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Presentation on theme: "AD HOC DATA INTEGRATION FOR MOBILE GIS APPLICATIONS - Ramya Venkateswaran - -1-"— Presentation transcript:


2 Contents  Introduction: Overview of the GenW2 project  Motivation: Why is Ad hoc Data Integration needed?  Research Questions: Discuss 4 research questions  Next Steps: Data Enrichment, POI Mapping -2-

3 Overview of the GenW2 Project  Short for: Generalization for portrayal in Web and Wireless mapping  Develop new methods for web and wireless mapping  Focus on ad hoc integration of heterogeneous information and on-the-fly map generalization in a mobile context. -3-

4 The GenW2 Framework


6 Motivation  So many data sources and so little structure  Web as a database – Too much information to ignore!  Ad hoc integration – Need based according to scenario and flavour, unlike search engines.  Importance of recording certain facts that can enrich the MRDB and the integration process. -5-

7 Research Questions 1 and 2  RQ1- DI: Methods and Sources  Currently available methods of DI  Different data sources in a web and mobile environment  RQ2 – Flavour Based Integration  Flavour based data integration from various sources  Ad hoc DI vs. Normal DI  Tour guide – An example of pure web data integration -6-

8 The GenW2 Framework

9 Flavour Based Integration  Flavour Based Integration with web as datasource  Only web as the database  Integration of data on Tourism Transport User feedback User Rating Facebook profile Dopplr profile  Scheduler

10 Research Questions 3 and 4  RQ3 – Facts DB and Data Enrichment  Record valuable reusable information in the Facts DB  How can each POI be enriched with more information?  What kind of information can be recorded and used for later on?  RQ4 – Quality of data  Measurement of Quality?  Quality of data by completeness  Quality of data by correctness  Another metric for Quality Assessment  Quality of data by collective user feedback  Credibility rank of information in FactsDB -9-

11 Next Steps  Determine what kind of facts can help in enrichment of MRDB. Examples  Map POI with importance (obtained from client side), two levels of importance  Assess the need of also using a geo search engine. Example SPIRIT -10-

12 Thank you! Questions/ Feedback? -11- Ramya Venkateswaran ( Demo and slides at

13 References  Abowd, G., Atkeson, C., Hong, J., Long, S., Kooper, R. and Pinkerton., M. 2004. Cyberguide: A mobile context aware tour guide. Springer Netherlands ISSN1022-0038 (Print) 1572-8196 (Online). 3(5):421-433  Arentze, T.A. and Timmermans, H.J.P. 2004. A learning-based transportation oriented simulation system. Transportation Research Part B, 38(7): 613-633  Grabler, G., Agrawala, M., Summer, R., Pauly, M. 2008. Automatic Generation of Tourist Maps. ACM Trans Graph. 27(3):1-11  Jiang, B. and Yao, X. (2006) Location-based services and GIS in perspective. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 30(6):712-725.  Klippel, A., and Winter, S. 2005. Structural Salience of Landmarks for Route Directions. Spatial information theory: international conference, COSIT 2005, Elliottville, NY, USA, September 14-18, 2005: 347-362  Michalowski, M., Ambite, J.L., Thakkar, S., Tuchinda, R., Knoblock, C.A. and Minton, S. 2004. Retrieving and semantically integrating heterogeneous data from the web. IEEE Intelligent Systems, IEEE Computer Society, 19(3):72-79  Peng, Z.R. and Tsou, M.H. (2003) Internet GIS: Distributed Geographic Information Services for the Internet and Wireless Networks. Wiley.  Reichenbacher, T. (2004) Mobile Cartography-Adaptive Visualisation of Geographic Information on Mobile Devices. Dissertation submitted at the Institute of Photogrammetry und Cartography, Technical University, Munich.  Shiode, N., Li, C., Batty, M., Longley, P., and Maguire, D. (2003) The Impact and Penetration of Location-Based Services. In: Karimi, H. A., Hammad, A., ed. Telegeoinformatics. CRC Press, 349-366.  Thakkar, S.; Knoblock, C. and Ambite, J. (2007) Quality-driven geospatial data integration. GIS '07: Proceedings of the 15th annual ACM international symposium on Advances in geographic information systems. 1-8. -12-

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