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Towards an Active Network Architecture – Critique Rejaie Johnson Gergely Biczok.

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Presentation on theme: "Towards an Active Network Architecture – Critique Rejaie Johnson Gergely Biczok."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards an Active Network Architecture – Critique Rejaie Johnson Gergely Biczok

2 Code Proposal talks about how we are able to execute code and routers Potential attacks on AS’s, etc. What will happen when code has bugs, runs for too long or the size of code is too big?

3 Code Safety, security, accountability/authentication: weak arguments given, What about non trusted and unworthy code? Third parties – will they be reliable?

4 Caching and Routing Routing caching will be an issue ANTS wants to use caching and load code at routers. Many routers already have their hands full. Do we have to put computer farms at every router to accommodate capsules?

5 Funding Funded – September 1996 - August 2000 This is 2008 – What happened? Most of the people in the project don’t have working websites. Don’t care about your own project?

6 Other issues End-End encryption, which is stated Sharing State What about ISP changing to this? Will this be beneficial to them?

7 Program encoding 1. Source code Human readable and easy to write BUT interpreter is needed! Significant performance degradation Intermediate code Java-like Wonderful properties BUT resource-hogging! How much RAM is enough…

8 Program encoding 2. Platform-dependent code Efficient Fastest possible BUT do you really think that a “capsule” will carry 5-10 different realization of a program + the actual data??? 1K of data + 5*50K for the program -> much ado about nothing…

9 Interoperability “shared understanding” on resources and their names BW, CPU, RAM, Disk BUT what if new resources are emerging Traditional IP networking doesn’t have a problem with that!

10 Resource safety Authorization You have to validate all user requests BUT how? “we assume that cryptography will provide the basis for the validation mechanism” REALLY??? Overhead potentially on all capsules Generating new security problems in an already stressed environment Without solving any Automated delegation of authorization Even authors admit this is shaky ground

11 Closing IP hourglass -> agreed program encoding and computation environment “hourglass” Destroying the end-to-end principle No means for checking if I get the data that I asked for (forget about Network Neutrality) Interesting idea BUT Mostly questions without answers Detailed arguments are not convincing

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