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© 2010 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek1June 25, 2015 – 15:07:15 Informatics 121 Software Design I Lecture 6 André van der Hoek &

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Presentation on theme: "© 2010 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek1June 25, 2015 – 15:07:15 Informatics 121 Software Design I Lecture 6 André van der Hoek &"— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2010 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek1June 25, 2015 – 15:07:15 Informatics 121 Software Design I Lecture 6 André van der Hoek & Alex Baker Duplication of course material for any commercial purpose without the explicit written permission of the professor is prohibited.

2 Today’s Lecture Design techniques Design studio II © 2010 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek2June 25, 2015 – 15:07:15

3 Recap: Design © 2010 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek3June 25, 2015 – 15:07:15 designerplan change in the world experiencesaudience other stakeholders

4 A designer, a stakeholder themselves, is the person responsible for engaging in the creative process via which a plan is arrived at. Recap: Design © 2010 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek4June 25, 2015 – 15:07:15 designer plan change in the world experiences audience other stakeholders A plan, often also called a final design, captures the designer’s decisions regarding the exact realization of the change in the world to be made. A change in the world is the direct object of design, the physical manifestation of what a designer envisions. It is also the tool through which a designer aims to achieve the underlying objective of a design project. The audience is the primary target of the change in the world, the people who will be in direct contact with it. Experiences arise from the audience’s interactions with the change in the world, leading to positive or negative impressions of the change in the world. Other stakeholders are those who, directly or indirectly, influence a plan and its realization as a change in the world.

5 Design as Prediction © 2010 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek5June 25, 2015 – 15:07:15 designerplan change in the world experiencesaudience other stakeholders

6 Design as Prediction © 2010 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek6June 25, 2015 – 15:07:15 designer envisioned plan envisioned change in the world envisioned experiences envisioned audience envisioned other stakeholders designeractual plan actual change in the world actual experiences actual audience actual other stakeholders Match?

7 Basic Design Cycle © 2010 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek7June 25, 2015 – 15:07:15 synthesize evaluate analyze

8 Basic Tools © 2010 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek8June 25, 2015 – 15:07:15 synthesize evaluate analyze Generate ideas, alternatives, partial designs,... Test your progress… Ensure you are on the right path…

9 Basic Tools © 2010 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek9June 25, 2015 – 15:07:15 synthesize evaluate analyze use of approximations √ √ √ application of knowledge √ √ √ communication √ √ √ pure thought √ √ √

10 Pure Thought Mental generation, evaluation, and assimilation of ideas, partial designs, constraints, goals, … You, yourself, and you… © 2010 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek10June 25, 2015 – 15:07:15

11 Apply Knowledge Previous examples of designs –yours –others Apply rules Apply patterns Apply styles © 2010 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek11June 25, 2015 – 15:07:15

12 Use of Approximations Complete prototypes Focused prototypes Scale models Drawings Sketches You can apply these passively (static) or actively (dynamic) © 2010 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek12June 25, 2015 – 15:07:15

13 Communication Conversation Written communication Communication via approximations Implicit communication © 2010 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek13June 25, 2015 – 15:07:15

14 Basic Tools © 2010 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek14June 25, 2015 – 15:07:15 synthesize evaluate analyze use of approximations √ √ √ application of knowledge √ √ √ communication √ √ √ pure thought √ √ √

15 Focus on Essence Design is ultimately about decision making Some of those decisions are big and highly consequential, others are a lot smaller and are less consequential –alternatively put, some are much harder to unroll or change than others, because subsequent decisions depend on them The core of a design problem revolves around the key set of decisions that fundamentally shape the design solution – its essence Identifying this core early is crucial, regardless of design technique © 2010 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek15June 25, 2015 – 15:07:15

16 Essence – PeekSeeker A program for sharing information about mountain climbing experiences, advice, and plans –submitters: should be able to provide many kinds of information about their experiences, in an intuitive way –viewers: want information to help them have challenging, safe, enjoyable climbing experiences –might include routes, pictures, reviews, weather data… © 2010 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek16June 25, 2015 – 15:07:15

17 Essence – CookMe, CookYou An educational cooking game –players learn the basics of preparing, combining, and cooking ingredients –real-time, forcing players to get used to the timing of the steps needed when cooking a complex dish or series of dishes –enable players to experiment with new dishes they design –game should not simply stop a player when they make a mistake, but allow them to proceed with a dish that may be imperfect in some way –accommodate new ingredients, tools, and dishes, along with the graphics and sound effects that accompany them © 2010 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek17June 25, 2015 – 15:07:15

18 Design Studio II Design an educational traffic flow simulation program A 2-page briefing is provided, listing the main requirements for the system We will produce the design over a number of weeks, through various structured exercises and assignments You will be judged on the functionality, completeness, elegance, and clarity of your design This, by and large, will be an individual assignment, with some group exercises worked in © 2010 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek18June 25, 2015 – 15:07:15

19 Design Studio II This exact same design prompt was given to professional software designers, as well as graduate students –8 pairs of professionals –16 pairs of graduate students –1 hour and 50 minutes at the regular whiteboard (actual design time) The resulting videos were analyzed at a workshop, Studying Professional Software Design 2010 © 2010 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek19June 25, 2015 – 15:07:15

20 Design Studio II – Part I Watch the video, carefully Identify five key design decisions that the designers made –especially decisions that shaped the overall design Deliver a type-written document that documents these decisions –what is the decision? –why is it important? –1 page at most Due Thursday October 21, at the beginning of class –bring two copies © 2010 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek20June 25, 2015 – 15:07:16

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