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1 of 61 Basic Exercises Basic Exercises (1-6) E-Prime 2002 Workshop Files on My Documents\My Experiments\Workshop\E-Prime Exercises E-Prime Basic Exercises Copyright Psychology Software Tools Inc. 2002 These materials may be used for local educational purposes only. all other use requires approval in writing. Please send requests to
2 of 61 Basic Exercises Recommended Rules for Exercise If working in pairs, alternate typing with each exercise. Ask questions of each other to be sure you understand why each action was done. Check off each item when completed and understood. If you have questions write them down or ask for assistance. Resist proceeding ahead of instructor. If you have extra time examine the help topics and do the optional questions.
3 of 61 Basic Exercises Basic E-Prime Tutorials 1. Conceptualize and implement core experimental procedure 2. Add feedback (optional) 3. Making a nested list version 4. Analysis of behavioral data 5. Merging data files 6. Add picture presentation and sound to lexical decision Files on My Documents\My Experiments\Workshop\E-Prime Exercises
4 of 61 Basic Exercises Exercise 1 Implement Basic Experiment This exercise creates the core components of an experiment. (A list of stimuli and expected responses, a procedure for the task that includes a presenting a fixation and a stimulus.) The goal is to learn to use the E-Studio interface and to learn to implement the basic structure of an experiment.
5 of 61 Basic Exercises Exercise 1: Conceptualize and implement the core experimental procedure Sample Abstract The experiment will measure the time it takes to make a lexical decision. The independent variable is whether a letter string is a word or non-word. The stimuli will be text strings of words and non-words, presented in random order in black text on a white background. The subject will be presented with a fixation (+) displayed in the center of the screen for one second. Then a probe display will present a letter string stimulus in the center of the screen for up to 2 seconds. The stimulus display will terminate when the subject responds. Subjects are to respond as quickly as possible whether the stimulus was a word or a non-word by pressing the “1” or “2” key respectively. The dependent measures are the response (i.e., key pressed), response time, and response accuracy of the probe display. DesignStructureDisplays
6 of 61 Basic Exercises Implementing Lexical Decision 1. Open E-Studio. Click the icon if present or go to the Windows Start Menu click programs, find E-Prime and then E-Studio. 2. Choose the Blank Experiment. 3. Verify that the Work space looks like this. If not, use the View menu option to check the Properties, Structure and Toolbox to on and all others to off.
7 of 61 Basic Exercises Create the Design List 4. Drag and drop a List onto the SessionProc (session procedure) in the Structure View Rename (click F2) to DesignList, double click on the DesignList to edit Double click the list object to open it up
8 of 61 Basic Exercises Specify Stimuli and Trial Events 5. Add 3 Attributes to the DesignList: Condition, Stimulus and CorrectResponse. Click on each to enter the name. 6. Add another row to the DesignList 7. Fill in Procedure and Condition attributes (to either Word/NonWord), Stimulus (to cat, jop), CorrectResponse (1,2)
9 of 61 Basic Exercises Specify Stimuli and Trial Events 9. Double click the Fixation object and type text “+” in the window. On the Probe type [Stimulus]. (Note: [Stimulus] selects the text from the stimulus attribute of that trial) 8. Copy 2 text display objects from the toolbar to the TrialProc. Rename them 8. Copy 2 text display objects from the toolbar to the TrialProc. Rename them Fixation and Probe
10 of 61 Basic Exercises Set Response Processing 9. Click the properties icon of the text display. Select the Duration/Input tab. Set the Duration/Input Properties of the Probe to: Duration 2000 ms of display Data Logging Standard to log response, accuracy, and reaction time Add Input Keyboard by clicking the Add button, select keyboard, press OK Allowable Input 12 allowing those keys Correct Input [CorrectResponse] so the CorrectResponse list attribute value determines the correct response. Input Action Terminate display after an allowable input response.
11 of 61 Basic Exercises CHECK Lexical Decision Specified Structure of experiment Specified a List with Procedure, Condition, Stimulus and Correct Response Set display text to “+” “[Stimulus]” Set Duration/Input
12 of 61 Basic Exercises Saving and Running 9. Save file on directory My Documents\My Experiments\Workshop\E- Prime Exercises\ filename Basic or open finished version 10. Run Lexical Decision. 11. Run 2 trials to verify that it ran as expected.
13 of 61 Basic Exercises Basic Exercise 1 Study Questions Can you at this point? 1. Increase the number of words/non-words? 2. Change the keyboard to a mouse response? 3. Change the duration of the display to 4 seconds? 4. Change the font color and size? 5. Alter the color of the probe with a stimulus attribute? 6. Change the sampling method to random? Short Answers are included in the Exercise Appendix
14 of 61 Basic Exercises Verify Program and have checked 12. Have an Assistant verify program before moving on. Please put the display into this form and raise your hand. Assistant Initials ___
15 of 61 Basic Exercises Exercise 2 Add Feedback (Optional) This exercise adds a feedback frame to tell the subject their response accuracy and response reaction. Feedback helps the subject to learn the task. Either Continue with the program from Exercise 1 or load My Documents\My Experiments\Workshop\E-Prime Exercises\#Basic
16 of 61 Basic Exercises Optional Exercise 2 Add Feedback 1. Add Feedback object after Probe, and open 2. Set InputObjectName to Probe. This tells the feedback object what object collected the response 2. Select Feedback Object 3. Select properties 3 2 1 4. Select Input Object Name 5. Select Probe as object that provides the response data 4 5
17 of 61 Basic Exercises Run Experiment With Feedback Run the Experiment Note - for finished version open Make both correct and incorrect responses Check to be sure you get both reaction time and accuracy feedback Common bugs with use of Feedback object If error Input Object Name not specified - Feedback Slide Object General Tab and set to Probe If error Input Object Name not specified - Feedback Slide Object General Tab and set to Probe If scoring not correct check Probe Duration/Input property page and check to see if [CorrectResponse]. If scoring not correct check Probe Duration/Input property page and check to see if [CorrectResponse].
18 of 61 Basic Exercises Basic Exercise 2 Study Questions Can you at this point? 1. Change the text of the correct message? 2. Delete the average percent correct display? Short Answers are included in the Exercise Appendix
19 of 61 Basic Exercises Exercise 3 Nested List In many experiments you want to choose stimuli from a list (e.g. a list of verbs). E-Prime allows you to specify a list of stimuli to use in different conditions. The list items can be chosen in a different order than the list of trials (e.g., alternate trials of words and non-words but select particular words/non-words in sequential order). Either Continue with the output from Exercise 1 or load My Documents\My Experiments\Workshop\Exercises\
20 of 61 Basic Exercises Exercise 3: Making a Nested List Version Add Nested lists 1. Open Design List 2. Add to the Nested column “Words” list, answer yes to “Do you want to create” 3. Add to the Nested column “NonWords”, answer yes to “Do you want to create” 4. Select “Stimulus”, right click and Click the Remove Attribute (note the value of stimulus will come from the Words or NonWords lists 1 2 3 4
21 of 61 Basic Exercises How Nested Lists Work When there is a list name in the Nested column, the program goes to that list, samples a list from that row setting the attributes from that row based on the sampling method of the list, and then continues to fill in the rest of the attributes in a left to right manner. In Row 1, the Word list would be sampled, the attribute (Stimulus) would be set and then the other attributes of the row would be set and the procedure (TrialProc) would be executed. Note the sampling of the nested and design list can be different (e.g., sample conditions randomly and words sequentially). Also you can sample multiple items from a list using “:” syntax (at end of exercise).
22 of 61 Basic Exercises Exercise 3: Making a Nested List Version 5. Open Words List to add the words 6. Add an Attribute and name it “Stimulus” 7. Add 4 rows and enter the values (cat, dog, time, bike, glove) 8. Open NonWords, add Stimulus, enter (jop, lih, det, jat, muw) 5 7 6 8
23 of 61 Basic Exercises Changing the number of samples 9. Change the weight to 2 for Words and 1 for NonWords. 9 Note the weight sets the relative frequency that the row is selected, in this case there would be 2 samples of Words and 1 on nonwords for every 3 trials.
24 of 61 Basic Exercises Set the number of Cycles 10. Select the properties 11. Select Reset/Exit 12. Set Exit List after 5 cycles 13 Verify there will be 15 samples (5 cycles 3 samples/cycle).
25 of 61 Basic Exercises Run the Nested List Experiment 13. Run the experiment (press F7 key or Run icon) 14. Verify that the words and non-words are presented sequentially and the words are selected from each list in sequential order (default ordering) the list should include cat, dog, jop, thing, bike, lih …). 15. Set sampling method to Random 16. Select properties 17. Select Selection tab 18. Set order to Random 19. Test the program to verify random sampling
26 of 61 Basic Exercises Save Experiment 20. Select File, Save As 21. Enter name “BasicExercise3NestedList”
27 of 61 Basic Exercises Nested List Extended Multiple Samples (Optional) You can take multiple samples from a given list or sample from multiple lists. You can change the DesignList and Probe objects to show 2 stimuli either two words or a word and a nonword. This is done by use of the colon syntax with colon and the sample number. The default [WordStim] samples from the initial sample sample 0 [WordStim:0]. The second sample would be [WordStim:1]. Sample WordStim Attribute nested list Words Sample 0 Sample WordStim Attribute nested list Words Sample 1 Sample NonWordStim Attribute nested list NonWords Sample 0
28 of 61 Basic Exercises Nested List Multiple Samples 22. Add Attributes Stim1 and Stim2 to design list and fill in the sample selection using the colon syntax ([WordStim:0], [WordStim:1],[Word],[NonWordStim:0] 23. Set nested lists to row 1 Words, and row 2 Words,Nonwords 24. Change the Probe display to show [Stim1], [Stim2] 25. Change the attribute name of Words list to WordStim and NonWords list to NonwordStim 26. Save & Run.
29 of 61 Basic Exercises Basic Exercise 3 Study Questions Can you at this point? 1. Predict what would be the presentation if the DesignList had a weights of 2 2. Predict the stimuli if the Design List had weights of 1 and the word lists had weight of 2 all sequential sampling 3. Predict Random ordering design list sequential ordering of Words, and random of NonWords 4. Sample stimuli from 3 lists 5. Sample multiple items from the same list in a sample Short Answers are included in the Exercise Appendix
30 of 61 Basic Exercises Exercise 4 Analysis of Lexical decision Experiment This exercise shows how to use E-Prime for basic analysis of behavioral data. This provides a way to examine data or export data to other programs like Excel TM or SPSS TM.
31 of 61 Basic Exercises Exercise 4: Analysis of Lexical Decision 1. Start E-DataAid application from the Tools menu in E-Studio or you can load it from the Start Menu. 2. Open data file My Documents\My Experiments\Workshop\E-Prime Exercises\#BasicExercise 4BehavioralAnalysis1-1.edat 3. Examine 15 rows note many columns
32 of 61 Basic Exercises Analysis Build Table of key variables Select columns. 4. Select Arrange columns. (use Tools or select the icon) 5. Remove all from show. 6. Alphabetize 7. Select and add the rows of Condition, Stimulus, probe.RT, Probe.ACC 5 6 4 7 7
33 of 61 Basic Exercises Examine the columns of data 8. Verify all columns as below. 9. Verify Probe.ACC indicates correct(1), and incorrect (0), and Probe.RT shows expected delay.
34 of 61 Basic Exercises Analysis Lexical Decision 10. Building Tables of Results - Click the Analyze Tool button. 11. Filtering data click Filter. 12. Set Column name to Probe.ACC using drop down menu. 13. Click Checklist, check “1” for corrects and click Close. 11 12 13
35 of 61 Basic Exercises Analysis Lexical Decision 14. Move (drag/drop) Condition to Rows 15. Move Probe.RT to Data 16. Double click the Probe.RT set to stats to Mean 17. Press Run to output table. 14 17 16 15
36 of 61 Basic Exercises Getting Excel Plots 18. Check Plot and Select Excel Plot.
37 of 61 Basic Exercises Verify Program and have checked Have an Assistant verify data tables reasonable (note values will vary). Assistant Initials ___
38 of 61 Basic Exercises Basic Exercise 4 Study Questions Can you at this point? 1. Filter reaction times to be greater than 200 and less than 2000 ms? 2. Plot the accuracy data across conditions? 3.Plot RTs by Block number to look at sequential effects? Short Answers are included in the Exercise Appendix
39 of 61 Basic Exercises Exercise 5 Merging Data Files From the Start menu, select Programs, E- Prime, and E-Merge. Click Close to dismiss the Quick Reference dialog, or simply reposition it by clicking on the title bar and dragging the dialog to the side of the screen.
40 of 61 Basic Exercises Locate Your Data Files Locate Your Data Files Open the C:\My Experiments\Workshop\ E-Prime Exercises\Data folder. Located within the Data folder are 5 subject data files for the Tutorial experiment. The data files are displayed in the File List window on the right side of the display. In the File List (on the right side of the display), you should see a list of files as shown to the right.
41 of 61 Basic Exercises Merge Data Files Click Select Unmerged tool to select all E-Prime data files (*.edat) not yet merged. An individual file may be selected by clicking on the file name. Click the Merge tool button on the toolbar. Click Next for Standard Merge in the Select the Merge Operation dialog. Using Set Target File open the C:\My Experiments\Workshop\E- Prime Exercises\Data folder and type “Merged Tutorial Data” in the File name field. Click OK. The results of the merge operation will be sent to the target file (Merged Tutorial Data.emrg in the Data folder).
42 of 61 Basic Exercises Merge Data Files (continued) Since the target file does not already exist, a dialog is displayed asking if you would like to create it. Click Yes. A dialog is displayed summarizing the results of the merge operation. Click OK to dismiss the Merge Results dialog.
43 of 61 Basic Exercises Examine Merge Results Notice the icons to the left of the data files (*.edat) in the File List window indicating the files were merged. The icon for a merged data file consists of a green checkmark on the E-Prime icon. The Last Merged column lists the date of the merge operation just performed. Merged Tutorial Data.emrg is now listed in the File Name column and receives the designation of “TARGET” in the Status column. The icon to the left of Merged Tutorial Data.emrg is the target file icon.
44 of 61 Basic Exercises Exercise 6 Add Picture/Sound (Optional) This exercise shows how to add picture and sound files to experiments. E-Prime supports multiple methods to present stimuli. You can present pictures, sounds, and animations. In this case we present a simple slide picture sound combination. Load My Documents\My Experiments\Workshop\Exercises\
45 of 61 Basic Exercises Exercise 6: Modify Lexical Decision to display Pictures and Sound In this exercise you will need to: Add Attributes to the List. Add Attributes to the List. Create 2 Slide objects to present text, image and sound. Create 2 Slide objects to present text, image and sound. Run the experiment. Run the experiment. Note – for finished version open #BasicExercise6SlideComplete left Hear Left left Hear Right The task requires the subject to respond 1 to the written text “Left”, and 2 to the text “Right”. The probe presents an arrow on the left or right with the spoken word Left or Right. The visual and auditory probes can be compatible and incompatible with the written text. left Hear Left Visual ProbeCompatible Incompatible Incompatible Auditory ProbeCompatible Incompatible Compatible
46 of 61 Basic Exercises Enable Sound Output 1. Double Click the Experiment Object. 2. Select Devices 3. Check on Sound if needed, Select sound. 4. Edit sound. 5. Set sampling mode Channels 1, Samples 22050, Bits Per Sample 0, select OK Sound, OK Experiment Object.
47 of 61 Basic Exercises Creating a new Slide 6. From the tool bar drag and drop a Slide object and drop it between the Fixation and Probe 7. Delete the Probe object. Before After
48 of 61 Basic Exercises Modify the Design List 8. Open the DesignList. Note the new conditions. The Condition identifies the whether the trial is Compatibly/Incompatible in the Visual and Auditory Probe. 9. Run the experiment once. It will present text for that the visual and auditory probe should be.
49 of 61 Basic Exercises Set Properties of Slide Object 10. Open Slide1. 11. Add 2 SlideStates using the add State tool and rename (do not remove the Default). 12. Select the Slide (State1), select the property page, change Name to Left. 13. Select/Rename Slide State2 to Right
50 of 61 Basic Exercises Set Properties of Slide Object 14. Set ActiveState property to [StateName] Select the Slide object from drop down menu Click on the Properties button
51 of 61 Basic Exercises Add Image to Slide 15. Select “Left” SlideState object. Click on SlideImage tool button and then click in Slide grid area. 16. Select Image object from drop down box and click the Properties button to edit image. Add left.bmp to Filename field Select Frame and Center object 17. Select “Right” SlideState, add SlideImage and set properties (repeat steps 12&13). Add right.bmp to Filename field Select Frame and Center object
52 of 61 Basic Exercises Add Sound to Slide 18. Select “Left” SlideState. Click on SlideSoundOut tool button and then click in Slide grid area. 19. Select SoundOut1 object from drop down box and click the Properties button to edit sound. Add [AuditoryProbe].wav to Filename 20. Select “Right” SlideState, add SlideSoundOut and set properties (repeat steps 18&19, or copy the sound object from the left to the Right SlideState). Add [AuditoryProbe].wav to Filename
53 of 61 Basic Exercises Add Second Slide Object 21. Make a copy of Slide1 on the TrialProc (Ctrl + click and drag). This will automatically be renamed to Slide2. Before After Ctrl + Drag
54 of 61 Basic Exercises Set Response Input on Slide2 22. Set the Duration/Input Properties of Slide2 to: Duration 2000 Data Logging Standard Add Input Keyboard Allowable Input 12 Correct [CorrectResponse] Input Action Terminate
55 of 61 Basic Exercises Add Text to Slide2 23. Click “Left” SlideState of Slide2. 24. Delete SlideSoundOut object (hit delete key or right click delete). 25. Click the SlideText tool button and then click in Slide grid area to the left of the arrow. 26. Click “Right” SlideState, delete SlideSoundOut object, add SlideText and set properties (repeat steps 23-25).
56 of 61 Basic Exercises Optional Add Feedback Display 27. Drag and drop the Feedback object after Slide2. 28. Select the FeedbackDisplay1 object. 29. Select the General Tab. 30. Select the input object to be Slide2.
57 of 61 Basic Exercises Test Slide 33. Save as BasicExercise6Slide. Note: you may just run C:\E-PrimeExercises\ 34. Run the experiment. You should hear either the word “left” or “right” spoken along with an arrow on the screen, followed by the arrow pointing to a word. Verify that only the first slide presents auditory sounds and the feedback is correct.
58 of 61 Basic Exercises Verify Slide Program Have an Assistant verify program check 1 trial. Assistant Initials ___
59 of 61 Basic Exercises Review Slide This illustrates how you can use the slide to show different combinations of text, bitmaps, and sound in different slide state conditions. How to attributes to change the stimuli for text, sound and pictures.
60 of 61 Basic Exercises Basic Exercise 6 Study Questions Can you at this point? 1. Use an attribute to set the picture in Slide1 and the position of the text in Slide 2 and have only the default state and still execute the same experiment. 2.Present the Slide 1 for only 50 ms but have the sound continue for 100 ms. Short Answers are included in the Exercise Appendix
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