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4)Impacts. Some observations: Measuring impact is complex What should be measured and how?

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Presentation on theme: "4)Impacts. Some observations: Measuring impact is complex What should be measured and how?"— Presentation transcript:

1 4)Impacts

2 Some observations: Measuring impact is complex What should be measured and how?

3 4)Impacts Some observations: Measuring impact is complex What should be measured and how? For individual plant, individual species, or multiple species?

4 4)Impacts Some observations: Measuring impact is complex What should be measured and how? For individual plant, individual species, or multiple species? Over what time frame?

5 4)Impacts Some observations: Measuring impact is complex Lack of comprehensive data

6 4)Impacts a)Ecological Conceptual model: From Walker & Smith in Lukens & Thieret (1997) Invasive species affect different community & ecosystem processes

7 4)Impacts a)Ecological Conceptual model: From Walker & Smith in Lukens & Thieret (1997) Invasive species affect: Nutrient & water availability

8 4)Impacts a)Ecological Conceptual model: From Walker & Smith in Lukens & Thieret (1997) Invasive species affect: Nutrient & water availability Primary productivity

9 4)Impacts a)Ecological Conceptual model: From Walker & Smith in Lukens & Thieret (1997) Invasive species affect: Nutrient & water availability Primary productivity Disturbance regimes

10 4)Impacts a)Ecological Conceptual model: From Walker & Smith in Lukens & Thieret (1997) Invasive species affect: Nutrient & water availability Primary productivity Disturbance regimes Community dynamics

11 i)Species replacement Direct competition From Sherer-Lorenzen in Mooney & Hobbs (2000) Moist, nutrient rich, disturbed sites in central Europe 4)Impacts a)Ecological

12 i)Species replacement Direct competition From Sherer- Lorenzen in Mooney & Hobbs (2000) Moist, nutrient rich, disturbed sites in central Europe Typically dominated by native herb Urtica dioica (stinging nettle) Helianthus tuberosus (Jerusalem artichoke) invading Urtica (native) Helianthus (invasive) 4)Impacts a)Ecological

13 i)Species replacement Direct competition From Sherer- Lorenzen in Mooney & Hobbs (2000) Moist, nutrient rich, disturbed sites in central Europe Typically dominated by native herb Urtica dioica (stinging nettle) Helianthus tuberosus (Jerusalem artichoke) invading Helianthus undermines and outshades Urtica, displacing it Urtica (native) Helianthus (invasive) 4)Impacts a)Ecological

14 i)Species replacement Direct competition Large scale species displacements From Alvarez & Cushman (2002) Ecological Applications 12:1434-1444 3 coastal habitats in SF Bay Area Invasive = Delairea odorata (Cape ivy) evergreen vine native to South Africa 4)Impacts a)Ecological

15 i)Species replacement Direct competition Large scale species displacements From Alvarez & Cushman (2002) Cape ivy invading coastal habitats Decreases species richness for natives (36%) 4)Impacts a)Ecological

16 i)Species replacement Direct competition Large scale species displacements From Alvarez & Cushman (2002) Cape ivy invading coastal habitats Decreases species richness for natives & non-natives (37%) 4)Impacts a)Ecological

17 i)Species replacement Direct competition Large scale species displacements From Alvarez & Cushman (2002) Cape ivy invading coastal habitats Decreases species richness for natives & non-natives and species diversity (31%) 4)Impacts a)Ecological

18 i)Species replacement Direct competition Large scale species displacements From Alvarez & Cushman (2002) Cape ivy invading coastal habitats Fewer native & non-native species Decreases occur across all habitat types 4)Impacts a)Ecological

19 i)Species replacement Direct competition Large scale species displacements From Alvarez & Cushman (2002) Cape ivy invading coastal habitats Fewer native & non-native species across all habitats and for all plant life forms 4)Impacts a)Ecological

20 i)Species replacement Direct competition Large scale species displacements From Alvarez & Cushman (2002) Cape ivy invading coastal habitats Fewer native & non-native species Experimentally removed Cape ivy: Control = no removal Disturbance = insert pitchfork into soil to simulate soil disturbance that accompanies plant removal Reduction = hand weeded Cape ivy 4)Impacts a)Ecological

21 i)Species replacement Direct competition Large scale species displacements From Alvarez & Cushman (2002) Cape ivy invading coastal habitats Fewer native & non-native species Experimentally removed Cape ivy: Natives richness ↑ (10%) 4)Impacts a)Ecological

22 i)Species replacement Direct competition Large scale species displacements From Alvarez & Cushman (2002) Cape ivy invading coastal habitats Fewer native & non-native species Experimentally removed Cape ivy: Natives richness ↑ (10%) Non-natives richness ↑ (43%) 4)Impacts a)Ecological

23 i)Species replacement Direct competition Large scale species displacements From Alvarez & Cushman (2002) Cape ivy invading coastal habitats Fewer native & non-native species Experimentally removed Cape ivy: Natives richness ↑ (10%) Non-natives richness ↑ (43%) Diversity ↑ (32%) 4)Impacts a)Ecological

24 i)Species replacement Direct competition Large scale species displacements From Alvarez & Cushman (2002) Cape ivy invading coastal habitats Fewer native & non-native species Experimentally removed Cape ivy: Other species recover, especially forbs (other life forms NS) 4)Impacts a)Ecological

25 i)Species replacement Direct competition Large scale species displacements Interacting factors From D’Antonio et al. (2000) Austral Ecology 25: 507-522 Series of 14 study sites (#’s) from eastern coastal lowlands to seasonal submontane zone on Big Island, Hawaii 4)Impacts a)Ecological

26 i)Species replacement Direct competition Large scale species displacements Interacting factors From D’Antonio et al. (2000) Series of 14 study sites (#’s) from eastern coastal lowlands to seasonal submontane zone on Big Island, Hawaii Lowlands: warm tropical zone with 1500-2000 mm yr -1, but dry summers; elevation from sea level to 400 m Submontane: several °C cooler, but similar amount and seasonality of precipitation; 400 – 1200 m elevation 4)Impacts a)Ecological

27 i)Species replacement Direct competition Large scale species displacements Interacting factors From D’Antonio et al. (2000) Series of 14 study sites (#’s) from eastern coastal lowlands to seasonal submontane zone on Big Island, Hawaii Lowlands: warm tropical zone with 1500-2000 mm yr -1, but dry summers; elevation from sea level to 400 m Submontane: several °C cooler, but similar amount and seasonality of precipitation; 400 – 1200 m elevation In both zones, fires occur; most ignited by lava or by humans Do fires consistently favor invasives across this elevational gradient? 4)Impacts a)Ecological

28 i)Species replacement Direct competition Large scale species displacements Interacting factors From D’Antonio et al. (2000) Do fires favor invasives across elevational gradient? Measured cover of native species 4)Impacts a)Ecological

29 i)Species replacement Direct competition Large scale species displacements Interacting factors From D’Antonio et al. (2000) Do fires favor invasives across elevational gradient? Measured cover of native and exotic species 4)Impacts a)Ecological

30 i)Species replacement Direct competition Large scale species displacements Interacting factors From D’Antonio et al. (2000) Do fires favor invasives across elevational gradient? Measured cover of native and exotic species in adjacent unburned 4)Impacts a)Ecological

31 i)Species replacement Direct competition Large scale species displacements Interacting factors From D’Antonio et al. (2000) Do fires favor invasives across elevational gradient? Measured cover of native and exotic species in adjacent unburned and burned sites along gradient 4)Impacts a)Ecological

32 i)Species replacement Direct competition Large scale species displacements Interacting factors From D’Antonio et al. (2000) Do fires favor invasives across elevational gradient? Measured cover of native and exotic species in adjacent unburned and burned sites along gradient Individual sites 4)Impacts a)Ecological

33 i)Species replacement Direct competition Large scale species displacements Interacting factors From D’Antonio et al. (2000) Do fires favor invasives across elevational gradient? For seasonal submontane: For 26 of 35 (74%) occurrences, native had ↓ cover in burned areas Individual sites 4)Impacts a)Ecological

34 i)Species replacement Direct competition Large scale species displacements Interacting factors From D’Antonio et al. (2000) Do fires favor invasives across elevational gradient? For seasonal submontane: For 26 of 35 (74%) occurrences, native had ↓ cover in burned areas For 28 of 41 (68%) occurrences, exotics had ↑ cover Individual sites 4)Impacts a)Ecological

35 i)Species replacement Direct competition Large scale species displacements Interacting factors From D’Antonio et al. (2000) Do fires favor invasives across elevational gradient? Submontane: Many natives ↓ & many exotics ↑ with fire Individual sites 4)Impacts a)Ecological

36 i)Species replacement Direct competition Large scale species displacements Interacting factors From D’Antonio et al. (2000) Do fires favor invasives across elevational gradient? Submontane: Many natives ↓ & many exotics ↑ with fire For coastal lowlands: 14 of 26 (54%) natives ↓ 6 of 29 (29%) of exotics ↑ Individual sites 4)Impacts a)Ecological

37 i)Species replacement Direct competition Large scale species displacements Interacting factors From D’Antonio et al. (2000) Do fires favor invasives across elevational gradient? Submontane: Many natives ↓ & many exotics ↑ with fire Lowlands: Fewer natives ↓ & fewer exotics ↑ with fire Individual sites 4)Impacts a)Ecological

38 i)Species replacement Direct competition Large scale species displacements Interacting factors From D’Antonio et al. (2000) Do fires favor invasives across elevational gradient? Yes, but not uniformly Individual sites 4)Impacts a)Ecological

39 i)Species replacement Direct competition Large scale species displacements Interacting factors From D’Antonio et al. (2000) Do fires favor invasives across elevational gradient? Yes, but not uniformly Not due to differences in rainfall amount or seasonality Individual sites 4)Impacts a)Ecological

40 Individual sites i)Species replacement Direct competition Large scale species displacements Interacting factors From D’Antonio et al. (2000) Do fires favor invasives across elevational gradient? Yes, but not uniformly Not due to differences in rainfall amount or seasonality Appears to be due to differences in native species composition: some of the species in coastal lowlands appear to be fire tolerant 4)Impacts a)Ecological

41 ii)Ecosystem functions Overview From Walker & Smith in Lukens & Thieret (1997) Summarized: Typical effects of invasive on specific processes 4)Impacts a)Ecological

42 ii)Ecosystem functions Overview From Walker & Smith in Lukens & Thieret (1997) Summarized: Typical effects of invasive on specific processes And how this change on a specific process then feeds back and affects community function or structure 4)Impacts a)Ecological

43 ii)Ecosystem functions Overview From Walker & Smith in Lukens & Thieret (1997) Summarized: Typical effects of invasive on specific processes And how this change on a specific process then feeds back and affects community function or structure 4)Impacts a)Ecological

44 ii)Ecosystem functions Overview From Walker & Smith in Lukens & Thieret (1997) Summarized: Typical effects of invasive on specific processes And how this change on a specific process then feeds back and affects community function or structure 4)Impacts a)Ecological

45 ii)Ecosystem functions Overview From Walker & Smith in Lukens & Thieret (1997) Summarized: Typical effects of invasive on specific processes And how this change on a specific process then feeds back and affects community function or structure 4)Impacts a)Ecological

46 ii)Ecosystem functions Overview From Walker & Smith in Lukens & Thieret (1997) Summarized: Typical effects of invasive on specific processes And how this change on a specific process then feeds back and affects community function or structure 4)Impacts a)Ecological

47 ii)Ecosystem functions Overview From Walker & Smith in Lukens & Thieret (1997) Summarized: Typical effects of invasive on specific processes And how this change on a specific process then feeds back and affects community function or structure 4)Impacts a)Ecological

48 ii)Ecosystem functions Overview Specific example: Ecosystem C storage From Jackson et al. (2002) Nature 418:623-626 Woody plant invasion into grasslands thought to increase amount of C stored If so, then woody plant invasions are good for C sequestration 4)Impacts a)Ecological

49 ii)Ecosystem functions Overview Specific example: Ecosystem C storage From Jackson et al. (2002) Does woody plant invasion increase C sequestration? Examined 6 sites along precipitation gradient (200 – 1100 mm) 4)Impacts a)Ecological

50 ii)Ecosystem functions Overview Specific example: Ecosystem C storage From Jackson et al. (2002) Does woody plant invasion increase C sequestration? Examined 6 sites along precipitation gradient (200 – 1100 mm) that had similar age of woody plant invasion 4)Impacts a)Ecological

51 ii)Ecosystem functions Overview Specific example: Ecosystem C storage From Jackson et al. (2002) Does woody plant invasion increase C sequestration? Sites along precipitation gradient Measured total soil organic carbon in soil profile Calculated total soil organic C for 0-3 m depth for both grass & invaded sites 4)Impacts a)Ecological

52 ii)Ecosystem functions Overview Specific example: Ecosystem C storage From Jackson et al. (2002) Does woody plant invasion increase C sequestration? Sites along precipitation gradient Plot proportion of total soil organic C in woody invaded / grass (>1 means more SOC in woody) 4)Impacts a)Ecological

53 ii)Ecosystem functions Overview Specific example: Ecosystem C storage From Jackson et al. (2002) Does woody plant invasion increase C sequestration? Sites along precipitation gradient Plot proportion of total soil organic C in woody invaded / grass vs. precipitation 4)Impacts a)Ecological

54 ii)Ecosystem functions Overview Specific example: Ecosystem C storage From Jackson et al. (2002) Does woody plant invasion increase C sequestration? Contrary to expectations, ↑ only for dry sites As precipitation ↑, get less SOC in woody invaded areas 4)Impacts a)Ecological

55 ii)Ecosystem functions Overview Specific example: Soil N change From Vitousek & Walker (1989) Ecological Monographs 59:247-265 Myrica faya small evergreen tree native to Canary Islands & other islands in North Atlantic Ocean Actinorhizal N-fixer Brought to Hawaii, where is invading young lava flows that had been dominated by natives 4)Impacts a)Ecological

56 ii)Ecosystem functions Overview Specific example: Soil N change From Vitousek & Walker (1989) Exotic Myrica faya, actinorhizal N-fixer, greatly ↑ annual N input into young lava flows LB = Lower Byron; high density of Myrica for >10 years UB = Upper Byron; kept free of Myrica >  >  4)Impacts a)Ecological

57 ii)Ecosystem functions Overview Specific example: Soil N change From Vitousek & Walker (1989) Exotic Myrica faya, actinorhizal N-fixer, greatly ↑ annual N input into young lava flows High N facilitates the invasion of other exotic plants >  >  4)Impacts a)Ecological

58 ii)Ecosystem functions Overview Specific examples: Fire effects From D’Antonio in Mooney & Hobbs (2002) Compiled 20 examples from around the world where invaders have altered fire regimes 4)Impacts a)Ecological

59 ii)Ecosystem functions Overview Specific examples: Fire effects From D’Antonio in Mooney & Hobbs (2002) 20 examples where invaders have altered fire regimes Majority involve perennial grasses (13 of 20 = 65%) 4 (20%) involve annual grasses – All are in arid West Other 3 are trees / shrubs (Florida, South Africa) 4)Impacts a)Ecological

60 ii)Ecosystem functions Overview Specific examples: Fire effects From D’Antonio in Mooney & Hobbs (2002) 20 examples where invaders have altered fire regimes Majority involve perennial grasses (13 of 20 = 65%) 4 (20%) involve annual grasses – All are in arid West Other 3 are trees / shrubs (Florida, South Africa) Majority of invaders represent new life form (14 of 20 = 70%) 4)Impacts a)Ecological

61 ii)Ecosystem functions Overview Specific examples: Fire effects From D’Antonio in Mooney & Hobbs (2002) 20 examples where invaders have altered fire regimes Majority involve perennial grasses (13 of 20 = 65%) 4 (20%) involve annual grasses – All are in arid West Other 3 are trees / shrubs (Florida, South Africa) Majority of invaders represent new life form (14 of 20 = 70%) Majority ↑ fire frequency (14; 70%) Only 2 (10%) ↓ frequency 4)Impacts a)Ecological

62 ii)Ecosystem functions Overview Specific examples: Fire effects From D’Antonio in Mooney & Hobbs (2002) 20 examples where invaders have altered fire regimes Majority involve perennial grasses (13 of 20 = 65%) 4 (20%) involve annual grasses – All are in arid West Other 3 are trees / shrubs (Florida, South Africa) Majority of invaders represent new life form (14 of 20 = 70%) Majority ↑ fire frequency (14; 70%) Only 2 (10%) ↓ frequency Majority ↑ fire size or intensity (11; 55%) 4)Impacts a)Ecological

63 ii)Ecosystem functions Overview Specific examples: General compilation From Crooks (2002) 4)Impacts a)Ecological

64 ii)Ecosystem functions Overview Specific examples From Crooks (2002) Ecosystem engineers: Alter ecosystem physical processes (water use, N cycling) Change habitat structure (more complexity, less complexity) Effects cascade through community 4)Impacts a)Ecological

65 iii)Threatened & endangered species Overview ~400 of 958 federally listed species (~42%) are because of invasives (includes plants plus other organisms) 4)Impacts a)Ecological

66 iii)Threatened & endangered species Overview ~42% are because of invasives Effects can be by: Direct species replacement Indirect through effects on community structure or function 4)Impacts a)Ecological

67 iii)Threatened & endangered species Overview Specific examples: King Ranch bluestem Bothriochloa ischaemum (Caucasian bluestem) brought in to southern Great Plains (NM, OK, TX) from Russia in 1929 C 4 perennial bunchgrass: establishes readily from seed long growing season tolerates heavy grazing fair forage quality forms dense sod in mature pastures 4)Impacts a)Ecological

68 iii)Threatened & endangered species Overview Specific examples: King Ranch bluestem Bothriochloa ischaemum (Caucasian bluestem) brought in to southern Great Plains (NM, OK, TX) from Russia in 1929 C 4 perennial bunchgrass: desirable forage species Seeded extensively (for example, ~2 million acres in western OK) 4)Impacts a)Ecological

69 iii)Threatened & endangered species Overview Specific examples: King Ranch bluestem Bothriochloa ischaemum (Caucasian bluestem) brought in to southern Great Plains (NM, OK, TX) from Russia in 1929 C 4 perennial bunchgrass: desirable forage species Seeded extensively But extremely invasive: Spread along highways into native areas (cemetaries, native grasslands) Difficult to control Threatens federally listed endangered plant Ambrosia cheiranthefolia (south Texas ambrosia) 4)Impacts a)Ecological

70 iii)Threatened & endangered species Overview Specific examples: Hawaii 80-90 native plant species extinct 270 plant species listed as threatened or endangered 4)Impacts a)Ecological

71 Summary Ecological impacts typically involve: (1) nutrients/water flow; (2) primary production impacts; (3) alterations of disturbance regimes; and (4) changes in community dynamics 4)Impacts a)Ecological

72 Summary Ecological impacts typically involve: (1) nutrients/water flow; (2) primary production impacts; (3) alterations of disturbance regimes; and (4) changes in community dynamics Effects observed as: Species replacements (direct/individual or large scale, w/ or w/o interactions with other factors such as fire) 4)Impacts a)Ecological

73 Summary Ecological impacts typically involve: (1) nutrients/water flow; (2) primary production impacts; (3) alterations of disturbance regimes; and (4) changes in community dynamics Effects observed as: Species replacements (direct/individual or large scale, w/ or w/o interactions with other factors such as fire) Ecosystem functions (C sequestration, N fixation, fire frequency/intensity) 4)Impacts a)Ecological

74 Summary Ecological impacts typically involve: (1) nutrients/water flow; (2) primary production impacts; (3) alterations of disturbance regimes; and (4) changes in community dynamics Effects observed as: Species replacements (direct/individual or large scale, w/ or w/o interactions with other factors such as fire) Ecosystem functions (C sequestration, N fixation, fire frequency/intensity) Complete or nearly complete loss of native species (threatened or endangered species) 4)Impacts a)Ecological

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