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Video summarization by graph optimization Lu Shi Oct. 7, 2003.

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1 Video summarization by graph optimization Lu Shi Oct. 7, 2003

2 Outline  Introduction  Goals  Stage I: Candidate video shot selection  Video segmentation  Video feature detection  Candidate video shots  Stage II: Graph based video summary generation  Dissimilarity function  Spatial-temporal relation graph  Optimization  Experiments and Results  Conclusion & Future Work

3 Introduction  Motivation  Huge volume of video data are distributed over the Web  How to help the user to grasp the content of the video quickly  When the bandwidth is narrow, how to present the video to the user  Applications  Video skimming (dynamic)  Static story board (static)

4 Goals  Criterion for video summary  Conciseness.  The video skimming should not exceed the given target length  Comprehensive coverage  Both the visual diversity and temporal distribution of the original video should be covered.  Visual coherence.  The video skimming should not be too jumpy

5 Stage I: Candidate shot selection  Video segmentation  A video shot is an unbroken sequence of images recorded continuously by a camera.  The content of a video shot can be represented by key frames(e.g first and last)  A video sequence is formed by a series of video shots  Video shots can be detected by various video segmentation methods.

6 Stage I: Candidate shot selection  Video segmentation  Middle slice image (Concatenated by video frame center lines)  Calculate minimal pixel difference between rows  Filtering and thresholding

7 Stage I: Candidate shot selection  Video feature detection  Face detection  Voice, noise detection  Audio volume  Specific color (fire,etc)  Text caption  Features indicate interesting content that should be considered putting into the summary

8 Stage I: Candidate shot selection Select candidate shots  With interesting features extracted  Any combination of extracted features  Adjacent candidate shots can be merged into video shot clusters to increase the visual coherence

9 Stage II: Graph modeling  Video shot pairwise dissimilarity function  Visual(spatial) similarity: Histogram correlation between key frames  Temporal distance: the distance between shot center points  Definition

10 Stage II: Graph modeling  Video shot pairwise dissimilarity function  Linear with visual dissimilarity  Exponential with temporal distance: to approximate the user’s memory (k = 400 in the experiment)  Definition  Similar definition for video clusters

11 Stage II: Graph modeling  Video shot cluster pairwise dissimilarity function  Between one video shot and one video shot cluster  Between two shot clusters

12 Stage II: Graph modeling  Model the candidate shot set as a directional graph  G(V,E), conveys both the spatial and the temporal property of the video  A vertex vi corresponds to a video shot, the weight on the vertex is the shot’s length  An edge eij corresponds to the dissimilarity between video shot i and shot j

13 Stage II: Graph modeling  The real shot/cluster pairwise dissimilarity function

14 Stage II: Graph based video summary generation  Video skimming generation  Given a target video skimming length SummaryLength  A path in the spatial-temporal relation graph corresponds to a set of video shots  The object function is the length of the path  Find the longest path, with the constraint that the vertex weight summation of the path is within [Summarylength- threshold, SummaryLength]

15 Stage II: Graph based video summary generation  Optimal substructure  We denote the state as (ThisShot, LeftSize)  The optimal substructure is:  If LeftSize is too small then opt(ThisShot, LeftSize) = 0  And then we can use dynamic programming to find the best solution.

16 Stage II: Graph based video summary generation  Dynamic programming  Set opt(LastShot, 0..threshold) to 0;  Set opt(LastShot, threshold+1…SummaryLength) to -X  Calculate the opt(ThisShot, LeftSize) with the optimal substructure equation, ThisShot from LastShot-1 to 0,  Get opt(0,SummaryLength), which is the longest path’s length. Then trace back to find the path.  The time complexity:  The spatial complexity:

17 Stage II: Graph based video summary generation  Video skimming generation  The generated video skimming based on video shots and video shot clusters is shown below ( SummaryLength= 1500, Video Length = 11479).

18 Stage II: Graph based video summary generation  Static video story board generation  The static video story board is generated with the key frames of the skimming video shots.

19 Stage II: Graph based video summary generation  Evaluation  The generated video skimming has grasped both the visual diversity and temporal coverage  Massive subjective test not carried out yet (Does it make sense?)  Quantitative objective evaluation is a big problem

20 Future work  Combine with video structure  V-Toc (Video table of contents)  Video shot groups  Video scenes

21 Future work  Video structure  Video shot group and video scene

22 Q & A Thank you!

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