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Rasa Juciute Scenario: exploring homelessness within Lithuanian context.

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Presentation on theme: "Rasa Juciute Scenario: exploring homelessness within Lithuanian context."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rasa Juciute Scenario: exploring homelessness within Lithuanian context

2 Purpose to describe present situation related to the basic needs from a perspective of a homeless person in Lithuania to identify main stakeholders involved and their relationships providing public services to a homeless person to identify service / service integration gaps

3 Exploring the scenario: Hierarchy of need Adapted from Maslow, 1943

4 Who is responsible? Policy level National level - Ministry of Social Security and Labour Local level - municipalities Practical help Municipalities Municipality bodies (public sector) Third sector (charities)

5 Main stakeholders A Municipality; Centre for Social Services (i.e. the shelter); Caritas; Local labour exchange office (local job centre); Police; Relatives (if any); Banks; In patient, out-patient healthcare providers; Centre for Mental Health; Other, e.g. governmental agencies that assess a level person's capacity to work (if the person applies for disability status).

6 Hierarchy of basic needs Adapted from Maslow, 1943 Self actualisation Self-esteem Love/belonging Safety (longer term place to stay, employment, healthcare, family) Homeless person's medium term needs Physiological (food, immediate place to stay (up to 3 days) etc) Homeless person’s immediate needs Municipality and a municipality organisation (temporal shelter and help to access other public services) Statutory interventions (need ID, often an address and registration within a local job centre)


8 Technology aspect Most of the people staying at the shelter have mobile phones Internet access is not available in the shelter so far Most of the people staying at the shelter are computer illiterate Plans to apply for EU assistance to improve current conditions and further development of the services at the shelter. E-services that are available from the job centre at the moment (for job seekers):  Subscribe to e-messaging alert service on available work places;  Fill in a personal CV online;  Register within a local job centre  Send CV to a potential employer  Order certificates (only for registered users)  Check arrangements for temporary work activities (only for registered users)  Check financial support that was provided in relation to unemployment (only for registered job centre service users)  Change appointment time with an employment advisor

9 Thank you Your thoughts…

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