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Grid Status and Perspective in China Sun Gongxing IHEP, Beijing.

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Presentation on theme: "Grid Status and Perspective in China Sun Gongxing IHEP, Beijing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grid Status and Perspective in China Sun Gongxing IHEP, Beijing

2 Main Grid Projects in China NHPCE—the National High Performance Computing Environment (MOST, 863 programme) VEGA—Grid Project around Dawning SuperServer (ICT,CAS). SDG—the Scientific Data Grid Project (CNIC, CAS) ChinaGrid—the MOE Project. HEP Data Grid (currently IHEP).

3 Network Infrastructure Overview in China

4 Overview of International Network Links of China CN-HK CERNET/HARNET 2Mbps CN-HK C&SNET 45Mpbs CN-JP CERNET 10Mpbs CN-US CERNET 10Mpbs CN-US CERNET 200Mpbs CN-UK CERNET 2Mpbs CN-US CSNET 55Mpbs CN IEEAF 10.6Gbps

5 1 Network Infrastructures for Science and Technology in China The CSTNET— the China Science and Technology Network - One of the earliest networks in China and the first full-functional interconnection with U.S - 55Mbps international link (upgrade to 100Mbps soon). - Topology as Fig. 1


7 2 NSFCNET—Natural Science Foundation of China Network Sponsor: National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) - A test bed for advanced high speed network research, native multicast enabled - 6 main nodes (all in Beijing) CNIC of CAS, THU, PKU, BUAA, BUPT, NSFC - Topology is as Fig. 2.


9 3 The Internet2 Testbed Support scientific research, development and test of next generation network. - High-speed connection with VBNS and Abiene (connected to STARTAP in Sep,2000). - 2.5/10Gbps DWDM Backbone ( dual rings). - Will inter-connect 200 nodes, including 100 universities and 100 institutes.

10 - Networking infrastructure is a part of the effort, the more important is development of applications, particularly grid-enabled applications. - Funding 400 million Yuan (~40M US$).

11 4 CAINONET—China Advanced Info. Optic Net A 863-300 key project self-owned technologies and products for next-generation inter-networks IP/DWDM , 2.5G. Topology as Fig. 3


13 Overview of Grid Projects in China


15 1 The VEGA Project Design and implement Grid level system software. Grid oriented super-server—the Dawning 4000. Service Grid—Providing various services to users, for instances, computation, messaging, knowledge services. Architecture, Grid Operating system, application development, etc.

16 Client Grid browser Grid://…… Vega Grid Architecture Resource router Grid server




20 Vega Applications Case 1 Global Grid batch system. Applications based on the GOS APIs. No center control. Shell commands: gsub, gstat, gkill, etc. All registered resources are available for users, CPU, disk spaces, networks, data, software, sercices…..

21 Global Batch System in Vega

22 On-line Transaction System Case 2: 4 different basic services registered to Grid. - Whether forcasting. - Airline ticket booking. - Sigh spot ticket booking. - Charging. Put these services into a special application.

23 AN Online Transaction


25 2 The China National Grid The National High Performance Computing Environment—the NHPCE. A key 863 programme (MOST). Including 9 sites for HPC in the Grid. - Interconnected them with available networks ( Cernet & NSTnet) - equipped each site with Dawning 2000/3000, Galaxy 3(20Gflops), Sunway 1(460Gflops), PC-cluster(8Gflops).


27 NHPCE Grid Portal (User Mgt)

28 NHPCE Grid Portal (Job Submit)

29 NHPCE Grid Portal(Resource Mgt)

30 NHPCE Grid Portal(System Monitoring)

31 NHPCE Grid Portal (utilities)

32 NHPCE Applications Weather forecasting. Petroleum reservoir simulation. Bio-information database and applications. Numerical wind tunnel simulation. Automobile collision simulation. Ship structure analysis. National scientific databases and applications. Digital library.

33 Audio Notebook HPC BP, Mobile phone Video Camera Tel. Game TV DVD PC Internet Gigabit IP Network Node DB Info lib. Instr. NHPCE

34 3 The SDG Project By Dec. 2002 – 31 member institutions – 217 databases – 3.2 TB Classification – numerical: 46% – text: 18% – spatial: 22% – multimedia: 14%

35 SDG Universal Metadata Too many disciplines in SDG  similarly many or more metadata standards. it’s not good for us to develop a tool for every metadata schema individually. many disciplines in SDG  similarly many or more metadata standards. it’s not good for us to develop a tool for every metadata schema individually. input metadata for existing databases is more bothersome, so a ease-to-use tool might be in practice. input metadata for existing databases is more bothersome, so a ease-to-use tool might be in practice. input: a metadata schema (xml DTD). input: a metadata schema (xml DTD). output: Web-based, customizable UI. output: Web-based, customizable UI. LDAP-based Storage. LDAP-based Storage. Management functions (add, delete, modify and query), back-end is MDIS. Management functions (add, delete, modify and query), back-end is MDIS.

36 SDG Universal Metadata Tool MDIS (LDAP) interim XML MD schema User page Process (Java bean) XML engine install & configure universal, extensible customizable -metadata is tree-like and more flexible than fix-column tables, difficult to deal with on web UIuse xml files to store interim results -use xml files to store interim results

37 Applications Virtual Observatory – Astronomical data is huge & well documented – Most is online & sharable – So, Internet is becoming the world’s best telescope – Data integration and federation (by many different instruments from many different places and many different times) – Ease-to-use for astronomers – LAMOST (aperture: 4m, by 2004) – Collaboration between NAO and CNIC

38 4 The China Grid it is being proposed now, and will be founded by MOE ( the Ministry of Education), It’s bandwidth is 2.5Gbps, connect 100 universities across China. And to be inter-connected to NFSCNET. Discussion is under way, When? How?

39 5 HEP DataGrid in China (1) BES experiment: the tau-charm physics International collaboration with 18 domestic universities and 4 foreign universities. The major upgrade program BEPCII has been approved by Chinese Government. Increasing Luminosity by a factor of 100 produce about 3 PB data in 3-5 years.

40 (2) YangBaJing Cosmic-ray Lab. At Tibet China-Japan collaboration: air- shower array detector since 1990 China-Italy collaboration: RPC carpet detector of 10000 m 2, under construction. several domestic and foreign universities participate in both experiments Data Volume: about several hundreds of TB data.

41 (3)Experiments of LHC: CMS and Atlas -China physicists are participating in MC simulations, and will participate in physics analysis. - build Tier-2 Regional Center at least. - NSFC delegation visited CERN to discuss the collaboration in April this year.

42 (4) Belle and Babar (5) Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS)

43 The IHEP Campus Grid Building a Campus Grid Computing Environment at IHEP). Making full use of 7 PC Farms built at IHEP, which run separately for various experiments which leads to inefficient utilization of these PC Farms. Topology as Fig. IhepGrid monitoring system. Rebuilding higher bandwidth connection among these PC Farms.

44 Topological map of IHEP Computing Environment

45 The PC Farms Hardware Configuration at Computing Center PC FarmOSNo. CPUsBatch System Storage hepfarmLinux RH7.2 23×Intel PIII OpenPBS 2. 4 4TB SCSI YBJfarmLinux RH7.2 32×AMD MP OpenPBS 2.4 1.92TB IDE LHCfarmLinux RH7.2 32×AMD MP OpenPBS 2.4 1.28TB IDE HP FarmHP-UX12 ×HP- PA NQS

46 The CMS and Atlas PC FARM RAID monitor

47 The IhepGrid Monitoring System

48 China HEP Top CA

49 The Connection of PC Farms at IHEP Computing Center

50 Components of Campus Grid Computing Environment at IHEP

51 National HEP DataGrid Testbed NFSC gives support for HEP application testbed. there are 2 or 4 universities and IHEP to join the project, including PKU, SDU, THU, USTC. Fund about 1.5million CNY (near 20USD). Hopefully, it is able to enhance the international collaboration of China.

52 The On-going and Future Work – Develop the Web-based portal of HEP and Web services in China. – And Develop various HEP Grid-enabled applications. – Make proposal for building HEP DataGrid across China and join Lambda ring or the like as a node. – And Regional Center Tier-2 for collaboration CMS and ATLAS of LHC in China. – ……

53 China HEP DataGrid in the Future BES On line system Offline processor farm YBJ CERN CMS & ATLAS IHEP Computer Center USTCTHUSDU pku CASTOR Physics data cache Tier 0 Tier 2 Tier 3 All data from experiments Goes to IHEP Computing Center This diagram only Shows HEP DataGrid in China

54 China HEP DataGrid Architecture Info discovery Job Mgt Authentication User Profile mgt GRAMGSIFTPGRIS Data Service Network service NWS Compute Service GIIS/GRIS Web browser USER Grid Portal Grid

55 The Grid Prospect in China NFSC organized the relevant officials and scientists to visit CERN, and seek the roadmap of grid development in China. And recently computer scientists and physicists …. sit down together to discuss how to move the China grid projects forwards(organized by NFSC). Conclusion is China should concentrate on Grid- based applications at first, and a few of nationwide testbeds need to be built, the first is HEP DataGrid one.

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