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IS465: Adv. Info. Sys. Course Overview Min Song Information Systems Dept.

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Presentation on theme: "IS465: Adv. Info. Sys. Course Overview Min Song Information Systems Dept."— Presentation transcript:

1 IS465: Adv. Info. Sys. Course Overview Min Song Information Systems Dept.

2 2 What this course is about Learn about intelligence, design, choice and review activities by humans in order to identify opportunities and limitations of information systems for supporting these processes.

3 3 Tools for the Course IS/CS –databases: data flow diagrams, entity/relationship models –programming: pseudocoding Probability and Statistics –basic set theory –random variables –models of data Communications –dictionary (e.g., –grammar and style manual (e.g., The Elements of Style)

4 4 Tools for the Course Computer –Excel –Word processing program (Word) –Drawing program (e.g., PowerPoint or Visio) Research –NJIT library (esp. Lexis/Nexis, periodicals) –Google and Google Scholar –telephone, email, face to face Life –time management –human resource management

5 5 Looking ahead... How can Information Systems better support the management of abandoned vehicles in NYC? What are the limits of Information Systems capability in processing cost claims for medical services? What is the role of Information Systems in multi-agency communications following a disaster?

6 6 Your Instructor Min Song, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Information Systems Office: GITC 4102 E-mail: Web: Phone: (973) 596-5291 Office hours:

7 7 Your Instructor Research –Web/Text Mining –Digital Libraries –Bioinformatics Teaching –Web Mining (IS 698) –Web Services and Authentication (IS 698) –System Design and Analysis (IS 390) –Database Management (IS 663) Training –Ph.D., Information Systems, Drexel University –M.S., Information Science, Indiana University –B.S., Information Science, Yonsei University, Korea

8 8 Course Policies Work to the best of your ability while fulfilling basic requirements –show up on time –do your work –contribute to our team effort –respect my time and that of your colleagues –communicate in a way that doesn’t embarrass me or us After Morgan Benton

9 9 Lateness Policy After Morgan Benton All work is due at specific times—one minute late is still late and will suffer a late penalty of 10% per day, and 100% after one week Bad excuses –Busy with other classwork –Computer failure –Failure to understand the assignment –Traveling/busy at work Good excuses –Any event that I can verify, and that is certified by a doctor, lawyer, etc.

10 10 Integrity Policy There is ZERO tolerance in this class for any breach of integrity Any offense, no matter how slight, will result in automatic failure in the course and a disciplinary hearing with the Dean of Students After Morgan Benton

11 11 Communication Policy Basic rule: Respect my time and energy and that of your colleagues. For both in-class and online communications, that means –Try to answer questions on your own first –If you need to ask me a question, use an appropriate channel Corollary: extend the same respect to your colleagues After Morgan Benton

12 12 Other Information Syllabus gives all details on course administration. It is our contract.

13 13 Exam Format Short answers: “What is...” Medium answers: “Describe...” Long answer: “Consider...” Examples: “Give an example of an unstructured decision at the managerial control level.” “Pick one ‘traditional’ technique for making programmed decisions and discuss how it differs from one ‘modern’ technique.” “Explain the likely effects of the proposed change in the following work process...”

14 14 Project Format Intelligence, design, choice and review Start with raw data, end with understanding Done in a two-person group, with mutual evaluation that counts towards project grade

15 15 Each group has 10 minutes to discuss, 3 minutes to report Please answer the following: –What elements are involved? –What is the most important element? What is an information system?

16 16 Attendance Policy After Morgan Benton Attendance taken daily All classes count (including today) 10% of semester grade Values: –On time:3 points –Excused absence:2 points –Late:1 point –Unexcused:0 points More than 4 absences (excused or unexcused) and I will ask you to withdraw Email me to inform me of absences (ideally, before they happen).

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