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Social Cognition The way we attend to, store, remember, and use information about other people and the world around us First impressions.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Cognition The way we attend to, store, remember, and use information about other people and the world around us First impressions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Cognition The way we attend to, store, remember, and use information about other people and the world around us First impressions

2 Groups Influences Social Facilitation Social Loafing Group polarization Group Think



5 Attributions What is the cause? –Internal attributions –External attributions –Theory of causal attribution Consensus Consistency Distinctiveness



8 Attributions Prone to error Taking shortcuts: –Attributional biases Fundamental attribution error Self-serving bias Actor-Observer Bias Belief in a just world


10 Cognitive Dissonance The unpleasant state that occurs when attitudes don't match behaviors Responses


12 Attitudes and Behavior Attitude change –Persuasion –Mere exposure effect –Obstacles to persuasion

13 Relationships Liking –Repeated contact –Similarity –Physical attraction –Proximity –Mere exposure

14 Relationships Loving –Passionate love –Compassionate love –Triangular model of love Passion Intimacy Decision/commitment

15 Social Organization Deindividuation Norms Conformity –Asch’s Study Compliance Obedience –Milgram Aggression Helping behavior –Altruism –Prosocial Behavior –Bystander Effect

16 Conformity by Group Size

17 Follow Up Studies Later, Asch measured the effect of having at least one confederate dissent & give the correct answer

18 Foot in the Door Start with a small request Follow up with a large one % complying with large request

19 Door in the Face Start with a large request. Follow up with a small one. % complying with small request

20 Low-Ball Make an attractive initial offer After getting a commitment, make the terms less good


22 Milgram’s Results

23 Aggression Correlation in twins:

24 Bystander Effect (Data from Darley & Latane, 1968)

25 Bystander Effect (Data from Darley & Latane, 1968)

26 Stereotypes Why prejudice? Realistic conflict theory –Robber’s Cave study Social learning theory Social Cognition theory Us vs Them Changing prejudice Contact Hypothesis Recategorization

27 Realistic Conflict Theory Scarce Resources Competition between groups Prejudice

28 Personal Space

29 Design and Crowding A stressful dorm design

30 Design and Crowding A non-stressful dorm design

31 Street Design Crowded feeling neighborhood

32 Street Design Open feeling neighborhood

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