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1 IEEE 802.16-based Wireless MAN ( WiMAX )架構下 IPTV Multicasting 系 統之設計與研究 Design and Study of an IPTV multicating system over IEEE 802.16-based Wireless.

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Presentation on theme: "1 IEEE 802.16-based Wireless MAN ( WiMAX )架構下 IPTV Multicasting 系 統之設計與研究 Design and Study of an IPTV multicating system over IEEE 802.16-based Wireless."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 IEEE 802.16-based Wireless MAN ( WiMAX )架構下 IPTV Multicasting 系 統之設計與研究 Design and Study of an IPTV multicating system over IEEE 802.16-based Wireless MAN 指導教授: 柯開維 主講人: 楊啟彣 Date : 06/10/08

2 2 Outline Introduction Internet Protocol Television Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access Virtual Local Area Network Real-Time Transport Protocol DirectShow Audio Video Interleave Simple Network Management Protocol IPTV Multicasting System over Proxim WiMAX System Architecture System Design Proxim WiMAX SubSystem Conclusion Future Work Reference Demo

3 3 What is IPTV? Internet Protocol Television ( IPTV ) is a system where a digital television service is delivered using Internet Protocol over a network infrastructure, which may include delivery by a broadband connection. A general definition of IPTV is television content that, instead of being delivered through traditional broadcast and cable formats, is received by the viewer through the technologies used for computer networks. wikipedia

4 4 IPTV Architecture

5 5 IPTV Technology Video Codec Digital Right Management Content Delivery Network Electronic Program Guide Streaming Multicast

6 6 IPTV Functional Architecture

7 7 IPTV Delivery Technology Unicast Content Delivery Network Mulicast/Broadcast

8 8 Multicast Class D is used for Multicast. The multicast group ID numbers are in the range through The format of a class D IP address: A multicast group address is combination of the high-order 4 bits of 1110 and the multicast group ID. Multicast only apply to UDP.

9 9 Multicast Address The mapping of a class D IP address into Ethernet multicast address: Region A means that low-order 23 bits in the Ethernet address are copies from the low-order 23 bits of the multicast group ID. Region B means that these 5 bits in the multicast group ID are not used to from the Ethernet address. The high-order 24 bits of the Ethernet address must be 01:00:5e, and the 25th bit must be 0

10 10 Internet Group Management Protocol A protocol is needed for multicast routers to know if any hotsts on a given LAN belong to a given multicast group: IGMP Format of a IGMP message

11 11 P2P IPTV Architecture

12 12 WiMAX Architecture

13 13 Point to MultiPoint

14 14 MAC Scheduler

15 15 MBS Architecture

16 16 MBS Scenario From ITRI, Please do not copy

17 17 VLAN

18 18 RTP Header RTP headerRTP payloadIP headerUDP header

19 19 Protocol Architecture

20 20 Audio Video Interleave Audio Video Interleave ( AVI ) is a derivative of the Resource Interchange File Format ( RIFF ), which divides a file's data into blocks, or “ chunks ”. hdrl : the file header and contains metadata about the video, such as its width, height and frame rate. movi : the actual audio/visual data that make up the AVI movie. idx1 : the offsets of the data chunks within the file.

21 21 Example

22 22 DirectShow System

23 23 Filter Graph Filter

24 24 Writing a DirectShow Application 1.The application creates an instance of the Filter Graph Manager. 2.The application uses the Filter Graph Manager to build a filter graph. The exact set of filters in the graph will depend on the application. 3.The application uses the Filter Graph Manager to control the filter graph and stream data through the filters. Throughout this process, the application will also respond to events from the Filter Graph Manager.

25 25 SNMP

26 26 Outline Introduction Internet Protocol Television Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access Real-Time Transport Protocol DirectShow Audio Video Interleave Simple Network Management Protocol IPTV Multicasting System over Proxim WiMAX System Architecture Proxim WiMAX System Design SubSystem Conclusion Future Work Reference Demo

27 27 Why IPTV over WiMAX? The features of the WiMAX is multicast capability. Increase the Number of Subscribers Scheduled Live Content and Quality Assurance. Mobility.

28 28 System Model

29 29 Protocol Stack

30 30 System Design ( 1 ) Division by address Multicast Group Location : First Byte example : 231.x.x.x : VLAN1 Channel : Last Byte example : x.x.x.001 : Channel1

31 31 System Design ( 2 ) WiMAX Packet Identify Rule Define Multicast rule Define QoS rule WiMAX Quality of Service Setup

32 32 Proxim WiMAX Bandwidth

33 33 Proxim Setup MAC Radio Subscriber Station List Service Class Creation Packet Identify Rule Service Flow Class Subscriber Station Class Relationship : SS Class  SF Class  PIR

34 34 Client-Server Architecture ( Multicast )

35 35 Client-Server Architecture ( Unicast )

36 36 Client-Server Server Client

37 37 Server Source Filter ( Media Server )

38 38 Sever Render Filter ( Multicast ) ( RTP Server )

39 39 Client Source Filter ( RTP Client )

40 40 Client Render Filter

41 41 Outline Introduction Internet Protocol Television Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access Virtual Local Area Network Real-Time Transport Protocol DirectShow Audio Video Interleave Simple Network Management Protocol IPTV Multicasting System over Proxim WiMAX System Architecture System Design Proxim WiMAX SubSystem Conclusion Future Work Reference Demo

42 42 NCTU proposal

43 43 Challenge Instance Channel Change. Mobility. Jitter. Overhead. Transceiver Design. Power Consumption. WiMAX Bandwidth.

44 44 Conclusion Using DirectShow Solution to implement the graph. Using PMP feature of WiMAX to implement multicast algorithm. Implement RTP Protocol. The system capacity increase. QoS assurance. The user have the capability to watch TV when they are outside.

45 45 Future Work Technology RTSP Gateway DRM Application Function Transfer to Embedded Application Send Message by Location in Vehicle Interactive Game Conference

46 46 Reference Overall Diagram of IPTV Functional Architecture with Detailed Functional Elements ; ITU-T Focus Group IPTV Working Group ITU-T Focus Group IPTV Working Group RFC 1112 : multicast RFC 1889 : RTP Procedures Clarifications and Improvement for MBS Logical Channel support in 802.16REV2, Reference Model and Protocol Architecture for Supporting E-MBS in IEEE 802.16m ; IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Working Group IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Working Group Proxim MP.16 User Guide DirectX Documentation for C++ ; DirectX SDK DirectX SDK

47 47 Demo

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