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1 Facoltà di Economia Corso di Laurea in Economia e Gestione Aziendale Corso di Laurea in Economia e Finanza Lingua Inglese Luisanna Fodde Olga Denti.

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2 1 Facoltà di Economia Corso di Laurea in Economia e Gestione Aziendale Corso di Laurea in Economia e Finanza Lingua Inglese Luisanna Fodde Olga Denti a.a. 2006/2007

3 MARKETING English words connected with MARKETING

4 3 MARKETING Products, producers, manufacturers, makers, BRAND trademarks Fashion, design, patent advertising, image, MARKETING MIX slogan, slogo, logo, symbols quality, customer, stores, shops, client, style, life style popularity, a status, symbol BENEFITSDISTRIBUTION COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE ASPIRATIONS

5 Brands

6 BRANDS What is your definition of brand? The name of a product The image of a company in the market The name used to recognize a company in the market The identifying symbol/sign of a company

7 Definition of “brand” “Simply put, a brand is a promise. By identifying and authenticating a product or service, it delivers a promise of satisfaction and quality." Walter Landor, guru of the advertising industry

8 Brand management issues. A strong brand is the most valuable asset (property, plus) of successful companies. Brands are assets because, when properly managed, they provide a secure flow of income (revenue, profits) for the business.

9 Branded Goods A high quality branded product is perceived by consumers as being clearly better than competing products. Therefore, it generates consumer preference and loyalty

10 Producer/Product Identification Where markets are larger, complicated and national or global, the identity or image recognised by customers transfers from person to product. No longer accompanied by the producer, the product has to speak for itself.

11 BRAND IDENTITY BRAND IMAGE B. Image: The perception of your product or your brand by the consumer. B. Identity: How you want the consumer to perceive your product or your brand. Companies try to bridge the gap between the brand image and the brand identity. HOW?? Attracting the initial attention and recognition of customers, to differentiate the product from rivals, and to make favourable associations: “this car/aftershave/shirt will make you attractive to women”.

12 MARKETING AND BRANDS What are your favourite brands of the following products? SOFT DRINKS CLOTHESCARSSHAMPOO Why do you prefer these to other similar brands? Now choose one of the products you use and consider the marketing mix for that brand: PRODUCT: What are the product features? PRICE: In comparison with similar products PROMOTION: When and how is it advertised? PLACE: Where can you buy that product?

13 The Marketing Mix The Four Ps Selling the right product at the right price, through the right channels, with the right support and communication, at the right place (promotion & place)

14 Marketing brands (Reading Comprehension) Money can buy your love (p. 51) PARA I: “environment” refer to: A.nature protectionB. social destructionC. animal protection PARA II: “argument” means: A. IssueB. controversial debate C. topic PARA III: Find in the text the expression which corresponds to “excellence and stability” “better”; “faster”: Morphological structures: inflectional morphemes

15 Marketing brands (Reading Comprehension) Money can buy your love (p. 51) PARA IV -What is a possible synonym in the text for “obtain, achieve”; and a possible one for “destroy, defeat”? PARA V -What is a possible synonym for “valuable”? And the opposite for “old-fashioned”? -What is the difference between advertising and advertisement? - What is the meaning of responsibility?

16 BRAND Verbs Adjectives STRONG POWERFUL SUCCESSFUL VALUABLE DOMINATE DEVELOP BUILD REPRESENT Brands represent a good portion of the value of a company Building a brand is complicated Powerful brands dominate the world we live in The new marketing approach is to develop a brand, not a product Complete the wordmap (p.52)


18 Brand (compounds) IMAGEAWARENESS STRETCHING LOYALTY LEADER MANAGER a)A person responsible for planning and managing a branded product b) The ideas which consumers have about a brand c) The tendency of customers to continue buying a particular product d) Using a successful brand to launch a product in a new category e) The knowledge which consumers have of a brand f) The brand with the largest market share LUXURY BRAND CLASSIC BRAND a)A brand associated with expensive, high quality products b) A famous brand with a long history

19 18

20 Definition of “brand” The Dictionary of Business and Management : "a name, sign or symbol used to identify items or services of the seller(s) and to differentiate them from goods of competitors." “What is your favourite brand of cigarettes?” “The brand name of this soap is Flower” “Lavazza is the brand leader in Italy among coffees”

21 20

22 LOGOS The small sign or picture that is the symbol of a particular organization

23 Any symbol, such as a word, number, picture, design, scent or sound used by manufacturers or merchants to identify their own goods and distinguish them from goods made or sold by others. It is a legal concept..

24 . A Trade Mark which is registered gives the right to use the ® symbol and a much greater degree of certainty. A registered Trade Mark gives the owner monopoly rights to stop others using the Mark (or a similar Mark) in relation to goods/services which are identical or similar to the owner's goods/services.

25 What is the difference between trademarks and brands? A trademark is a legal concept. Brand is the difference between a bottle of soda and a bottle of coke, the personal memories and cultural associations that orbit around a product. A brand is a promise. A brand is a collection of perceptions in the mind of consumers. THE LEGAL TERM FOR BRAND IS TRADEMARK

26 Advertising English words connected with……

27 Advertising

28 Advertising

29 GOOD ADVERTISING IS GOOD FOR BUSINESS Consumers consider advertising as a source of information and entertainment. Advertisers must provide creative and effective ads. Consumers believe that advertising is an integral part of everyday culture: not only entertaining and informative, but REAL!!!

30 The English language and Advertising Visual content and design in advertising have a very great impact on the consumer, but it is language, and the combination of language and images that help people to identify a product and remember it.

31 The English language and Advertising The use of English in advertising all over the world generally makes a positive impact on the consumer. ENGLISH IS AN ATTENTION GETTER English is still the most frequently used linguistic means in advertising. French attempt at fighting this primacy and hegemony (1994, Toubon law) It is more easily understood and remembered by the world's audience, and its flexibility helps enormously those operating in advertising.

32 The English language and Advertising Always Coca Cola Canon you Can With Vodafone you can Don’t touch my Breil NokiaConnecting People I’m lovin’ it Golden Lady “I’m lost without you!” “PAMPERS BABY DRY” “Speedy Pollo: cercati uno sballo, cuccati di pollo…” The New Fragrance for men OSARE FORTIS getting you there

33 The English language and Advertising CARRERA sunglasses Ermenegildo Zegna Eyewear Emporio Armani Underwear Samsonite Footwear ZurichBecause change happenz BicolorBe Cooler: HONDA The Power of Dreams T-Shoes24h comfort MICROSOFT: Your potential. Our passion

34 The English language and advertising Use of compounds adjectives: top-quality, economy-size, chocolate-flavoured, feather-light longer-lasting.

35 The English language and advertising Use of high degree adjectives (hyperboles) : ShiningExtra-shining luxury Super luxury elegant Incredibly elegant smooth Fantastically smooth Adjectives are important in advertising for they are used to add prestige and desirability and approval for the consumer/client.

36 The English language and advertising Comparisons to relate the product to a rival or competitor. In reality, no real comparison is made in advertising. An advertisement for a detergent may say "It gets clothes whiter“…………. but whiter than what?

37 The English language and advertising : Use of the imperative: “Relax the Natural Way” “Win two Nights!” “Get Ready for Summer!” “Cruise here!” “Find out why........”;

38 The English language and advertising Use of repetition: advertisements tend to repeat words or ideas. Something repeated frequently is easily remembered. Most often it is the brand name of the product, or some word associated with it.

39 The English language and advertising Slogans: Most advertisements use a catchphrase or slogan which becomes associated with the product: 'Nike. Just do it', 'Always Coca-Cola' ‘Froget About Stress’ ‘Beat the WorldCup Blues’

40 39 Advertising Word Partnerships ADVERTISING; MARKETING; PUBLIC; RETAIL; PRICE; PROMOTIONAL CAMPAIGN; TECHNIQUES; PROMOTIONS; OUTLETS; RELATIONS; MIX Advertising campaign Marketing mix Public relations Retail outlets Price promotions Promotional techniques

41 ADVERTISING (31) MEDIAMETHODSVERBS RadioJinglesPersuade PressDirectoriesRun TelevisionCommercialsLaunch Word-of-MouthSponsorshipPublicise Public TransportBillboards/hoardingsSponsor CinemaFree samplesPlace MailshotsEndorsementPromote Street FurniturePosters (Bus Shelter, Public Toilets) Leaflets

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