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Animal Chatter Cyberlesson by Stephanie Staszewski.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Chatter Cyberlesson by Stephanie Staszewski."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Chatter Cyberlesson by Stephanie Staszewski

2 Introduction Have you ever wondered what your dog was thinking as he looked at you wagging his tail? Have you ever wondered what birds were trying to say as they woke you up with their chirping early on a summer morning? Well, you are about to learn a lot about Animal Communication and maybe even be able to understand your own pet just a little bit more…. Get ready-it’s going to be a lot of fun!

3 For your adventure, you will need the following items: Book Animal Chatter Pen/pencil Computer with internet access Computer with PowerPoint Software Sticky notes Reader response journal Prediction Chart-Click on the Tiger to get your prediction Chart.

4 Before Reading Activities Before you begin reading, preview the text with them members of your table. Be sure to look at Pictures, Captions and Bold Faced words. Then, on your prediction chart, make some predictions about what you think you will learn as you read about Animal Communication. Lastly, in your reader response journal, answer the following Questions: If there was one animal that you could communicate with, what would it be, why would you want to communicate with that animal and what would you say?

5 During Reading Activities 1.Click on the paper to the left and print out the paper to the nearest printer. 2.As you read, use your Post-its bookmark to note important ideas. 3.Keep your Post its in your book on the appropriate page.

6 After Reading Team Activities Discuss with the members of your team your responses to the before reading question in your reader response journals. Then, discuss what your wrote on your post it notes. Maybe your team will be able to answer some questions that you might have asked as your were reading Create a 5 slide powerPoint Presentation that highlights important information that you learned about animal communication

7 Beyond Reading Activities Click on whale or the horse to read about an animal communicators. You will read about one named Joan Raquet. You can also watch a video about animal communication! Click on the chimp to learn about the chimpanzee and human communication institute from Central Washington University

8 POINTS123SELF TEACHER Prediction Worksheet Some predictions are made (did not have 4). Predictions do not demonstrate use of headings in the text. 4 Predictions are made. Student did not go back to complete chart. Shows minimum use of text headings. 6 predictions are made and were verified through reading. Showed accurate use of text headings. Reader Response Journal Reader Response journal is not complete. Student did not stay on topic or demonstrate use of headings and purpose for reading. Reader Response journal shows minimal effort. Student shows some use of headings and purpose for reading. Reader Response journal is completed. Student stays on topic. Student shows use of headings and a purpose for reading. Post It notes Poster shows little accurate information and demonstrates minimal knowledge of National Park studied Poster included interesting and accurate information. Also demonstrates some knowledge of the National Park studied Poster includes interesting and accurate information. Also demonstrates knowledge of the National Park studied PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint presentation is not complete. Contains only 1 or 2 slides PowerPoint Presentation contains 5 slides and shows little information learned about animal communication. PowerPoint Presentation contains five slides. Demonstrates knowledge that was learned through reading.

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