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Psy 421 Advanced Behavior Modification Alvin E. House, Ph.D. Summer 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Psy 421 Advanced Behavior Modification Alvin E. House, Ph.D. Summer 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psy 421 Advanced Behavior Modification Alvin E. House, Ph.D. Summer 2006

2 Class 1: PMR 4 Demonstration 4 Practice 4 Discussion 4 Assignments

3 Background: PMR 4 Progressive Muscle Relaxation Training (relaxation training, PMR) is one method of teaching clients how to deliberately lower their arousal 4 It was originally developed by Jacobson as a technique to “quiet” extraneous muscle activity, to aid his investigation of muscle activity in isolated muscle groups 4 Wople adapted the technique for greater clinical utility in his development of systematic desensitization

4 Demonstration: PMR A “standard” PMR protocol 4 Education & demonstration 4 Tense & release segment 4 Relax only segment 4 Pleasant imagery 4 Mental rehearsal 4 Motivational suggestions 4 Termination ritual 4 Post induction inquiry 4 Practice instructions & self-monitoring

5 Practice 4 Group for practice: therapist, client, observer 4 Assume education and demonstration has been done 4 Have observer complete a practice rating sheet for therapist 4 Keep discussion limited to agreed on length--make sure that both of you have time to complete practice of technique 4 Bring questions and observations back into class

6 Discussion 4 Observations? 4 Problems? 4 Questions? 4 Handout on PMR

7 Assignments 4 Reading assignment 4 Self-monitoring of SUD’s ratings in journal 4 Practice PMR on your own at least once outside of class before Thursday –Note any questions, problems, or interesting observations in journal, bring to class 4 Practice PMR with another person at least once outside of class before Thursday –Note any questions, problems, or interesting observations in journal, bring to class 4 Review Syllabus on web site

8 Any questions?

9 See you Thursday

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