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The Secret Life of Maps. Maps are selective Maps have a purpose A maps quality is related to its purpose.

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Presentation on theme: "The Secret Life of Maps. Maps are selective Maps have a purpose A maps quality is related to its purpose."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Secret Life of Maps

2 Maps are selective Maps have a purpose A maps quality is related to its purpose.

3 Every projection has to give up something to get the attributes it has.

4 Mercator Projection Straight lines on this projection are lines of constant compass bearing. The Mercator is also a "conformal" map projection. This means that it shows shapes pretty much the way they appear on the globe. You cannot show both shape and size accurately. If you want a true shape for the land masses you will necessarily sacrifice proportionality, i.e., the relative sizes will be distorted.

5 CYLINDRICAL PROJECTION Type of map in which a cylinder is wrapped around a sphere (the globe), and the details of the globe are projected onto the cylindrical surface. Then, the cylinder is unwrapped into a flat surface, yielding a rectangular-shaped map. Cylindrical maps have a lot of distortion in the polar regions (that is, the size of the polar regions is greatly exaggerated on these maps).

6 Peter’s Projection The Peters Map is an equal area map. This new map shows all areas - whether countries, continents or oceans - according to their actual size.. The Peters Map is an equal axis map. All North-South lines run vertical on this map. The Peters Map shows equal positions. All East-West Lines run parallel. Shows size proportion while sacrificing true shape.

7 No single map can give you the full picture of our amazing and bountiful planet. If you look at the world from only one vantage point, you risk missing much. Our lives are enriched when we begin to see things From different points of view. Ward L. Kaiser & Denis Wood Seeing Through Maps


9 The choropleth map and map generalization.. Choropleth maps portray geographical patterns for aggregations such as census districts. And are generally subjective collections of raw data. The map creator may often times select the best aggregation of data to produce results related to their desired outcome. How true a map is will be dependent upon how the aggregation of data was simplified and presented.

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