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Copenhagen, Sep. 10 th 2008 Is the ejection of the corona a general phenomenon in microquasars? J. Rodriguez & L. Prat (CEA Saclay, France) with special.

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Presentation on theme: "Copenhagen, Sep. 10 th 2008 Is the ejection of the corona a general phenomenon in microquasars? J. Rodriguez & L. Prat (CEA Saclay, France) with special."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copenhagen, Sep. 10 th 2008 Is the ejection of the corona a general phenomenon in microquasars? J. Rodriguez & L. Prat (CEA Saclay, France) with special thanks to M. Coriat and S. Corbel J. Rodriguez & L. Prat (CEA Saclay, France) with special thanks to M. Coriat and S. Corbel

2 Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, Feb. 2009 Summary G Microquasars : G Definition G (some) Light curves G Model independent view: the Q-shape G Accretion-ejection connections: G Historically: GRS 1915+105 G Some more examples: XTE J1748-288, XTE J1856+229, Cyg X-1 G Beyond the phenomenology: physics of outbursts G First steps with XTE J1550-564 and GRS 1915+105: ejection of the corona G What about other sources: the cases of XTE J1748-288, XTE J1856+229, GX 339-4 G Conclusions G Microquasars : G Definition G (some) Light curves G Model independent view: the Q-shape G Accretion-ejection connections: G Historically: GRS 1915+105 G Some more examples: XTE J1748-288, XTE J1856+229, Cyg X-1 G Beyond the phenomenology: physics of outbursts G First steps with XTE J1550-564 and GRS 1915+105: ejection of the corona G What about other sources: the cases of XTE J1748-288, XTE J1856+229, GX 339-4 G Conclusions

3 Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, Feb. 2009 Thermal emission: BB ~1 keV Non-thermal emission: inverse Compton or Synchrotron: 10 keV-1 MeV } Timing Noise, LF & HF QPO: global movement of disc? Of corona? Other mechanism(s)? Self-absorbed or not Synchrotron: large -> IR/Visible } Microquasars and diagnostics

4 Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, Feb. 2009 Microquasars in outburst GRS 1915+105 XTE J1859+226 XTE J1748-288 RXTE/ASM GBI RXTE/ASM Ryle

5 Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, Feb. 2009 A model-independent view Fender et al. 05; Homan & Belloni 05; Remillard & Mc Clintock 06

6 Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, Feb. 2009 Accretion-ejection connections Mirabel et al. 98 Rodriguez et al. 08 G RXTE+IR+Radio => 1st direct link between accretion and ejection (Mirabel et al. 98) G INTEGRAL+Ryle => generalisation of this phenomenon: Ejection always follows sequence of spectrally hard dip ended by sudden spike (R. et al. 08) G RXTE+IR+Radio => 1st direct link between accretion and ejection (Mirabel et al. 98) G INTEGRAL+Ryle => generalisation of this phenomenon: Ejection always follows sequence of spectrally hard dip ended by sudden spike (R. et al. 08)

7 Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, Feb. 2009 Towards a general picture? GX 339-2 XTE J1859+226XTE J1748-288 Cyg X-1 Wilms et al. 07 Courtesy M. Coriat

8 Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, Feb. 2009 Beyond the phenomenology: ejection of coronal material? Fits to X-ray data: Behaviour and flux of various spectral components during outbursts Rodriguez et al. 03 XTE J1550-564 Radio detection with ATCA (Corbel et al. 01)

9 Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, Feb. 2009 GRS 1915+105 I IV II III Approach of disc + Compton component shrinks between II and III (R. et al. 08)

10 Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, Feb. 2009 XTE J1748-288 disc fluxcoronal flux More complex morphology of radio outburst: multiple flares

11 Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, Feb. 2009 XTE J1859+226 Evolution of fluxes not conclusive However: y kT e max(, 2 ) With max(, 2 ) R, mean number of scattering factor 10

12 Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, Feb. 2009 GX 339-4 G Compton flux before radio flare G Y shrinks before radio flare => decrease of coronal density G Disc remains ~stable Soft State Hard State Compton flux yy Radio Flare

13 Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, Feb. 2009 Conclusions G Evolution of fluxes: Ejection of the corona pretty clear in 3 sources (1550-564, 1915+105, GX339-4): coronal flux shrinks before the ejection G Fluxes not conclusive in 1748-288 and 1859+226 Physical properties of corona: in 1915+105, 1748-288, 1859+226, and GX 339-4: Comptonisation still in action after ejection, but physical properties of the corona drastically change: xR shrinks (partial) ejection of coronal material

14 Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, Feb. 2009 The future Several other candidates: G H1743-322/IGR J17464-3213 G 4U 1543-47 G XTE J1908+094 G GRO J1655-40 G Cyg X-1 ? G Cyg X-3 ? G Aql X-1 ? H1743-322 4U 1543-47 XTE J1908+094

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