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 First Wave- Agricultural- 8000BC-1650- 1750  Second Wave- Industrial- 1750-1950  Third Wave- Informational- 1950-2004  Four1th Wave- Nano/Biotechnology.

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2  First Wave- Agricultural- 8000BC-1650- 1750  Second Wave- Industrial- 1750-1950  Third Wave- Informational- 1950-2004  Four1th Wave- Nano/Biotechnology 2004-???

3  Communication—Oral was common  Family Structure- Extended family  Economy—Hunting/fishing important for food  Production- Solar energy, natural resources very important  Education—Home schooling, individual instruction, one room schools

4  Politics—Individuals classified by classes

5  Family Structure- Nuclear families  Education- Rote and repetition teaching practices  Economy—Trade with foreign countries  Production-Factories, assembly lines  Communication—newspapers, tvs  Politics- wars, strikes, crisis, and political uprisings

6  Economy-Global industry, supply of oil and gas  Family—2 parents work, more single- parent homes and grandparents raising their grandchildren  Education- secondary schools offer distance and online courses, Internet, digital networks  Politics- Variety of government s such as democracies, socialism, capitalism

7  Communication—Twittering, texting from cell phones, computer phones, computers and laptops  Production-Medical discoveries, cars with special features, science inventions,

8  According to Dr. Thornburg and Dr. Dede there will be a fourth wave. They have predicted that this age will include biotechnology related products that will be more durable and creative.

9  Dede, C. (Speaker). (2008). The Next Wave, Part 2. Laureate Education, Inc.  Thornburg, D. (Speaker). (2008). The Next Wave Part 1. Laureate Eduaction, Inc.  Toffler, A. (1980). The Third Wave:New York: Batam Books cambridge University Press.

10  Key technological advances and innovations for each decade

11  Hubert Booth invents the vacuum cleaner in 1901  The Wright brothers’ heavier-than-air Kitty Hawk in 1903  Thomas Edison invents the first talking motion picture in 1910  Charles Strite invents the Pop Up toaster in 1919

12  Garrett A. Morgan invents a traffic signal in 1923  The mechanical television was invented by John Logie Baird in 1925  1932 Edward Herbert Land invented the Polaroid  1933 Edwin Howard Armstrong created the Frequency modulation (FM)

13  John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry built the first electronic digital computer in 1942  1946 Percy Spencer invented the microwave oven  Charles Ginsburg invented the first video tape recorder in 1951  Fortran computer language was invented in 1957

14  1962- Audio cassette  1964- BASIC computer language was invented by John George Kemeny and Tom Kurtz  Robert Metcalfe and Xerox invented ethernet in 1973  1979- Cell phones

15  1981- the first IBM-PC was invented  1984- the Apple Macintosh was invented  1993- the pentium processor  1996- Web TV invented

16  2001- Apple computers announced their portable music digital player the iPod  Cell phones advancement

17  article/17372/technology_changes_a nd_inventions_in.html article/17372/technology_changes_a nd_inventions_in.html  /a/twentieth_3.htm /a/twentieth_3.htm

18  The nature of work: Business and corporate philosophies

19  24 million U.S. registered workers age 10 and above in 1900  1900- Only 19% of women of working age participated in the work force  1913 The U.S. government establishes the Department of Labor  1919 a record 4 million workers strike

20  1920 Farm organization set up lobbies in Washington  1929 Stock market crashes on October 24 known as “Black Thursday”  1930-1933 The Great Depression begins  1938 Fair Labor Standards Act establishes the minimum wage

21  1947 American investments abroad reached an all time high of 26.7 billion  1949 Fair Labor Standards Act outlaws child labor  1950-31 percent of U.S. women worked outside the home  1950- the first Xerox copy machined was produced

22  1963 Congress passes the Equal Pay Act  1969 the first automated teller machine begins operating in Rockville Centre, N.Y  1975-Founding of Microsoft  1970s- Watergate affair

23  1980- Unemployment averages 7.1 percent  On January 1, the average car costs $7,574  1998- Google was founded  1990s- Inception of the internet for commerce

24  /a/twentieth_3.htm /a/twentieth_3.htm /a/twentieth_3.htm

25  Educational theories of learning and instruction

26  1901- John Dewey interpreted the method of empirical science in educational terms  1902 Edward Thorndike offered the 1 st course in educational measurements at Columbia University  Frederic Burk developed on of the 1 st systems of individual instruction at the San Francisco State Normal School in 1912  Washburne’s Winnetka Plan was developed in 1919

27  Henry Clinton Morrison’s Morrison Plan (1925-1935)  Lewin’s Field Theory and Science of Instruction were experimented in the late 1920s  1933- Ralph W. Tyler Eight Year Study use of general and behavioral objectives and formative evaluation  1934- William Bagley writes Education and Emergent Man

28  1946 Edgar Dale developed the Cone of Experience  1949 Ralph Tyler publishes Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction  1954 B.F. Skinner publishes The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching  1956 Benjamin Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives

29  1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) was established  1969 First broadcast of Sesame Street  70’s –Criterion Referenced Instruction (CRI) is introduced by Robert Mager  1976- Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak desige the Apple I computer

30  1983 Howard Gardner publishes Multiple Intelligences  1983 MD Merrill established the Component Display Theory  1995 Bernie Dodge and Tom March developed Webquest  1990s use of multimedia in instruction

31  Jeroen J G van Merrienboer refines the Four Component Instructional Design System  David Wiley develops Learning Object Design and Sequencing Theory (LODAS).

32  http://my- ject_step=26137 http://my- ject_step=26137

33  Nature of society and culture: What key events determined the thinking of the decade?

34  1903 Orville Wright heavier-than-air machine flight  1907 1 st successful human blood transfusion  1916 Americas worst polio epidemic  1918 Spanish influenza killed over 500,000-U.S. worst single epidemic

35  1920 19 th Amendment to the Constitution granting women the right to vote  1928 Walt Disney dreams up Mickey Mouse  1931- The Empire State Building was completed  1938 Cloning envisioned by Dr. Hans Spemann in Germany

36  1939-1945 World War II  1945 first vaccine for influenza  1954 Brown v. BOE of Topeka Kansas  1958 Bank of America issued the first bank credit card, BankAmericard (now Visa)

37  1963 the assassination of John F. Kennedy  1965 Executive Order 11246 enforces affirmative action for first time  1963 the assassination of John F. Kennedy  1965 Executive Order 11246 enforces affirmative action for first time

38  1982 Michael Jackson releases Thriller  1986 Space Shuttle Challenger disaster  1993 “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy is instituted for the U.S. Military  1999 Columbine High School massacre

39  Vermont becomes the first state in the country to legally recognize civil unions between gay or lesbian couples  George W. Bush accepts the presidency after Florida ballot controversy

40  earchive.html earchive.html

41  Political

42  1905-Russian Revolution begins  1907- 2 nd Haque Peace Conference  1912- Balkan Wars  1914-1918 World War I  1920- 19 th Amendment ratified (Women’s suffrage)  1923- Adolf Hitler’s “Beer Hall Putsch” in Munich fails  1930s-Great Depression  Uprise of Facism in the 1930s  World War II (1939-1945)  1942- Declaration of United Nations signed in Washington  1945 the U.S. and Soviet Union emerged as powerful nations  Korean War (1950-1953)  Vietnam War(1957-1975)  The Great Chinese Famine (1959-1962)  1961 U.S. breaks diplomatic relations with Cuba  1972- President Nixon Watergate Scandal  1973 Roe v. Wade

43  Global warming awareness starts in the 80s  The U.S. developed the Space Shuttle program in 1981  Operation Desert Storm- 1990  Persian Gulf War (1990- 1991)  2001- 9/11 Terrorist attack in New York. This changed the United States view on terrorists attacks. The country passed stricter laws governing travel.

44   5251.html 5251.html  y y 

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