild.nodeValue = http_request.responseText;

25 form_contents1_05.htmlform_contents1_05.html  Abstracted the checkid to checkvalues.php (as a general check)  Added a password input  Added another parameter, value_to_check, so that checkvalues.php would know what to check  Played with focus settings  Abstracted the checkid to checkvalues.php (as a general check)  Added a password input  Added another parameter, value_to_check, so that checkvalues.php would know what to check  Played with focus settings

26 innerHTML, DOM, what's the diff?  InnerHTML is string based, whereas the DOM manipulations are true objects  This difference means in part that code dealing with DOM objects is both slower and more verbose  DOM objects are also harder to code for in general--it's easy to change an existing object, but to make a new section you have to create the objects, then populate them  DOM objects are easier to validate  InnerHTML isn't standards compliant, and may never become part of a standard, but it's likely not going away anytime soon  InnerHTML is string based, whereas the DOM manipulations are true objects  This difference means in part that code dealing with DOM objects is both slower and more verbose  DOM objects are also harder to code for in general--it's easy to change an existing object, but to make a new section you have to create the objects, then populate them  DOM objects are easier to validate  InnerHTML isn't standards compliant, and may never become part of a standard, but it's likely not going away anytime soon

27 Suppose we want to change …  If we want to make the text of the message ajax is inserting into our form bold, we can't just add that to the javascript if we're using DOM objects as references  Can you guess why?  If we want to make the text of the message ajax is inserting into our form bold, we can't just add that to the javascript if we're using DOM objects as references  Can you guess why?

28 Here's How to Do That  This from javascript_functions2.js // Wrap the text in bold tags // Wrap the text in bold tags // First, remove the target text, right now it's in the way // First, remove the target text, right now it's in the way target_object.removeChild(target_object.firstChild); target_object.removeChild(target_object.firstChild); // Create a bold tag // Create a bold tag var b = document.createElement('B'); var b = document.createElement('B'); // Assign it an id so we can find it later // Assign it an id so we can find it later"is_userid_bold";"is_userid_bold"; // Append this to the target // Append this to the target target_object.appendChild(b); target_object.appendChild(b); // Now make a text node // Now make a text node var text_insert = document.createTextNode(http_request.responseText); var text_insert = document.createTextNode(http_request.responseText); // Insert the text node into the bold node // Insert the text node into the bold node document.getElementById('is_userid_bold').appendChild(text_insert); document.getElementById('is_userid_bold').appendChild(text_insert);

29 From the Optional Lab tonight

30 Other types of data  You can also call a url that returns other formats of data: tab text, raw text, etc.  You can write a server side script to give you what you want  When we get to php we'll do some of this, but an example is php_jah.html  This file queries a php script, webconnection.php, that takes a url as a variable: ax/webconnection.php? ax/webconnection.php? ax/webconnection.php?  You can also call a url that returns other formats of data: tab text, raw text, etc.  You can write a server side script to give you what you want  When we get to php we'll do some of this, but an example is php_jah.html  This file queries a php script, webconnection.php, that takes a url as a variable: ax/webconnection.php? ax/webconnection.php? ax/webconnection.php?

31 php.jahphp.jah

32 Having your cake and eating too  InnerXHTML is a pair of functions written by Steve Tucker  innerxhtml.php#release0-4 innerxhtml.php#release0-4 innerxhtml.php#release0-4  These functions can traverse a section of the DOM of a page, and covert the results to a string  They can also parse an html/xhtml string and produce the appropriate DOM objects  Other folks have similar tools, but this one looked particularly nice and is very simple to use  See the innerXTML folder for an example  InnerXHTML is a pair of functions written by Steve Tucker  innerxhtml.php#release0-4 innerxhtml.php#release0-4 innerxhtml.php#release0-4  These functions can traverse a section of the DOM of a page, and covert the results to a string  They can also parse an html/xhtml string and produce the appropriate DOM objects  Other folks have similar tools, but this one looked particularly nice and is very simple to use  See the innerXTML folder for an example

33 Upsides to AJAX  Good way to get chunks of data into a web page  You can leverage the same code server and client side  Opens up lots of options for doing simple stuff  It is pretty cool, and that counts for something  Good way to get chunks of data into a web page  You can leverage the same code server and client side  Opens up lots of options for doing simple stuff  It is pretty cool, and that counts for something

34 Downsides to AJAX  Caching issues  Search engines  Validation  Bookmarking--since the page is changed dynamically, the url doesn't change  You can't leave the sandbox (at least not very easily)  Caching issues  Search engines  Validation  Bookmarking--since the page is changed dynamically, the url doesn't change  You can't leave the sandbox (at least not very easily)

35 Some resources   rchives/000385.php rchives/000385.php rchives/000385.php  Started Started Started  /xmlhttprequest.html /xmlhttprequest.html /xmlhttprequest.html      ernatives/ ernatives/ ernatives/  http://www- ajaxtop1/index.html?ca=drs- http://www- ajaxtop1/index.html?ca=drs- http://www- ajaxtop1/index.html?ca=drs-    rchives/000385.php rchives/000385.php rchives/000385.php  Started Started Started  /xmlhttprequest.html /xmlhttprequest.html /xmlhttprequest.html      ernatives/ ernatives/ ernatives/  http://www- ajaxtop1/index.html?ca=drs- http://www- ajaxtop1/index.html?ca=drs- http://www- ajaxtop1/index.html?ca=drs- 

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