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VSZOSZ conference June 22 2011 Budapest Leo Kooyman NL.

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Presentation on theme: "VSZOSZ conference June 22 2011 Budapest Leo Kooyman NL."— Presentation transcript:

1 VSZOSZ conference June 22 2011 Budapest Leo Kooyman NL

2  Inhabitants : 16 million  Unemployment rate : 4,5%  National minimum wage: 1416€ / month  National assistance : 656 / 1313 month (fam)  Special act sheltered employment 100.000 pwd  Municipalities are obliged to take care of: - sheltered / supported employment (wsw) - national assistance benefits (wwb ) - provisions for p.w.d. / home / care/ transport  Municipalities are the shareholders of the companies KOOYMAN AdvieSWerk

3  Targetgroup: disadvantage p.w.d for regular labour market, with still capacities >15%  Selection committee  100.000 employed 20.000 at waiting list  95 executive organizations  40% inside workshops, 30 % facilitary services, 30% in secundment and subsidised jobs  Wages= normal. No relation with productivity  Average wage: 125 % of the Nat. Min. Wage  30% physically -, 30% mentally-, 40 % psychically disabled  Average subsidy 70% of the total cost ( wages)  Fulltime job = 36 h/w p/pwd KOOYMAN AdvieSWerk

4  Doing more than only Wsw 100.000 wsw, 25.000 training and preparation (temporary)  Staff 1:10  Cooperations with regular companies  Joint ventures  Well equiped, modern, professional staff, compatative, enterprenurial

5  Starts in 1969, declaration system  Restyled 1989 budgetsystem, targets  Restyled 1998 2 balanced legislations a) sheltered empl b) long unemployed  Restyled 2005 Pressing on transistions and supported employment  No quota system  “ no risk” arrangement for employers ( p.w.d)

6  100.000 +20.000 WSw waiting list ( 125% wage )  50.000 / 100.000 young disabled jobseekers ( max 70-85 % income)  100.000 in Nat assistance program( WWB) ( 80%)

7  New goverment, financial problems  Create a new approach: “work due your capacity” in regular work for all people at the lower part of the labour market, but for the real pwd a separete law  Combination of income based at productivity and income from nat assistence ( max 100%)

8  Municipalities want to have one general law  Do not change the model and cut the subsidy  Extra budget for tranformation ( 400mln ?)  Respect the rights of the old population  How to convinced employers  NL, no quoata system, no nondiscrimination

9  Is a jobseeker with a disability equal to a long time unemployed person  If you change systems how to deal with rights and lifelong garanties  Are employers looking for pwd or for cheap labour ( Poland, Romania)  Enterprises want to have the possibilities: a) secundment against own employment b) to place orders/ contracts c) to be served by specialised providers

10  Equal rights  Normal income  Employers rights / trade unions  Development of skills / training  Doing normal work / products/services

11  Q & A  Thank you for your attention

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