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Are You Really Ready? Review the School Readiness Checklist Examples of Readiness that are Sustainable and Unsustainable Vermont PBS “Bringing out the.

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Presentation on theme: "Are You Really Ready? Review the School Readiness Checklist Examples of Readiness that are Sustainable and Unsustainable Vermont PBS “Bringing out the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Are You Really Ready? Review the School Readiness Checklist Examples of Readiness that are Sustainable and Unsustainable Vermont PBS “Bringing out the BEST in all of us.”


3 Readiness Checklist 1.A School Action Plan exists that has school-wide discipline as one of top three goals. 2.A PBS Team is formed with broad representation. 3.Administrator participates and attends meetings. 4. Administrator commits to 3-5 years with ongoing training and revisions to the plan.

4 Readiness Checklist 5.PBS Team commits to monthly meetings. 6.PBS Team has participated in an awareness presentation about PBS. 7.PBS Team has provided awareness training to faculty. 8.At least 80% faculty are interested in implementing.

5 Readiness Checklist 9.School has allocated funding for PBS. 10.District lead contact person is identified. 11.District lead contact person receives training. 12.ODR form exists or will be developed to be compatible with PBS.

6 Readiness Checklist 13.School has coherent office discipline referral process. 14.Data entry time is allocated & scheduled to ensure discipline referral data is current. 15.PBS school coordinator available to work with school personnel on data collection and decision making. 16. School district covers necessary costs to participate.

7 Team Activity Review each item from the Readiness Checklist. Does your school: Meet the listed expectations? What needs to be done to improve upon readiness? Complete Implementation Plan section on Readiness

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