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Critical Design Review

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1 Critical Design Review
Blimpage Critical Design Review Blimpage Team: Daniel McCabe Nguyen Trinh Joseph Brannan David Wolpoff Philip Grippi Order names in presentation order

2 System Overview Modular general-purpose drone controller
Navigation, collision-detection, general motor interfaces, data collection Zero-impact on system performance Lightweight, independently powered

3 What is the Blimpage Composed of six main modules:
General-purpose microcontroller network Motor / servo controller Position and heading monitoring Collision-detection / alarm Data collection Off-module communication

4 Functional Block Diagram

5 The Micros Key Features: MSP 430 F1232 Micro Controllers
Ultra Low Power: 300 μA (Active) 0.7 μA (Standby) C-Programming Interface Pinout necessary?

6 Master Functions Arbitrates data transfers on i2c bus
Prioritize Data Transfers Passes data among subsystems Handle user-input objectives Coordinate startups and shutdowns Bleating

7 Master State Machine And Now Something COMPLETELY different.

8 Master State Machine. Take 2
Init Initialize all slaves. Query Check who has data Prioritize data Idle Handle ‘master’ tasks. Xfer Carry out all bus transactions in priority order.

9 Command Set Initialization:
From Master: “Are you alive and what is your target type?” From Slave: “I am target type TARGET.”  Query Data: From Master: “Do you have data?” From slave: “I have data for TARGET, of priority DATA” Transfer Data: From Master: “Here is DATA from TARGET” From slave: “Her is DATA for TARGET” Objective Update: From Master: “New objective from TARGET is DATA” From slave: “New objective for TARGET is DATA” Global Abort: From Master: “halt immediatly” From Slave: “They sky has fallen! Tell everyone to halt” Global Abort: From Master: “halt immediatly” From Slave: “They sky has fallen! Tell everyone to halt” Local Abort: From Slave: “I'm dead, go on without me”  Block Transfer: From Master: “I have DATA words from TARGET” From slave: “I have DATA words for TARGET” Master then reads DATA words from slave and writes them to TARGET.  Debug Code: From slave: “Process debug info DATA” Global Reset: From Master: “Reset yourself, and restart operations.”

10 Modified i2c Protocol START: STOP: ADDRESS CYCLE:

11 i2c Functionality Fully compatible with standard i2c devices
Added START pin for micro-controllers 7-bit address size 8-bit data size 16-bit word size: for large block transfers

12 Position and Heading Intro
Detects position from digital compass- HMR3100 Detects heading from HMR3100 and two accelerometers-ADXL3100 Sends direction instruction to Motor Controller Module via I2C bus Receives collision direction information via I2C bus from Collision Detection Module

13 Position/Heading Block Diagram
HMR3100 Pos/Heading uC Master uC - ADXL311 - - || || I2C BUS || Motor uC Collision uC

14 Digital Compass HMR3100 5 degree Heading Accuracy, 0.5 degree Resolution 2-axis Capability Uses 3.3 V DC Single Supply Operation Uses 9600 N.8.1 communication for outputting binary data Delivers output binary data to UART of Positon/Heading uC UART binary data converts into decimal data for position’s degree With output data of ADXL311, sends direction instruction to motor controllers module via I2C bus

15 HMR3100 Time Diagram Continuous Mode: 2 Hz heading queries at 9600 baud rate Calibration Mode:

16 Accelerometer ADXL311 Dual-axis accelerometer
Uses 5-V single-supply operation with 0.4 mA typical consumption Uses Internal Low Pass Filter with bandwidth of 10 Hz Based on blimp’s average acceleration of 5 (cm/s)/s, 50 mV (VPP) variation of output voltage from ADXL311 Put the variation of output voltage through an external LPF (MAX7490) of 2 Hz Then scale the variation of output voltage 7 times bigger from TLV2370 Op-amp Then put the amplified variation output voltage into the ADC10 in Pos/Heading uC

17 ADXL3100 and Logic Block Diagram
MAX7490 TLV2370 Pos/Heading uC ADXL311 --- ------ ----- ADC10 LP Filter

18 ADXL311 and HMR3100 Schematic

19 Motor Control Intro Motor module uC receives direction instruction over I2C bus from Position and Heading Module 4 uC logic level outputs are optically isolated from H-Bridges – control 2 motors’ behavior uC logic level PWM signal is optically isolated from Servo Two fans operate in forward or reverse Servo controls position of fans (up or straight) 3 V battery powers motors and servo

20 Motor Control Block Diagram
| | x2 H-Bridge Motor Drivers Motor uC x4 optical isolators | | | | ----- ---- | ----- <--- ----- ----- ----- | optical isolator ^ | | Micro Servo | | PWM signal 3 V Battery ----- | | <--- | |

21 Motor Control Schematic

22 Motor Control State Machine

23 Collision Detection Intro
Collision module uC cycles through 6 channels on Mux/Demux using binary addressing Vcc enable signal multiplexed to 6 Voltage Regulators which power 6 distance sensors (limits power consumption) Distance sensor outputs de-multiplexed into LPF LPF output sampled by uC’s ADC10 Collision status register and priority flag updated Collision direction information passed over I2C bus to positioning and heading module 5 V regulated voltage powers module components

24 Collision Detection Block Diagram
| Collision Detection Block Diagram ------ 6x Collision Sensors | | output Mux/Demux >---- | | - -< ---Vcc 6x Voltage Regulators | < -< | < | power | ^ ^ ^ | | | Channel select | | >---- -- Collision uC Slave LP Filter

25 Collision Detection Schematic

26 Collision Detection State Machine
Module State Machine

27 Communications Enables communication with “outside” world.
RS232 protocol, via MAX3233. Reads data from Master and outputs it to host PC for interpretation. Reads data from host and outputs it to Master. Enables debugging, etc.

28 Data Acquisition Servo Motorized ‘message’ deployment
Delivers messages discreetly and accurately. Camera scrapped for blimp due to weight constraints. (Time Permitting) JamCam camera will be deployed on R/C Car RS232 communication Documented protocol (Time Permitting) Audio/Temperature/Humidity Sensors

29 Parts List Motor Control Collision Detection Positioning and Heading
4 Zetex 20V N-Channel MOSFETs 4 Zetex 20V P-Channel MOSFETs 5 NEC High Isolation Voltage SOP Photocouplers 2 small DC fan motors 1 4.7 g Cirrus Micro Servo Collision Detection 1 ADG527A Analog Devices Multiplexer 1 MAX7490 Maxim Dual Universal Switched Capacitor Filter 6 LT Linear Technology Micropower Low Dropout Regulators with Shutdown 6 GP2D12 Sharpe General Purpose Type Distance Measuring Sensors 1 Diodes Incorporated Surface Mount 3.3V Zener Diode Positioning and Heading 1 HMR3100 Honeywell Digital Compass Solution 1 ADXL311 Analog Devices Low Cost, Ultra-compact +-2g Dual Axis Accelerometer

30 Parts List 2 Master Communal Assorted PCB’s Blimp
6 MSP430F1232 Microcontrollers 1 Clock in a Box 1 TPS61100 Switching boost converter Communal Various Resistors Various Capacitors Various Inductors Assorted PCB’s Blimp

31 Costs (The Big Stuff) Microcontrollers: $40.00 x 3 revisions = $120.00
Compass: $100.00 Infrared Rangefinders: $60.00 PCB’s $80 x 3 revisions = $240.00 Blimp $100.00 Programming tool: $200.00 Assorted DigiKey purchases: $300.00 Total Costs: $ Sanity: Priceless (but absent)

32 ROI Projected Development Cost: $1200.00
Projected Production Cost at Volume: $500.00 Projected Cost to consumer: $ (including support) Projected Sales: 10,000 units. ROI: $45,000,000

33 Updated Schedule

34 Division of Labor Master / Slave system (i2c) Communication Module
Dave, Dan Communication Module Dave, Phil Motor Control, Collision Detection Joe Position / Heading Nguyen Data Collection Module Phil, Dan

35 Division of Labor Group Tasks Documentation PCB Population
Systems Integration Review and Testing

36 Milestone 1 Airborne Blimp Final Testing Basic functionality Collision
Motor Basic functionality Pos/Head Comms Data Acq.

37 Milestone 2 Significant Blimp Maneuverability Basic testing on R/C Car
All modules completed and in testing Basic user interface (for destination data)

38 Expo All systems fully implemented and tested Documentation Complete
User’s Manual Technical Manual Happy Jack

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