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Arab-Israeli War, Arab Israeli Peace. I.Introduction  The Region's Central Ideological Conflict.

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Presentation on theme: "Arab-Israeli War, Arab Israeli Peace. I.Introduction  The Region's Central Ideological Conflict."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arab-Israeli War, Arab Israeli Peace

2 I.Introduction  The Region's Central Ideological Conflict

3 II.1956 War A.Background 1.Fidaiyin, Qibya and the Gaza Raid 2.Arms Purchase and the Nationalization of the Suez Canal B.War (October-November 1956)

4 II.1956 War C.Consequences 1.Israeli Military Victory 2.Nasir: Military Defeat; Political Victory 3.Imperial Retreat 4.The Cold War Comes to the Middle East

5 III.1967 War A.Background B.The Six Day War (June 5-June 10) C.Results 1.Israel 2.Arab States 3.Resolution 242 4.Palestinian Nationalism

6 IV.The 1973 War A.Background 1.Anwar al-Sadat B.The Yom Kippur War (October 6-22) C.Results

7 V.Lurching Toward Peace A.Shuttle Diplomacy 1.First Disengagement Accord (Jan 1974) 2.Israeli-Syrian Disengagement Accord (May 1974) 3.Second Disengagement Accord (Sept 1975)

8 V.Lurching Toward Peace B.Arab Rejectionism C.Likud’s Victory, June 1977 D.Sadat's Breakthrough 1.Ismailia

9 VI.Camp David Accords (September 1978) A.Success: Egyptian-Israeli Peace B.Failure: “A Framework for Peace in the Middle East”

10 VI.Camp David Accords (September 1978) C.The Limits of Peace 1.Arab Boycott 2.Settlements and Annexation

11 VII.Israel’s Invasion of Lebanon A.Postwar Lebanon 1.National Pact of 1943 2.Mounting Problems 3.Civil War (April 1975-1989)

12 VII.Israel’s Invasion of Lebanon B.Operation Peace for Galilee (June 1982) 1.Origins 2.Invasion 3.Results

13 The Six-Day War

14 The IDF

15 Airpower

16 VIII. Conclusion “An Eye for an Eye” The Changing Peace Process

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