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Interfacing Interactive Data Analysis Tools with the Grid: PPDG CS-11 Activity Doug Olson, LBNL Joseph Perl, SLAC ACAT 2002, Moscow 24 June 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Interfacing Interactive Data Analysis Tools with the Grid: PPDG CS-11 Activity Doug Olson, LBNL Joseph Perl, SLAC ACAT 2002, Moscow 24 June 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interfacing Interactive Data Analysis Tools with the Grid: PPDG CS-11 Activity Doug Olson, LBNL Joseph Perl, SLAC ACAT 2002, Moscow 24 June 2002

2 D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT2 Contents Background on PPDG, CS-11 Who is involved Workshop last week (18,19 June) Themes that emerged Near-term goals Longer term planning Summary

3 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT3 The 3 US grid projects for HENP are PPDG, GriPhyN, iVDGL

4 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT4 PPDG CS-11

5 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT5 Background CS-11 long title: Interfacing and Integrating Interactive Data Analysis Tools with the Grid and Identifying Common Components and Services –Subtitle: Consider physicist sitting at home institution; “What does she need from grid to carry out physics analysis?” CS-11 is: –Not new funding –New work area within PPDG mission of grid enabling end- to-end physics applications for US HENP –Driven by experiments needs, middleware providers want to know if new/different grid services needed

6 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT6 18,19 June workshop in Berkeley Purpose: Review experiments’ requirements Overview of existing tools & technology Discuss existing/planned activities Identify opportunities for cooperative work on defining interfaces and prototype integration of analysis tools with common grid services.

7 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT7 Review Use Cases for requirements

8 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT8 Review Tools & Technology

9 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT9 Abstract Interfaces for Data Analysis

10 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT10 Java Analysis Studio

11 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT11 PROOF

12 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT12 Clarens

13 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT13 Interactivity in a batched grid environment

14 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT14 MCAT – Metadata Catalog in SRB

15 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT15 SDM Center – bitmap index

16 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT16 Grid Architecture view

17 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT17 EDG testbed

18 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT18 Experiments thoughts, plans, activities ATLAS –Python interface between Athena framework and grid services CMS –Grid Analysis Environment (GAE) Phobos (& ALICE) –PROOF-based analysis Others (BaBar, Jlab, STAR) at meeting without presentations –Extraction model probably good for BaBar, Jlab –PROOF likely to work for STAR

19 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT19 ATLAS extraction view

20 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT20

21 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT21 CMS Analysis Scope

22 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT22

23 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT23 CMS – Clarens for interconnect (arrows)

24 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT24 PROOF & Grid

25 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT25 ALICE (by proxy)

26 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT26 Themes (or opinions) Varying degrees of depth to which grid penetrates interactive analysis: 1.Select data from grid and extract a local (non- grid) copy (proceed with interactive analysis independent of grid) 2.Run analysis as grid batch jobs while having intermediate results returned for monitoring 3.Run analysis as grid jobs while having intermediate results returned and have a control channel to jobs to interrupt or guide processing

27 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT27 Sample Requirements Ability to select/extract data objects from grid at one level below event (raw, ESD, AOD, … components) –Do not need arbitrarily fine-grained objects from grid (hit, track, …) User interface/interaction should be same with or without network connection –Similar to web browser cache, I.e., same tool, same URL Ability to debug grid jobs Distributed databases (metadata, calibration/conditions, …) Working single sign-on and VO/group/user authorization Estimate of time & resources to run an analysis Laundry list of requirements being developed in use-cases document, not all shown here

28 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT28 Near-term goals Interest in common metadata catalog –ATLAS, CMS collaborating on GriPhyN Virtual Data Catalog, others welcome –What about SRB/MCAT, AliEn? Considering metadata catalog at event-component level Considering AIDA, HepRep for results collection, extraction interface Interest in PROOF-Grid Interest in JAS-Grid Finish use cases / requirements document Example demos for SC2002

29 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT29 Longer-term planning Develop detailed workplan for Sept. 9 (US Physics Grid Projects week in San Diego) Discuss interaction & cooperation with Crossgrid work on interactive analysis Consider grid interface to PROOF and JAS as good test of common services

30 24 June 2002D. Olson, PPDG CS-11 for ACAT30 Summary Just beginning to consider grid for interactive data analysis. Aim at interfacing existing tools to grid services To identify missing services and collaborate on defining/developing common services –HEP-specific metadata catalog –Interactive control/monitor interface? Identify a few common projects, possible candidates are: –PROOF + Grid –JAS + Grid –Event component level catalog –… (work in progress) Want close ties with other grid effort on interactive analysis

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