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Team BIOHAZARD Presents: Project CRUENTO. CRUENTO: Latin – to make bloody; stain with blood.

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Presentation on theme: "Team BIOHAZARD Presents: Project CRUENTO. CRUENTO: Latin – to make bloody; stain with blood."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team BIOHAZARD Presents: Project CRUENTO

2 CRUENTO: Latin – to make bloody; stain with blood

3 Team Members Team Leader: Chris Pearson, Electrical Engineering Alicia Harris, Aerospace Engineering Andrew Brewer, Aerospace Engineering Greg Juarez, Aerospace Engineering Curtis Miller, Aerospace Engineering Shaun Valdez, Aerospace Engineering

4 Overview & Mission Statement Mission Statement: To ascertain how blood reacts to a near space environment. To Test: What are the conditions under which blood boils in a near space environment. What if there was an accidental tear or rupture in a pressure suit around 85,000ft.? What are the differences between slow and abrupt releases of pressure on blood at that altitude?

5 Hardware Required Basic Stamp BS2-IC Servo-Controlled Valves Blood Containment Equipment Polycarbonate Sheets HOBO Data Logger 1 Film Camera 1 Digital Camera External Heat Sensor Internal Heating System

6 Hardware Required (cont.) Foam Core Plastic Tubing Misc. Electrical Components (LEDs, Switches, Wires, Timing Circuits, Transistors, Capacitors, etc.)

7 Satellite Design

8 Schematics

9 Construction Accounting: Chris and Curtis Foam Cutting Shell Construction: Curtis Internal Structure: Shaun Hardware Integration: Chris Blood Acquirement and Care: Shaun HOBO: Alicia Programmer: Greg and Chris Circuit Building: Chris and Greg Heating and Insulation: Andrew

10 Testing Whip Test Drop Test Cooler Test Subsystems Test Functional Test Mission Simulation Drag Test

11 Safety Ensure that the blood remains in its designated container Surgical gloves will be worn at all times when handling the blood A first-aid kit will be kept at the ready Safety goggles will be worn when necessary No horseplay Special care taken around power tools, soldering iron, and hot glue gun Don’t multi-task

12 Special Features 360° Camera Polycarbonate Observation Dome Blood Testing Equipment

13 Budget EquipmentWeight (if in sat.) CostAmountTotal cost Basic stamp9.1 grams$501 Foam core65.5 gramsFree1 Hobo data logger 29 gramsFree1 Camera 1116.3 gramsFree1 Camera 2100.2 grams$571 Polycarbonate67.4 grams$201 Servos28.8 grams$223$66 Motors28 grams$51 Heater12.5 gramsFree1 Insulation30 gramsFree1 Batteries101.4 gramsFree3 Misc. Electrical components 15 grams$101 unit$10 External temperature Cable 37 gramsFree1

14 Budget (cont.) Plastic tubing12.3 grams$7.023 Valves10 grams$5.003 Blood removalN/A2 or 3 Aluminum Tape10 gramsFree1 unitFree Adhesive15 gramsFree1 unitFree Silica gel packet6 grams$13 Hand warmers43 gramsFree1 Blood41 gramsFree Film10.5 grams$51 Total788.0 grams$226.02 EquipmentWeight (if in sat.) CostAmountTotal cost

15 Schedule Sunday, September 24, 2006 – The design of the balloon sat will be finalized. Thursday, October 5, 2006 – All hardware ordered purchased by this date. Thursday, October 12, 2006 – Prototyping of the structure will be completed. Thursday, October 26, 2006 – Have balloon sat flight ready and starting tests. Thursday, November 2, 2006 – Have all tests completed. Saturday, November 11, 2006 – Have all systems working and debugged. Flight-ready.

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