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The Dangerous Classes I.The New Working Class A.Economic Transformation B.Migration C.Common Labor II.Politics A.Deference B.Universal White Male Suffrage.

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Presentation on theme: "The Dangerous Classes I.The New Working Class A.Economic Transformation B.Migration C.Common Labor II.Politics A.Deference B.Universal White Male Suffrage."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Dangerous Classes I.The New Working Class A.Economic Transformation B.Migration C.Common Labor II.Politics A.Deference B.Universal White Male Suffrage C.Voluntary Associations D.The Law III.A Man’s World A.Gangs B.Sporting Life IV.Violence A.Political B.Riots

2 Economic Transformation Market Revolution From artisans to wage laborers

3 Immigration

4 Common Labor

5 Deference Plan for Monticello

6 Mass Politics

7 Voluntary Associations Fire companies Insurance companies Churches Charitable organizations Fraternal Societies –Masons Craft guilds Labor unions

8 The Law of Association

9 Gangs

10 Vice

11 Boxing

12 Political Violence

13 Riot

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