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1 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Adaptive Query Processing Amol Deshpande, University of Maryland Vijayshankar Raman, IBM Almaden Research Center Title slide
2 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Goal Research in query processing and optimization has taken a new track into adaptive query processing (QP) –Most new research projects that need QP use some adaptive approach Whether regular QP, XML QP, text, continuous QP, web QP, … Selinger-style query processing fallen out of flavor –Also true in industrial projects, especially new ones. Educate audience on what this is all about –Where adaptive QP works, where it has known problems, what is unknown What is Out of Scope of this tutorial –Parallelism, distributed eddies, continuous query processing…
3 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Agenda Background on non-adaptive Query Processing –History, where it works, and where it breaks Adaptive Query Processing –Dimensions of Adaptivity –Evolutionary Adaptive query processing Late binding and parametric optimization Competition Mid-query reoptimization –Tuple-wise adaptive Query Processing Eddies, SteMs, STAIRs Commentary –What works and what fails –Open problems
4 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Background on Non-Adaptive Query Processing Central value proposition of relational model: declarative queries –You decide what data access (query) you want to do; the DBMS will figure out the “right” algorithm (plan) – “right” usually translated to “good enough” Standard method of realizing this: cost-based query optimization
5 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Cost-based Query Optimization Declarative Query Results Query Optimizer Query Executor Compiled Query Plan Disk(s)
6 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Non-Adaptive Query Processing Several Improvements over the years Wider plan space –Started out with left deep tree of binary join operators –Now: lots more operators Many more query transformations multi-block SQL bushy plans … –Plan space has grown to be huge and messy Use of statistics to get better costs Better dynamic programming techniques (transformational, memoization) Good surveys exist: [Graefe 1993], [Chaudhuri 1998]
7 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Success of Non-Adaptive QP Used pretty much everywhere –every commercial DBMS uses some form of cost-based optimization –Why? Plan space is too wide and combinatorial Other ideas like randomized optimization simply don’t search widely enough (e.g. all possible ways of using indexes) Benefits from 25 years of tuning Widely viewed as success story for relational databases, and as vindication of relational model –Some qualifications DBAs love and demand control (hints, syntax-direction, plan-fixing across releases, …) Applications often help the query processor by splitting a query into multiple phases (precursor of adaptivity)
8 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Where does traditional optimization break (1) Declarative Query Results Query Optimizer Query Executor Disk(s) In recent years, optimizers have started to break at the seams as they are extended to new environments SELECT p.profile_id, p.account_id, p.profile_title, p.profile_default, r.profile_detail_id AS registrant_detail_id, r.profile_first_name AS registrant_first_name, r.profile_last_name AS registrant_last_name, r.profile_job_title AS registrant_job_title, r.profile_organization_name AS registrant_organization_name, r.profile_address1 AS registrant_address1, r.profile_address2 AS registrant_address2, r.profile_city AS registrant_city, r.state_id … FROM TABLE_ACCOUNT_PROFILES p LEFT JOIN TABLE_ACCOUNT_PROFILE_DETAILS r ON p.profile_id = r.profile_id AND r.profile_type_id = 1 LEFT JOIN TABLE_STATES rs ON r.state_id = rs.state_id LEFT JOIN TABLE_COUNTRIES rc ON … very complex user queries
9 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Where does traditional optimization break (1) Declarative Query Results Query Optimizer Query Executor Disk(s) In recent years, optimizers have started to break at the seams as they are extended to new environments SELECT p.profile_id, p.account_id, p.profile_title, p.profile_default, r.profile_detail_id AS registrant_detail_id, r.profile_first_name AS registrant_first_name, r.profile_last_name AS registrant_last_name, r.profile_job_title AS registrant_job_title, r.profile_organization_name AS registrant_organization_name, r.profile_address1 AS registrant_address1, r.profile_address2 AS registrant_address2, r.profile_city AS registrant_city, r.state_id … FROM TABLE_ACCOUNT_PROFILES p LEFT JOIN TABLE_ACCOUNT_PROFILE_DETAILS r ON p.profile_id = r.profile_id AND r.profile_type_id = 1 LEFT JOIN TABLE_STATES rs ON r.state_id = rs.state_id LEFT JOIN TABLE_COUNTRIES rc ON … very complex user queries Network wide area federations data streams X M L
10 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Where does traditional optimization break (2) Bad Statistics –DBA-challenged environment is the norm –New data types like XML and text –Deep Web and federated systems –Correlations (many optimizers implement only marginal histograms) Very dynamic environments –Continuous queries – query runs for ever, so things change –Wide area federations
11 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Where does traditional optimization break (3) Complex queries –Large numbers of tables (usually bail to greedy beyond 10-20 tables in a join) Queries with Parameter markers –Select average(salary) from Employee where age > $1 and age < $2 Need for sharing work between queries – esp. in continuous queries Asynchronous (push) data sources (e.g. data streams) New Metrics for QP –E.g., Interactive metric User preferences change too quickly for optimization to pay off Pipelined plans: focus on early results
12 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Agenda Background on non-adaptive Query Processing –History, where it works, and where it breaks Adaptive Query Processing –Dimensions of Adaptivity –Evolutionary Adaptive query processing Late binding and parametric optimization Competition Mid-query reoptimization –Tuple-wise adaptive Query Processing Eddies, SteMs, STAIRs Commentary –What works and what fails –Open problems
13 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Idea of Adaptive Query Processing Interleave the optimization and execution stages –We learn better statistics as the query executes Two main styles Static Late Inter Intra Per Plans Binding Operator Operator Tuple Traditional Dynamic QEP Query Scrambling Xjoin, DPHJ, Eddies DBMS Parametric Mid-query Reopt. Convergent QP Competitive Progressive Opt. EvolutionaryRevolutionary
14 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Idea of Adaptive Query Processing Interleave the optimization and execution stages –We learn better statistics as the query executes Two main styles Static Late Inter Intra Per Plans Binding Operator Operator Tuple Traditional Dynamic QEP Query Scrambling Xjoin, DPHJ, Eddies DBMS Parametric Mid-query Reopt. Convergent QP Competitive Progressive Opt. EvolutionaryRevolutionary
15 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Dimensions of Adaptation Measure Analyze Plan Actuate Measure: monitor cardinalities, resource utilization, etc Analyze: verify compliance with performance goals (very tricky problem during intermediate stages of a query) Plan: can involve optimizer, or be a routing policy Actuate: switch to a new query plan, hopefully without wasting too much work
16 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Dimensions of Adaptation Measure Analyze Plan Actuate Traditional database system use a simple form of inter-query adaptation Measurements done on the tables directly, and analyzed during query optimization time Also, by measuring the cardinalities during execution: –Adaptive selectivity estimation [Chen/Roussopoulos 1994] –LEO [Volker et al 2001] –SITS [Bruno/Chaudhuri 2002] But always a single plan is used to execute the query fully
17 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Agenda Background on non-adaptive Query Processing –History, where it works, and where it breaks Adaptive Query Processing –Dimensions of Adaptivity –Evolutionary Adaptive query processing Late binding and parametric optimization Competition Mid-query reoptimization –Tuple-wise adaptive Query Processing Eddies, SteMs, STAIRs Commentary –What works and what fails –Open problems
18 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Adaptive Query Processing Static Late Inter Intra Per Plans Binding Operator Operator Tuple EvolutionaryRevolutionary Traditional Dynamic QEP Query Scrambling Xjoin, DPHJ, Eddies DBMS Parametric Mid-query Reopt. Convergent QP Competitive Progressive Opt.
19 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Late Binding and Parametric Optimization Idea: let optimizer pick multiple plans for each query –Choose the best one just before execution Plan Pick one and Actuate Plan Plans Q
20 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Late Binding and Parametric Optimization Parametric optimization [Graefe/Cole 1994, Ioannidis 1992, Ganguly 1998, etc.] –Pick optimal plans for various regions of the parameter spaces –Do this during dynamic programming itself Using plausible assumptions about cost functions Challenges: –makes optimization too expensive –Many plausible assumptions don’t hold in practice (see, e.g., [Haritsa 2005]) –Cannot address problems that 1 st crop up during execution Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 4 Plan 3 Plan 5 selectivity 1 selectivity 2
21 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Late Binding and Parametric Optimization Variation: Validity Ranges ( [Markl/Raman/Lohman/Piraheh/Simmens 2005]) Attach to each edge of a query plan, a range of cardinalities within which plan is optimal Easier to compute during dynamic programming optimizer –Use numerical root finding techniques; works well with real cost functions –Extends nicely to more general notions of “robust query optimization” e.g., range within which plan is within 50% of optimal (Raman/Haas/Reder/Markl 2005). But, Limited effectiveness –only tells you if a plan is broken, not how to fix it Meshes well with mid-query reoptimization
22 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Competition E.g. DEC RDB [Antonshenkov 1993]: run access methods competitively Measure: monitor cardinalities, costs of access methods Analyze: decide which access method has higher rate Advantage: simple method Challenge: avoid redundant work, avoid duplicates –Use a shared hash table & global timestamp [Raman/Deshpande/Hellerstein 2003] –Needs more evaluation of overheads Measure Analyze Plan Actuate a few Plan Plans Q Pick faster one Run for a while
23 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Adaptive Query Processing Static Late Inter Intra Per Plans Binding Operator Operator Tuple EvolutionaryRevolutionary Traditional Dynamic QEP Query Scrambling Xjoin, DPHJ, Eddies DBMS Parametric Mid-query Reopt. Convergent QP Competitive Progressive Opt.
24 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Mid-Query Reoptimization Kabra et al 1998, Markl et al 2005, Babu et al 2005 Switch query execution plans at well-defined points –Typically, materialization points Advantage: seems to work well in practice Independent implementations Challenge: coarse grained adaptation Cannot always reuse work done in prior executions Measure Analyze New Plan Actuate Q Plan If plan is sufficiently sub-optimal, switch to new plan
25 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Measure: monitoring cardinalities During execution, monitor cardinalities on each edge of query plan –E.g., each call to getNext() increments count –must refine for operators that are executed multiple times (e.g., inner of nested loops joins) [e.g. Stillger/Markl/Lohman 2001] As we monitor, we narrow down range of possible values for true cardinality (primarily the lower bound) Can extrapolate to expected value of true cardinality –E.g.: –Expected value of c2 = expected value of c1 * (current c2) / (current c1) op c1 c2
26 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Analyze: Switching plans Mid-Query Re-optimize the original query to form a new plan Getting a better plan: –Plug in all cardinality information learned during this query Reusing work: –Plug in fully materialized relations from current execution as materialized views Materialization points –Sorts –Inner of hash joins –Explicit materializations (uncorrelated inners, common subexpressions, …) S T R T S re-optimize
27 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Analyze: when to switch plans When no tuples have been output, and When current plan is sufficiently sub-optimal, and –Range of true cardinalities on an edge has no overlap with validity range for that edge –Or, expected true cardinality falls far outside of validity range Cost of reoptimization > cost of new plan – remaining cost of current plan –Hard to gauge this accurately; many variables How many intermediate results we will succeed in reusing how much better is the new plan –Relatively easy to gauge this if we switch at a materialization point Because cost of reoptimization is negligible
28 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Adaptive Query Processing Static Late Inter Intra Per Plans Binding Operator Operator Tuple EvolutionaryRevolutionary Traditional Dynamic QEP Query Scrambling Xjoin, DPHJ, Eddies DBMS Parametric Mid-query Reopt. Convergent QP Competitive Progressive Opt.
29 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Query Scrambling Amsaleg/Franklin/Tomasic/Urhan 1996, Urhan/Franklin/Amsaleg 1998 Designed for coping with delays in a wide area setting Network Query Processor Wide Area Data Sources Measure Analyze New Plan Actuate Q Plan Measure delays Response time optimization
30 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Adaptive Query Processing Static Late Inter Intra Per Plans Binding Operator Operator Tuple Traditional Dynamic QEP Query Scrambling Xjoin, DPHJ, Eddies DBMS Parametric Mid-query Reopt. Convergent QP Competitive Progressive Opt. EvolutionaryRevolutionary
31 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Agenda Background on non-adaptive Query Processing –History, where it works, and where it breaks Adaptive Query Processing –Dimensions of Adaptivity –Evolutionary Adaptive query processing –Tuple-wise adaptive Query Processing Eddies, SteMs, STAIRs Commentary –What works and what fails –Open problems
32 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Eddies [Avnur/Hellerstein 2000] Measure Analyze Plan Actuate Eddies combine all the dimensions of adaptivity into a single operator Eddy
33 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Eddies [Avnur/Hellerstein 2000] A traditional query plan: queries executed using iterator (getNext) model Query execution using an eddy S E E C S E Output C Eddy S E E C S E C Output An eddy operator Intercepts tuples from sources and output tuples from operators Uses feedback from the operators to route
34 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Example Database NameLevel JoeJunior JenSenior NameCourse JoeCS1 JenCS2 CourseInstructor CS2Smith select * from students, enrolled, courses where = and enrolled.course = courses.course Students Enrolled NameLevelCourse JoeJuniorCS1 JenSeniorCS2 Enrolled Courses StudentsEnrolled Courses NameLevelCourseInstructor JenSeniorCS2Smith
35 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Query Execution using Eddies Eddy S E C Insert with key hash(joe) Probe to find matches S E HashTable S.Name HashTable E.Name E C HashTable E.Course HashTable C.Course JoeJunior JoeJunior JoeJunior No matches; Eddy processes the next tuple Output
36 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Query Execution using Eddies Eddy S E C Insert Probe S E HashTable S.Name HashTable E.Name E C HashTable E.Course HashTable C.Course JoeJr JenSr JoeCS1 JoeCS1 JoeCS1 JoeJrCS1 JoeJrCS1 JoeJrCS1 Output CS2Smith
37 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Query Execution using Eddies Eddy S E C Output Probe S E HashTable S.Name HashTable E.Name E C HashTable E.Course HashTable C.Course JoeJr JenSr CS2Smith JenCS2 JoeCS1 JoeJrCS1 JenCS2 JenCS2 JenCS2Smith Probe JenCS2Smith JenCS2Smith JenSr.CS2Smith JenSr.CS2Smith Note: this is a symmetric hash join
38 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Eddies: Postmortem Eddy executes different query execution plans for different parts of data Eddy adapts the join order during query execution Access methods and join algorithms still chosen up front StudentsEnrolled Output Courses E C S E CoursesEnrolled Output Students E S C E CourseInstructor CS2Smith CourseInstructor CS2Smith NameCourse JoeCS1 NameLevel JoeJunior JenSenior NameLevel JoeJunior JenSenior NameCourse JenCS2
39 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Eddies and Pipelined Joins Simplest way to describe eddies is in terms of symmetric hash join –This is the approach we used in our example Approach extends directly to index nested loops joins Can also extend this to non-pipelined joins (e.g. sort-merge, or hybrid hash) –BUT, opportunities for adaptation are much less Only at end of building whole hash table (just like with mid-query re-optimizations) –Generalized using SteMs and STAIRs
40 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Eddies: Routing Policy – Non-adaptive Choosing which operator to route a given tuple to –The brain of the eddy Eddy S E E C S E C Output Non-Adaptive Optimization 1. Run a regular optimizer to figure out the join order 2. Map join order into order of tuple routing Send S and E tuples here Returns S JOIN E (SE) tuples StudentsEnrolled Output Courses E C S E Send SE, and C tuples here Returns SEC tuples
41 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Eddies: Routing Policy – Lottery Scheduling Choosing which operator to route a given tuple to –The brain of the eddy Eddy S E E C S E C Output Lottery Scheduling [Avnur 00] Simplified Description 1. Maintain for each operator: tuples sent tuples returned cost per tuple 2. Choose (roughly) based on the above 3. Explore by randomly sending tuples in the wrong orders sent = 100 received = 2 sent = 10 received = 20 Send here 99% of the time Send to the other operator 1% of the time
42 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Eddies: Routing Policy – Statistics Based Choosing which operator to route a given tuple to –The brain of the eddy Eddy S E E C S E C Output [Deshpande, Hellerstein 04] 1. Learn statistics on each input table as data streams in 2. Choose (roughly) based on the statistics (analogous to traditional QO)
43 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Eddies: Routing Policy – Interactivity Metric Choosing which operator to route a given tuple to –The brain of the eddy Eddy S E E C S E C Output [Raman, Hellerstein 02] Use user preferences for different kinds of tuples and different kinds of result columns to determine the routing order
44 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Agenda Background on non-adaptive Query Processing –History, where it works, and where it breaks Adaptive Query Processing –Dimensions of Adaptivity –Evolutionary Adaptive query processing –Tuple-wise adaptive Query Processing Eddies, SteMs, STAIRs Commentary –What works and what fails –Open problems
45 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 State Modules (SteMs): More aggressive adaptation Eddies allow dynamic adaptation of join order –Within a particular spanning tree of the join graph Other adaptations: –Access methods: especially index vs scan access methods –Join algorithms: e.g., index join (IJ) vs hash join (HJ) To guard against wrong cardinality estimates To simultaneously optimize for both pipelining & completion time (IJ HJ) To deal with memory overflows (HJ IJ) R Eddy P P R P hash jn R Eddy ind.jn + P SteM R SteM P
46 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Eddy execs queries by routing tuples to SteMs and AMs SteM –Dictionary of homogeneous tuples –(insert) build and (search) probe operations Access modules (AMs) –probe with tuples and get matches One Example: Symmetric Hash Join –Build SteM R –Probe SteM S with R tuple –Build SteM S –Probe SteM R with R tuple Generalizes to n-ary join Can simulate other join algorithms, by using other routing policy –Thus, changing the routing allows adaptation of join algorithm –Subtle routing constraints needed to ensure correct execution [Raman et al 2003] Query Processing with SteMs build R probe ST RST matches SteM R repeat R Eddy S S bld R bld S probeR probe
47 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Sharing State across queries E.g. 1000 queries of the form: select * from R where R.a = parameter Equivalent to: select * from R, Q where R.a = Q.parameter Eddy routes tuples from R SteM and queries from Q SteM Useful for continuous-query proc. and multi-query proc –Need to extend SteMs with eviction (deletion) operation – for window joins –See Madden et. al paper in SIGMOD 2002 Another application of SteMs
48 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Agenda Background on non-adaptive Query Processing –History, where it works, and where it breaks Adaptive Query Processing –Dimensions of Adaptivity –Evolutionary Adaptive query processing –Tuple-wise adaptive Query Processing Eddies, SteMs, STAIRs … Commentary –What works and what fails –Open problems
49 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 HashTable E.Name STAIR HashTable S.Name STAIR HashTable E.Course STAIR HashTable C.Course STAIR Eddy S E C Output Query execution using STAIRS [Deshpande/Hellerstein 2004] (Storage, Transformation and Access for Intermediate Results) Extend SteMs to handle reuse of intermediate results s1 Probe into E.Name STAIR Build into S.Name STAIR s1
50 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Agenda Background on non-adaptive Query Processing –History, where it works, and where it breaks Adaptive Query Processing –Dimensions of Adaptivity –Evolutionary Adaptive query processing –Tuple-wise adaptive Query Processing Eddies, SteMs, STAIRs … Commentary –What works and what fails –Open problems
51 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 So where are we… Evolutionary techniques –Relatively well understood –Commercial database support in recent years But –Don’t offer fine-grained adaptivity required for the new environments Going back to the list of reasons why adaptive query processing is required…
52 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Evolutionary Techniques Can handle to some extent: –Queries with parameter markers –Complex queries with large tables –Bad Statistics/correlations (if used in conjunction with sophisticated synopses) Can not easily handle: –Deep web and federated systems (maybe) –Interactive query metrics Can not handle: –Very dynamic environments Continuous queries – query runs for ever, so things change –Extensive sharing of work between queries – esp. in continuous queries –Asynchronous (push) data sources, triggers, etc. Open –XML (depends on the complexity of the query language) –Text and other types of complex data
53 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 So where are we… Revolutionary techniques –Show great promise –Have the potential to handle most of the issues But –Much harder to implement –Seem to have non-negligible overheads in the common case –Very immature research area –More work is needed…
54 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Some Open Problems Parametric query optimization –Can potentially avoid the need for adaptive query processing in many scenarios Especially parameter markers and correlations –Few practical techniques so far Optimization with expanded plan space –Eddies can explore a plan space much larger than traditional plan space They allow relations to be broken into pieces, with each piece executed separately –Can we explore this plan space in a non-adaptive setting ? –Recent work on: Conditional Planning [Deshpande et al, ICDE 2005] Content-based Routing [Babu et al, VLDB 2005]
55 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Some Open Problems Eddies –Routing policies Whether eddies will succeed depends on the routing policies Little work so far... –SteMs, STAIRs Theoretical analysis of optimization space Practical viability analysis Especially in the context of continuous query processing –Parallel, distributed environments, P2P, Grid Disk: –Flexibility demanded by adaptive techniques at odds against the careful scheduling typically done by DBMSs –Very little work on understanding this
56 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Conclusions Declarative queries are the fundamental justification for the relational model –Otherwise we could all go back to CODASYL Traditional query optimization does not work all that well outside of a very narrow domain Evolutionary techniques –Well understood; Offer limited adaptivity Revolutionary techniques –Hold much more promise; Immature area Very exciting research lies ahead …
57 Adaptive Query Processing | Dec 22, 2005 Questions ?
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