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August 18-19, 2002 UCSC Baskin School of Engineering1 UCSC PERC COMPONENT: Protocols for Wireless Internetworks J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves Computer Communication.

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Presentation on theme: "August 18-19, 2002 UCSC Baskin School of Engineering1 UCSC PERC COMPONENT: Protocols for Wireless Internetworks J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves Computer Communication."— Presentation transcript:

1 August 18-19, 2002 UCSC Baskin School of Engineering1 UCSC PERC COMPONENT: Protocols for Wireless Internetworks J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves Computer Communication Research Group (CCRG) UC Santa Cruz

2 August 18-19, 2002 UCSC Baskin School of Engineering2 Goals: n Protocols for QoS on the move for the wireless Internet. n Better understanding of how channel access and network-layer work and inter- operate in ad hoc networks.

3 August 18-19, 2002 UCSC Baskin School of Engineering3 Proposed Work n MAC and network protocols to support “proactive QoS on the move”: p Use information about battery life, channel state, position of nodes. p Establish links and reserve bandwidth trying to improve end-to-end performance. p Use signaling protocols that reserve resources over multiple paths to destinations, without breaking TCP, for example. n Integrated routing and topology control: p Establishing links for unicast or multicast transmissions to neighbors is related to choosing the best paths to destinations.

4 August 18-19, 2002 UCSC Baskin School of Engineering4 Proposed Work (cont.) n Unicast routing that disseminates routing information only for those destinations that are wanted or required p Hybrid approach combining on-demand and table-driven techniques (e.g., all nodes now about Internet attachment nodes and “cluster heads” and only a few know about a single node) n Integrated multicast routing and topology control p Paths taken by multicast packets over multicast meshes and links in multicast meshes are determined by QoS requirements

5 August 18-19, 2002 UCSC Baskin School of Engineering5 h IR f 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 g 3 1 i 3 1 e 1 LAN B IR R Internet LAN C R: Router IR: Internet Radio IR d 1 1 1 c 2 b LAN A IR a 2 Establishing links changes the topology New topology changes routing! (should be done proactively) MAC layer works for the network layer and adds, deletes or modifies links accordingly Net layer decides which links should be established for QoS routing I II II I Why We Look at Topology Management

6 August 18-19, 2002 UCSC Baskin School of Engineering6 Approach WILD IDEA SPECIFICATION AND VERIFICATION ANALYTICAL MODELS SIMULATION MODEL PROTOCOL IN EMBEDDED SYSTEM HARDWARE IN THE LOOP SIM. Proactive QoS on the move GloMoSim and ns2 code of link and network protocols PERC Informal proofs

7 August 18-19, 2002 UCSC Baskin School of Engineering7 R I/O device... R R R personal vritual computer Impact: Enabling Wireless Internetworking Seamless wireless extension. Available bandwidth, reliability of links, and battery life of nodes are key parameters system area network... servers storage R R R R... ad hoc internet IP Internet R R R R R R R sensor and appliance internet

8 August 18-19, 2002 UCSC Baskin School of Engineering8 Progress and Results n 12 refereed papers being published in 2002 (ACM Mobicom 2002, IEEE ICNP 2002, and other ACM and IEEE conferences). n Two Ph.D. students advanced to candidacy and are expected to graduate during the Fall 2002 or Winter 2003 quarter. n Program Co-Chair of ACM MobiHoc 2002. n Research results have been applied to networks with directional antennas in collaboration with Raytheon (DARPA FCS program).

9 August 18-19, 2002 UCSC Baskin School of Engineering9 n First analytical model of collision avoidance protocols (e.g., IEEE 802.11) operating in ad hoc networks [IEEE ICNP 02]. Protocols perform worse than what prior models indicated. n HAMA: First channel access protocol that supports conflict- free unicast, multicast, and broadcast transmissions concurrently, using only two-hop neighbor information [IEEE ICNP 02]. n ROMA: First channel access protocol that supports conflict- free transmissions using only two-hop neighbor information in networks with directional antennas [ACM Mobicom 02]. n NEST: First node-centric hybrid routing approach; nodes maintain routes proactively to “netmarks” and maintain routes to peer nodes on demand [ IEEE IC3N 02]. Progress and Results

10 August 18-19, 2002 UCSC Baskin School of Engineering10 Future Activities n Extend analytical models p Consider directional antennas, sensing ranges, differences in transmission ranges, interaction between unicast and broadcast flows. n Explore collision avoidance schemes for ad hoc nets that provide better fairness and throughput. n Flow-oriented channel access that is conflict-free and distributed. p Consider two-hop neighborhood, battery life, and flows.

11 August 18-19, 2002 UCSC Baskin School of Engineering11 Future Activities n QoS hybrid routing with constraints. p Consider hybrid hierarchical routing, including QoS routing data in AODV and other protocols. n QoS multicasting over meshes. p Support multicast groups without establishing trees, and with no need for flooding the entire network or relying on an underlying routing protocol. n Topology management: p Establish virtual topologies proactively using same information used for scheduling and routing.

12 August 18-19, 2002 UCSC Baskin School of Engineering12 Schedule Year 2 Year 4 Year 5 Start To date: Analytical model of sender-initiated collision-avoidance protocols in ad hoc networks with omni antennas; collision-free MAC protocols based on 2-hop neighborhood; basic hybrid routing using link-state information. 6 months: Extensions of analytical model for collision-avoidance to address directional antennas and receiver-initiated schemes. 9 months: Flow-oriented conflict-free MAC; hybrid routing with multiple netmarks. 12 months: QoS hybrid routing; apply approach to AODV; QoS multicasting over meshes. 24 months: Topology management heuristics that extend battery life; hierarchical QoS routing and multicasting. 36 months: Integrated scheduling, routing and topology control approach for QoS on the move. (June 00) Year 3

13 August 18-19, 2002 UCSC Baskin School of Engineering13

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