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Problems and Interventions in Global Child Health
Big Picture: How Many? Where? What? Disease Specific: Interventions for Prevention & Treatment Strategies for Intervention Delivery: Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI)
~8 million children under 5 years of age die each year
Scope of the Problem ~8 million children under 5 years of age die each year
Regional Distribution of Child Deaths
99% of childhood deaths occur in LMIC Africa HALF of all child deaths Up from 30% in 1990 43% in 2003 S Asia 33% of all child deaths >80% of childhood deaths occur in S Asia and Africa. 90% of deaths occur in 42 countries (from 2008 data reported in 2009). 99% of childhood deaths occur in LMIC S Asia—Afghan, Bangl, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka Source: Levels and trends in child mortality, UNICEF. 2010
Regional Differences in Child Mortality: U5MRs in 6 countries
Carl Haub and Diana Cornelius, 2000 World Population Data Sheet (Washington, DC: Population Reference Bureau, 2000)
Regional differences in U5MRs
Risk of death Globally 60 1 in 17 Developing 66 1 in 15 S. Asia 69 1 in 14 Sub-Saharan Africa 129 1 in 8 Developed 6 1 in 167 USA 8 1 in 125
Regional differences in U5MRs
Sub-Saharan Africa Started w/ highest levels Saw smallest reductions (5%/decade) Most marked slow down in progress
Trends in U5MR 1970—146 deaths/1000 1990— 90 deaths/1000
However reductions in U5MR—slowed U5MR 20%/decade U5MR 12%/decade
Slowing trends in child mortality
Economic recession, increase oil prices, delinking of currency to gold, debt, SAPs, conflict More recently some countries—stalled progress or reversal What is MDG 4?? Uneven Progress Between and within countries Disparities in wealth 1960 U5MR Africa SE Asia around World Americas The fortunes of the world’s children are mixed. For ex, overall children today are better nourished: b/t 1990 and 2000 the global prevalence of stunting and underweight declined by 20 and 18% respectively. But in Southern and central Asia children continue to suffer very high levels of malnutrition and throughout sub-Saharan Africa the numbers of children who are stunted and underweight increased in this period. Source: WHO Report 2005 but actually de Onis M and Blossner M. The WHO Global Database on child growth and malnutrition: methodology and applications. Int J of Epi, 2003, 32: Source: WHO Report 2005: Make Every Mother and Child Count
Millennium Development Goal 4
Reduce child mortality rates by 2/3 by the year 2015
Trends in Child Mortality: Not on Track to Meet MDG4
Based on data from the Interagency Group for Child Mortality Estimates
Trends in U5MR In 21 developing countries:
Overall U5MR Gaps in U5MR between rich and poor while
GLOBAL CHILD HEALTH Big Picture: Disease Specific:
How Many? Where? What? Disease Specific: Interventions for Prevention & Treatment Strategies for Intervention Delivery: Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI)
What are the leading causes of childhood mortality worldwide?
Diseases of poverty Reproduced from UNICEF ChildInfo website: and based on Black R et al. Global, regional, and national causes of child mortality in Lancet. 2010;375:1969–1987.
Undernutrition: Underlying Cause in >1/3 of Childhood Deaths
CG Victoria et al, Am J Epidemiol 1989
Impact of Breastfeeding on Childhood Disease Risk in not BF vs exclusively BF Diarrhea 7x risk death Pneumonia 5x risk death CG Victoria et al, Am J Epidemiol 1989
Micronutrients Vit A Deficiency
Example Vit A Deficiency 20-24% Risk of death from Diarrhea, Measles, (Malaria) AL Rice et al In: Comparative quantification of health risks, 2004
Underlying Determinants of Child Mortality
Poverty Inequity Lack of maternal education Lack of access to care Rural residence Conflict/War/Disaster Debt Structural Adjustment Policies Examples of Socio-political-economic policies and factors that impact health
GLOBAL CHILD HEALTH Big Picture: Disease Specific:
How Many? Where? What? Disease Specific: Interventions for Prevention & Treatment Strategies for Intervention Delivery: Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI)
Disease Specifics Interventions = “biologic agent or action intended to reduce morbidity or mortality” Prevention Treatment
Acute Infectious Diarrhea
1.2 million child deaths/year (80% in < 2yo’s) Microbiologic Etiology--multiple Regional/local variation e.g. Rotavirus, Shigella, Enterotoxogenic E coli, Campylobacter Spread water, food, utensils, hands, flies Deaths dehydration (water loss) electrolytes/salts loss (sodium, potassium, bicarbonate) 4 billion cases per year Plethora of microbiologic causes_varies by locale_except for a few places etiologies are not well studied.
Diarrhea: Prevention Clean Water Sanitation Adequate supply of water
drinking, food preparation Sanitation Safe Feces Disposal Adequate supply of water hygiene
Access to Improved Water Sources
87% of world has access to improved water sources for drinking. Up from 77% in 1990. Improved: Piped water into dwelling, plot or yard; Piped water into neighbor’s plot; Public tap/standpipe; Tubewell/borehole; Protected dug well; Protected spring; Rainwater Unimproved: Unprotected dug well, Unprotected spring, Small cart with tank/drum, Tanker truck, Surface water (river, dam, lake, pond, stream, channel, irrigation channel), Bottled water MICS household survey “What is the main source of drinking water for members of your household?” Source: UNICEF
In many parts of the world, rural populations still lack access to safe drinking water
Access to Improved Sanitation Facilities
Unfortunately we have not made such great progress in sanitation facility coverage--62% of the world has access to improved sanitation facilities and another 8% has access to such facilities that are shared between multiple HHs. There has only been an 8% decrease in the # of people w/o access to improved sanitation facilities since the 1990s. MICS What kind of toilet facility do members of your household usually use? If “flush” or “pour flush”, probe: Where does it flush to?
Diarrhea: Treatment Prevention and treatment of dehydration--Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT) Increased fluids (IF) Home-made sugar/salt/water solutions (SSS) Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) Continued feeding(/breastfeeding) (CF)
How much does a sachet of ORS cost?
Diarrhea: Treatment How much does a sachet of ORS cost?
Diarrhea: Treatment ORT Zinc supplementation
Prevent and treat dehydration Zinc supplementation Given during acute diarrhea episode reduces duration and severity of episode Given for days reduces incidence of diarrhea in following 2-3 months Selective use of antibiotics Dysentery
IMPACT OF ORT Saves 1 million lives per year
Diarrhea deaths HALVED from
What is the coverage rate of ORT among children with diarrhea?
Diarrhea—Questions and Future Interventions
How to increase ORT utilization? individual, community, country Will further increased ORT utilization have same dramatic impact on mortality? How will water privatization impact clean water supplies? Vaccines—rotavirus, cholera Elucidating etiologies of diarrhea/surveillance “all diarrhea is local” but we don’t have a clear understanding of the causes of diarrhea in most developing country settings
Pneumonia >1.4 million deaths/year in < 5yo’s
Bacteria (60-70%)—especially Pneumococcus Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
Pneumonia: Prevention
Immunization (measles, pertussis) “Newer” immunizations not readily available (pneumococcus, H influenzae b)--$$ Nutrition Exclusive breastfeeding / appropriate complementary feeding Vit A and Zinc through diet / supplementation Avoidance of indoor air pollution E.g., Unprocessed household solid fuels (wood, dung, coal)1.8 increased risk of pneumonia
Pneumonia: Treatment Case management--Prompt treatment with appropriate antibiotic (right doses, full course) The good news: 1st line oral antibiotics (amoxicillin, cotrimoxazole) are effective
Pneumonia: Treatment Case management can pneumonia associated childhood mortality by 40% S Sazawal, et al Lancet 2003
Pneumonia: Treatment Coverage
What % of children with pneumonia are taken to a health care provider?
Pneumonia: Treatment 50 % world wide
Pneumonia: Treatment What does it take?
Caretaker recognizing symptoms of illness, seeking prompt care, giving full course of antibiotics Access to care Community case management—community health workers can effectively identify and treat pneumonia with oral antibiotics
Malaria Plasmodium parasites Anopheles mosquito
Pools of water—breeding ground
Malaria Clinical presentation: Asymptomatic
“Uncomplicated” malaria = fever, headache, malaise (cough, diarrhea) “Severe” or “Complicated” malaria = multi-organ system involvement Severe anemia Jaundice Cerebral malaria
Malaria Morbidity Major cause of anemia in endemic areas Impact on growth and cognitive development Drains $2 billion from economies in sub-Saharan Africa
Malaria 300-500 million cases of clinical malaria/yr
650,000 deaths/year 90% in sub-Saharan Africa Majority in children Recent upsurge Environmental factors (climate, water development projects) Areas of conflict (disruption in previous control programs)
Almost half of the worlds’ population live in malaria endemic areas
~half, symbols show falcip malaria endemicity—cause of severe malaria and most malaria assoc deaths tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia and the Americas.
Malaria: Prevention Vector control Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs)
Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) Environmental measures (e.g. reduction of standing water) Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) High ITN use 17% reduction in childhood mortality
ITNs This picture is a little anachronistic. What is wrong with the picture, what’s different about ITNs today compared to when this photo was taken in 1999?
Progress in scaling up ITN use in sub-Saharan Africa Proportion of children sleeping under an ITN, all African countries with two or more comparable points
Global production of ITNs (in millions)
What needs to happen to increase ITN use? African countries have received enough ITNs during to cover >50% of at risk population Global production of ITNs (in millions)
Malaria: Treatment Intermittent Presumptive Treatment of malaria in pregnancy (IPTp) Prompt treatment with appropriate antimalarials
Malaria: Treatment Resistance
Artemisinin Combination Therapy (ACT)
Africa: > 50% of children receive antimalarials, but often with ineffective medicines
Malaria: Future Interventions
Vaccine Infant IPT
Vaccine Preventable Deaths
1.4 million annual child deaths 14% of child deaths are due to vaccine preventable causes.
Causes of vaccine-preventable deaths among children <15 years, 2002
This chart doesn’t include pneumooccal vaccine to prevent pneumonia and other pneumococcus-related infections nor does it include rotavirus vaccine which protects against that leading cause of diarrheal illness. You can consider deaths caused by pneumococcus and rotavirus to be the leading causes of vaccine preventable deaths.
Basic Vaccine Schedule
Birth BCG 6weeks DPT1, OPV1, HepB1, Hib1 10 weeks DPT2, OPV2, HepB2, Hib2 14 weeks DPT3, OPV3, HepB3, Hib3 9 months Measles BCG=Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (against TB) DPT=Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis OPV=Oral Polio Vaccine HepB=Hepatitis B Hib=Hemophilus influenza b
What is the Global Vaccine Coverage Rate?
Vaccine Coverage
Childhood Injuries Burns, pedestrian injuries, drowning, falls
250,000 deaths of children <5 years Most injuries are preventable Requires an multi-sector approach to prevent injuries Simple protocols can reduce fatality and disability
Summary: Interventions to Reduce Child Mortality
2/3 of child deaths could be averted with interventions that are already available and recommended for universal coverage! however Little progress in expanding treatment coverage in case management of major childhood illnesses c/w MDG4
Intervention Delivery
How do we actually get life saving interventions delivered to those who need them the most? What strategies or approaches work? Operations research
Intervention Delivery Approaches aka how do you get the prevention and treatment interventions actually delivered? Horizontal vs. Comprehensive vs. Selective Approaches Vertical Social marketing? Reduced cost? Give away? Facility vs. community based approach Approaches PHC approach? Integrated approach? Tackle direct vs. indirect causes of ill health Target universal population? Target the poor?
GLOBAL CHILD HEALTH Big Picture: Disease Specific:
How Many? Where? What? Disease Specific: Interventions for Prevention & Treatment Strategies for Intervention Delivery: Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI)
Trends in Intervention Delivery in Child Health
Mass campaigns—small pox eradication Primary Health Care (PHC)—comprehensive, intersectoral, prevention and treatment services, district hospital at the hub, community participation Selective PHC (SPHC)—focus on a few problems--GOBI HIV, malaria, TB Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) Integrated care — viewing individual as a whole, comprehensive care of individuals 1950’s 1990’s
Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI)
integrated approach to reduce death, illness and disability, and to promote growth and development preventive and curative elements implemented by families, communities and health facilities
Three Components of IMCI
Improves health worker skills Improves health systems Improves family and community practices
IMCI Component 1: Improves Health Worker Skills
Targets first level health facilities Addresses causes of at least 70% of deaths Case management guidelines Training Supervision Monitoring
IMCI Addresses Most Causes of Death
Sepsis Meningitis Dehydration Anemia Ear infection HIV/AIDS Wheezing Pneumonia Diarrhea Measles Malaria Malnutrition
IMCI Component 2: Improves Family and Community Practices
Community participation Preventive care Immunization Breast-feeding and other nutritional counseling Home care of sick children Recognition of severe illness Care-seeking behavior
IMCI Component 3: Improves Health Systems
Planning and Management Availability of drugs and supplies Organization of work Monitoring and supervision Referral pathways and systems Health information systems
IMCI Multicountry Evaluation
Training health workers improved performance Difficult to maintain & expand existing IMCI sites District and national health systems lack sufficient management structure, funding, coordination, supervision, and manpower Low utilization rates of health servicesIMCI cannot impact child mortality. Preliminary Data from 5 countries that where an evaluation of IMCI is taking place are encouraging in regards to training of health workers but the health systems component of IMCI was just not strong enough to deliver an effective total IMCI package. Access to care presents another significant impediment to IMCI effectiveness.
Improving Health Worker Skills, Community Care, and Health Systems
Clinical Assessment and treatment by health workers Knowledge, Beliefs and skills caretakers Capacity, structure and functions of health system If caretakers do not or cannot access care and health systems are not strengthened then just training health workers results in a incomplete delivery mechanism for the IMCI package
Conclusion 7 in 10 childhood deaths are attributable to six causes
Effective interventions exist that are cost effective, feasible and recommended for implementation and can eliminate 2/3 of childhood deaths Effective interventions need to be available to the poorest populations Need involved communities and strong health systems
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