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Total Church. How is the first church in Jerusalem different form your church?

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Presentation on theme: "Total Church. How is the first church in Jerusalem different form your church?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Total Church

2 How is the first church in Jerusalem different form your church?

3 “ ecclesiology assumes greater urgency in times of renewal in the church as old beliefs and structures are placed under strain.” Paul Avis Paul Avis

4 fresh is a tolerable eccentricity on the edge everything happening now is totally wrong

5 Mission Shaped Church 1.‘The Church is the fruit of God’s mission’ 2.Mission shaped is expressed in the Trinity 3.Mission shaped means being Christ shaped

6 Incarnation human and divine God the Son and Son of Mary Jesus the eternal Son is shaped by the mission context

7 Other dynamics kingdom death and resurrection

8 Dying to live “ I tell you the truth, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” John 12; 23-4

9 “church planting is a process by which a seed of the life and message of Jesus, embodied by a community of Christians is immersed for mission reasons in a particular cultural or geographic context. The intended consequence is that it roots there, coming to life as a new indigenous body of Christian disciples well suited to continue in mission.” MSC report

10 Other dynamics kingdom death and resurrection work of the Holy Spirit

11 ‘ An environment in which the Spirit given presence of God’s future may emerge among the people of God.’

12 The relationship between Community and Mission Telling the gospel creates community but community is the main factor in telling the gospel.

13 Community in mission “ These people who have being turning the world upside down have come here also.”

14 “ interactions with others forms a pattern that impacts others who are not directly involved.” Prof Paul Fiddes

15 Questions for discussion? How is your church shaped by its mission? What may need to die? Any questions

16 What is church ?

17 What are we trying to do?

18 “ church is what happens when people encounter the Risen Jesus and commit themselves to sustaining and deepening that encounter in their encounter with each other.” Rowan Williams MSC p vii

19 Up InOut Of Worship Community Mission Connexion One Holy Apostolic Catholic


21 Questions for discussion? How are you doing in these four areas?


23 Fresh Expressions – of what? Worship

24 Fresh expressions – of what? community action

25 Fresh Expressions - of what ? Of Mission/Evangelism

26 can start at different places need all 4 for maturity or is it church? don’t wait for perfection bigger than our imagination gathered and dispersed too restrictive







33 Questions for discussion? What is the main thing that has struck you? What is the first thing you need to do? What resources do you need? Any questions

34 A Missionary church focused on God the Trinity incarnational transformational 4.makes disciples relational

35 Alan Roxburgh’s Five Steps Awareness Understanding Evaluation Experimentation Commitment The Missional Leader

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