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Interstate Aviation Committee IAC’s Approach to Development of the Global Design Code.

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Presentation on theme: "Interstate Aviation Committee IAC’s Approach to Development of the Global Design Code."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interstate Aviation Committee IAC’s Approach to Development of the Global Design Code

2 I nterstate A viation C ommittee AP-25 Subparts different from FAR 25 Subpart A  Subpart D Subpart B Subpart E Subpart C Subpart F  AP-25, Subpart A-0 - General Airworthiness Requirements Related to Functional Systems Failures

3 I nterstate A viation C ommittee Major AP-25 differences from FAR 25 Subpart B – Flight PERFORMANCE Section - Additional requirements on required landing distance, and approach/go-around speeds. CONTROLLABILITY and MANEUVERABILITY Section - Additional requirements regarding control forces and stick force gradients and controls movement in maneuvering, and control efficiency evaluation. STABILITY Section - Additional requirements for airplanes equipped with special automatic control devices, and requirements on airplane performance with asymmetric thrust. STALLS Section - Additional requirements on airplane performance with asymmetric thrust, stall warning and under one engine failure. GROUND and WATER HANDLING CHARACTERISTICS Section - Additional requirements concerning operations on contaminated runways. MISCELLANEOUS FLIGHT REQUIREMENTS Section - Additional requirement on Ny margins before achieving the buffet boundary in cruise flight.

4 I nterstate A viation C ommittee Major AP-25 differences from FAR 25 (Cont'd) Subpart C - Structure Additional requirements due to consideration of more design cases, traditionally more conservative structure analysis and means of compliance, and CIS specific operational conditions. This refers to the following Subpart C paras: 25.337 25.415 25.345 25.427 25.351 25.473 25.367 25.491 25.571

5 I nterstate A viation C ommittee Major AP-25 differences from FAR 25 (Cont'd) LANDING GEAR Section - Additional requirements concerning:  landing gear/airplane attachment points and specific shock absorption tests;  landing gear locking to prevent its retraction on the ground, and a warning device for landing gear extension before landing;  nose wheels turning mechanism to avoid wheels misalignment during landing gear retraction;  brake system protection, anti-skid and back-up brake systems. VENTILATION and HEATING Section - Additional requirements regarding operational conditions, flight preparation, and concentration of toxic substances in the cabin air.

6 I nterstate A viation C ommittee Major AP-25 differences from FAR 25 (Cont'd) Subpart D – Design and Construction (Cont'd) PRESSURIZATION Section - Additional requirements for an automatic pressure control system and regarding penetration and accumulation of water and moisture in the fuselage. HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS Section - Additional requirements on prevention of airplane explosion and regarding hydraulic fluid penetration and vapor into the cockpit and cabin in the event of hydraulic system failures. PROTECTIVE BREATHING EQUIPMENT Section - Additional requirements on the location of the aircraft equipment in the cockpit, passenger cabin and cargo compartments. CONTROL SYSTEM Section - Additional requirements on limiting wear in movable joints (e.g., screw jacks for wing flaps and horizontal stabilizer). OXYGEN QUANTITY ON THE AIRPLANE Section - Additional requirements on breathing oxygen quantity.

7 I nterstate A viation C ommittee Major AP-25 differences from FAR 25 (Cont'd) Subpart E - Powerplant - Additional requirements regarding:  fuel system testing at high ambient temperatures with worst cavitation fuel grades;  cold weather operation of powerplant components and working liquids;  air intake strength in surge conditions;  warnings for powerplant critical parameters. AP-25 prohibits the use of materials in fire-hazard zones whose fire can not be extinguished with the on-board fire-fighting means.

8 I nterstate A viation C ommittee Major AP-25 differences from FAR 25 (Cont'd) Subpart F – Equipment Subpart F includes additional Appendix D25F regarding: - general requirements for equipment ( fire safety, EMC, power supply); - requirements for flight and navigation equipment (AHRS, Attitude Indicator, ADS, AFCS, etc); - requirements for radio navigation and landing equipment (ILS, RA, VOR, DME, etc) and their AFA; - requirements for radio communication equipment (VHF, HF, emergency radio, etc) and their AFA; - requirements for cockpit layout; - requirements for a crew annunciation system (cautions, warnings).

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