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Introduction to Computing Dr. Nadeem A Khan. Lecture 14.

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1 Introduction to Computing Dr. Nadeem A Khan

2 Lecture 14

3 Built-in Functions ► Take one or more input values ► Return an output value ► Already seen:  Val(..), Str$(..), Asc(..), Chr(..)

4 Built-in Numeric Functions ► Sqr: calculates square-root and returns the value as double data type e.g: e.g:  Sqr(9) is 3  Sqr(0) is 0  Sqr(2) is 1.414214  Sqr(30*2+4) is 8

5 Built-in Numeric Functions ► Int: Greatest integer less than and equal to a number e.g: e.g:  Int(2.7) is 2  Int(3) is 3  Int(-2.7) is -3

6 Built-in String Functions ► Left$, Mid$, Right$, UCase$, Trim$ Left$(“fanatic”, 3) is “fan”Right$(“fanatic”, 3) is “tic” Left$(“12/15/93”,2) is “12”Right$(“12/15/93”, 2) is “93” Mid$(“fanatic”, 5,1) is “t”Mid$(“12/15/93”,4, 2) is “15” Ucase(“Disk”) is “DISK”Ucase(“12two”) is “12TWO” Trim$(“ 1 2 ”) is “1 2”Trim$(“-12 ”) is “-12”

7 Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► Len Len(“Shenandoah”) is ? Len(“Just a moment”) is ? Len(“m”) is ?

8 Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► Len Len(“Shenandoah”) is 10 Len(“Just a moment”) is 13 Len(“m”) is 1

9 Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► Instr Instr(“Shenandoah”, “nand”) is ? Instr(“Just a moment”, “ ”) is ? Instr(“Croissant”, “ist”) is ?

10 Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► Instr Instr(“Shenandoah”, “nand”) is 4 Instr(“Just a moment”, “ ”) is 5 Instr(“Croissant”, “ist”) is 0

11 Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► Format$ Format$(num, fmt) num: number, numeric expression, string of a number fmt: format string Result => String consisting of a formatted version of the number

12 Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► FunctionString Value Format$(12345.628, “Standard”)12,345.63 Format$(12345.628, “Currency”)$12,345.63 Format$(-1234, “Standard”)-1,234.00 Format$(-1234, “Standard”)-1,234.00 Format$(-1234, “Currency”)($1,234.00) Format$(-1234, “Currency”)($1,234.00) =>Result: two digits after decimal; Commas every three places to the left of the decimal point; leading ‘$’ sign for currency

13 Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► FunctionString Value Format$(1/4, “Standard”)? Format$(“.2”, “Currency”)? Format$(-1234.8, “Currency”)?

14 Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► FunctionString Value Format$(1/4, “Standard”)0.25 Format$(“.2”, “Currency”)$0.20 Format$(-1234.8, “Currency”)($1,234.80)

15 Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► FunctionString Value Format$(12345.628, “#,0”)12,346 Format$(-3.6, “#,0”)-4 =>Result: Rounded; =>Result: Rounded; Commas every three places to the left of the decimal point

16 Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► FunctionString Value Format$(123.82, “#,0”)? Format$(-3.2, “#,0”)?

17 Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► FunctionString Value Format$(12345.628, “Percent”)1234562.80% =>Result: Multiplied by 100; trailing % sign; two digits after decimal

18 Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► FunctionString Value Format$(.06265, “Percent”)? Format$(1/8, “Percent”)?

19 Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► FunctionString Value Format$(.06265, “Percent”)6.27% Format$(1/8, “Percent”)12.50%

20 Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► FunctionString Value Format$(12345.628, “Scientific”)1.23E+04 =>Result: first number between 1 and 9.99 and of two digits after decimal; and of two digits after decimal; Exponent value preceded by E and sign; Exponent value preceded by E and sign;

21 Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► FunctionString Value Format$(-600.228, “Scientific”)? Format$(1/8, “Scientific”)?

22 Built-in Functions (Contd.) ► FunctionString Value Format$(-600.228, “Scientific”)-6.00E+02 Format$(1/8, “Scientific”)-1.25E-01

23 Built-in Functions (Contd.) Formatting dates: Formatting dates: ► FunctionString Value Format$(“7/4/96”, “Long Date”)Thursday, July 4, 1996 Format$(“7/4/96”, “Medium Date”) 04-Jul-96

24 Built-in Functions (Contd.) Fixed length string formatting: Fixed length string formatting: ► FunctionString Value Format$(1234567890, “@@@@@@@@@@”)? Format$(123, “@@@@@@@@@@”)? Format$(“1234.56”, “@@@@@@@@@@”)? Format$(“$1,234.56”, “@@@@@@@@@@”)? Format$(1/4, “@@@@@@@@@@”)?

25 Generating Random Numbers The function: Rnd The function: Rnd ► Generates a random number from 0 up to but not including 1 Picture1.Print Rnd‘print a different number each time Let numvar= Rnd‘a random value is assigned

26 Generating Random Numbers (Contd.) The function: Rnd The function: Rnd Display numbers from the set {1,2,3,4,5,6} randomly!

27 Generating Random Numbers (Contd.) The statement: Randomize Timer? The statement: Randomize Timer?

28 Generating Random Numbers (Contd.) The statement: Randomize Timer The statement: Randomize Timer Sub Command1_Click ( ) Rem Display a lottery number Picture1.Cls Randomize Timer Picture1.Print Int(10*Rnd); Picture1.Print Int(10*Rnd) End Sub

29 Built-in Functions (Contd.) Abs(10) is 10 Abs(-10) is 10 Sgn(10) is 1 Sgn(0) is 0 Sgn(-10) is -1

30 Note: ► Schneider: Chapter 3 finished ► More on Msgbox and InputBox function in Warner (Sec: 7.1, 7.2)

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