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Innovation in Manufacturing The Small Business Conundrum G.Ravishankar, VP of Operations ©2011 CAMT NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION.

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Presentation on theme: "Innovation in Manufacturing The Small Business Conundrum G.Ravishankar, VP of Operations ©2011 CAMT NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION."— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovation in Manufacturing The Small Business Conundrum G.Ravishankar, VP of Operations ©2011 CAMT NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION

2 People Planet Profit 2 A public/private partnership part of the NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Partially funded by U.S. Department of Commerce Work primarily with small and medium sized enterprises (25-1000 employees, Revenues $3-200 Million) Who is CAMT? The Colorado Association for Manufacturing and Technology (CAMT) is a statewide manufacturing assistance center dedicated to increasing the competitiveness of Colorado manufacturers. ©2011 CAMT NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION

3 People Planet Profit 3 Customer expectations 3 Expectation of Suppliers Technical skills Technologies Applied knowledge Supplier shortfalls Capital Specialized tools

4 People Planet Profit 4 Customer responsiveness Global competitiveness Sustainability and growth Innovation (process and products) Small business imperatives

5 People Planet Profit 5 CAMT Survey Results:Top Challenges Lack of skilled technical personnel Lack of access to testing/analysis facilities (SEM, chromatograph, ESD chamber,vibration) Lack of access to quick prototype creation resources Lack of access to manufacturing resources (CVD, low volume SMT, specialized coatings) Low supply chain leverage, difficult to manage Technology transfer generally difficult Small business software (simulation, ERP etc.) Not aware of state, federal, university assistance

6 People Planet Profit 6 New materials/markets How does a sheet metal shop migrate to carbon fiber sheet forming? How do they integrate nanotechnology surface coatings when all they are familiar with is anodizing ? Information technology How does a manufacturer with a part time IT support running windows XP migrate to a cloud based ERP system integrated with CRM? Quality How does a manufacturer used to 100% inspection as required by the customer migrate to an SPC system? When the only three engineers are designers, sustaining engineering and the technical support? The conundrum: What to invest in?

7 People Planet Profit 7 Lack of a migration path to new process technologies Most companies are mired in old equipment and older technologies Average age of equipment 15-20 years Lack of technical resources Few engineers if any. Old school ‘grew up in the business’ New hires lack the knowledge of what happens on a factory floor Lack of practical knowledge of simple process improvement tools Lack of capital (working and business) limit progress Little investment in process technologies Little investment in workforce skills Where are the gaps?

8 People Planet Profit 8 Technology Development Path

9 People Planet Profit 9 Collaboration: Making it really work 9 Customer provided solutions Technical skills Technologies Applied knowledge Supplier shortfalls Capital Workforce/Technologies Specialized tools

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