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Video in the Classroom Pre-Production. Why Make Videos?  Motivational  Empowering  Teaches Cooperative Learning  Project Based Approach.

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Presentation on theme: "Video in the Classroom Pre-Production. Why Make Videos?  Motivational  Empowering  Teaches Cooperative Learning  Project Based Approach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Video in the Classroom Pre-Production

2 Why Make Videos?  Motivational  Empowering  Teaches Cooperative Learning  Project Based Approach

3 What Can I Expect?  Development of problem solving skills  Mastery of concepts  Increased student achievement

4 Pre-Production Pre-production is all about making sure you have everything in place to shoot your film.


6 How Do I Get Started?  Brainstorm some ideas  Pick one of your ideas to focus on  Tell the story in a new and interesting way

7 Planning  Choose a suitable location  Good lighting and sound  Cast your players  Make sure people understand what is expected of them.  Budget the money you will need  Spend money only on what will go on film

8 Storyboarding  Draw a picture or take a photo for each camera shot  Write dialogue with each shot  Number the shots

9 Scripting  Write a beginning, middle and an end  Define characters  Write dialogue

10 Pre-production in action!

11 Now You Are Ready to Shoot!

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