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CSE 326 Randomized Data Structures David Kaplan Dept of Computer Science & Engineering Autumn 2001.

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1 CSE 326 Randomized Data Structures David Kaplan Dept of Computer Science & Engineering Autumn 2001

2 Randomized Data StructuresCSE 326 Autumn 20012 Motivation for Randomized Data Structures We’ve seen many data structures with good average case performance on random inputs, but bad behavior on particular inputs  e.g. Binary Search Trees  Instead of randomizing the input (since we cannot!), consider randomizing the data structure  No bad inputs, just unlucky random numbers  Expected case good behavior on any input

3 Randomized Data StructuresCSE 326 Autumn 20013 Average vs. Expected Time Average(1/N)   x i Expectation  Pr(x i )  x i Deterministic with good average time  If your application happens to always (or often) use the “bad” case, you are in big trouble! Randomized with good expected time  Once in a while you will have an expensive operation, but no inputs can make this happen all the time Like an insurance policy for your algorithm!

4 Randomized Data StructuresCSE 326 Autumn 20014 Randomized Data Structures  Define a property (or subroutine) in an algorithm  Sample or randomly modify the property  Use altered property as if it were the true property Can transform average case runtimes into expected runtimes (remove input dependency). Sometimes allows substantial speedup in exchange for probabilistic unsoundness.

5 Randomized Data StructuresCSE 326 Autumn 20015 Randomization in Action  Quicksort  Randomized data structures  Treaps  Randomized skip lists  Random number generation  Primality testing

6 Randomized Data StructuresCSE 326 Autumn 20016 Treap Dictionary Data Structure Treap is a BST  binary tree property  search tree property Treap is also a heap  heap-order property  random priorities 15 12 10 30 9 15 7878 4 18 6767 2929 priority key

7 Randomized Data StructuresCSE 326 Autumn 20017 Treap Insert  Choose a random priority  Insert as in normal BST  Rotate up until heap order is restored 6767 insert(15) 7878 2929 14 12 6767 7878 2929 14 12 9 15 6767 7878 2929 9 15 14 12

8 Randomized Data StructuresCSE 326 Autumn 20018 Tree + Heap… Why Bother?  Insert data in sorted order into a treap … What shape tree comes out? 6767 insert(7) 6767 insert(8) 7878 6767 insert(9) 7878 2929 6767 insert(12) 7878 2929 15 12

9 Treap Delete  Find the key  Increase its value to   Rotate it to the fringe  Snip it off delete(9) 6767 7878 2  9 15 12 7878 6767 99 9 15 12 7878 6767 9 15 99 12 7878 6767 9 15 12 99 7878 6767 9 15 12

10 Randomized Data StructuresCSE 326 Autumn 200110 Treap Summary  Implements Dictionary ADT  insert in expected O(log n) time  delete in expected O(log n) time  find in expected O(log n) time  but worst case O(n)  Memory use  O(1) per node  about the cost of AVL trees  Very simple to implement  little overhead – less than AVL trees

11 Randomized Data StructuresCSE 326 Autumn 200111 Perfect Binary Skip List  Sorted linked list  # of links of a node is its height  The height i link of each node (that has one) links to the next node of height i or greater 8 2 11 10 19 1320 22 29 23

12 Randomized Data StructuresCSE 326 Autumn 200112 Find in a Perfect Binary Skip List  Start i at the maximum height  Until the node is found or i is one and the next node is too large:  If the next node along the i link is less than the target, traverse to the next node  Otherwise, decrease i by one Runtime?

13 Randomized Data StructuresCSE 326 Autumn 200113 Randomized Skip List Intuition It’s far too hard to insert into a perfect skip list But is perfection necessary? What matters in a skip list?  We want way fewer tall nodes than short ones  Make good progress through the list with each high traverse

14 Randomized Data StructuresCSE 326 Autumn 200114 Randomized Skip List  Sorted linked list  # of links of a node is its height  The height i link of each node (that has one) links to the next node of height i or greater  There should be about 1/2 as many height i+1 nodes as height i nodes 2 1923 8 13 292010 22 11

15 Randomized Data StructuresCSE 326 Autumn 200115 Find in a RSL  Start i at the maximum height  Until the node is found or i is one and the next node is too large:  If the next node along the i link is less than the target, traverse to the next node  Otherwise, decrease i by one Same as for a perfect skip list! Runtime?

16 Randomized Data StructuresCSE 326 Autumn 200116 Insertion in a RSL  Flip a coin until it comes up heads; that takes i flips. Make the new node’s height i.  Do a find, remembering nodes where we go down  Put the node at the spot where the find ends  Point all the nodes where we went down (up to the new node’s height) at the new node  Point the new node’s links where those redirected pointers were pointing

17 RSL Insert Example 2 1923 8 13 292010 11 insert(22) with 3 flips 2 1923 8 13 292010 22 11 Runtime?

18 Randomized Data StructuresCSE 326 Autumn 200118 Range Queries and Iteration Range query: search for everything that falls between two values  find start point  walk list at the bottom  output each node until the end point Iteration: successively return (in order) each element in the structure  start at beginning, walk list to end  Just like a linked list! Runtimes?

19 Randomized Data StructuresCSE 326 Autumn 200119 Randomized Skip List Summary  Implements Dictionary ADT  insert in expected O(log n)  find in expected O(log n)  Memory use  expected constant memory per node  about double a linked list  Less overhead than search trees for iteration over range queries

20 Randomized Data StructuresCSE 326 Autumn 200120 Random Number Generation Linear congruential generator  x i+1 = Ax i mod M Choose A, M to minimize repetitions  M is prime  (Ax i mod M) cycles through {1, …, M-1} before repeating  Good choices: M = 2 31 – 1 = 2,147,483,647 A = 48,271 Must handle overflow!

21 Randomized Data StructuresCSE 326 Autumn 200121 Some Properties of Primes If:  P is prime  0 < X < P Then:  X P-1 = 1 (mod P)  the only solutions to X 2 = 1 (mod P) are: X = 1 and X = P - 1

22 Randomized Data StructuresCSE 326 Autumn 200122 Checking Non-Primality Exponentiation (pow function, Weiss 2.4.4) can be modified to detect non-primality (composite-ness) // Computes x^n mod(M) HugeInt pow(HugeInt x, HugeInt n, HugeInt M) { if (n == 0) return 1; if (n == 1) return x; HugeInt squared = x * x % M; // 1 M isn’t prime! if (isEven(n)) return pow(squared, n/2, M); else return (pow(squared, n/2, M) * x); }

23 Randomized Data StructuresCSE 326 Autumn 200123 Checking Primality Systematic algorithm For prime P, for all A such that 0 < A < P Calculate A P-1 mod P using pow Check at each step of pow and at end for primality conditions Randomized algorithm Use one random A  If the randomized algorithm reports failure, then P isn’t prime.  If the randomized algorithm reports success, then P might be prime.  At most (P-9)/4 values of A fool this prime check  if algorithm reports success, then P is prime with probability > ¾ Each new A has independent probability of false positive  We can make probability of false positive arbitrarily small

24 Randomized Data StructuresCSE 326 Autumn 200124 Evaluating Randomized Primality Testing Your probability of being struck by lightning this year: 0.00004% Your probability that a number that tests prime 11 times in a row is actually not prime: 0.00003% Your probability of winning a lottery of 1 million people five times in a row: 1 in 2 100 Your probability that a number that tests prime 50 times in a row is actually not prime: 1 in 2 100

25 Randomized Data StructuresCSE 326 Autumn 200125 Cycles Prime numbers Random numbers Randomized algorithms

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