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Argumentativeness, Verbal Aggressiveness, and Persuasion Ch.7 Persuasion and influence in interpersonal interactions.

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Presentation on theme: "Argumentativeness, Verbal Aggressiveness, and Persuasion Ch.7 Persuasion and influence in interpersonal interactions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Argumentativeness, Verbal Aggressiveness, and Persuasion Ch.7 Persuasion and influence in interpersonal interactions

2  How can argumentativeness be influential?  How is verbal aggressiveness influential?  Can either of the two be uninfluential?

3 Aggressive Communication  A communicative behavior is aggressive if it applies force symbolically in order, minimally to dominate and perhaps damage, or maximally, to defeat and perhaps destroy the locus of attack (Infante, 1987a, p. 158)

4 Are there positive and negative aspects of argumentativeness? -yes Are there positive and negative aspects of verbal aggressiveness? -yes They both differ for men and women

5 Positive traits of aggressive communication The Constructive Traits  Assertiveness: tend to be interpersonally ascendant, dominant, and forceful creating positive effect on people.  Argumentativeness: tend to advocate and defend positions on controversial issues while attempting to refute other people’s arguments.

6 Negative traits of aggressive communication The Destructive Traits  Hostility: use messages to express irritability, negativism, resentment, and suspicion.  Verbal aggressiveness: attack people’s self-concepts.

7 Gender Stereotypes  How do the gender stereotypes in society relate to argumentativeness and verbal aggressiveness?  Does society view women who are verbally aggressive the same way they view men who are verbal aggressive?

8 Understanding Aggressive Communication in Persuasion Situational Factors  The likelihood of success  Topic of argument: Politics, Premarital Sex  Gender: males more verbally aggressive

9 Interactionist perspective and Theory of Reasoned Action “Intentions to Argue”  Personal traits and situational factors combine to determine a person’s motivation to argue.

10 Identifying Beliefs About Arguing  Hostility  Activity/ Process  Control/ Dominance  Conflict/ Dissonance  Self Image  Learning  Skill

11 Successful compliance gaining  High in argumentativeness; low in verbal aggressiveness.  Encourage others to express their views.

12 Conclusion  Argument is inherent in the process of persuasion  Low argumentatives were more resistant to persuasion than highly argumentative individuals

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