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Examples of Teaching with Computers. Election Math Graphing the vote (k-2) Pie graph percents (Grades 5-6) Popular vs. electoral vote paradox (6-8) State.

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Presentation on theme: "Examples of Teaching with Computers. Election Math Graphing the vote (k-2) Pie graph percents (Grades 5-6) Popular vs. electoral vote paradox (6-8) State."— Presentation transcript:

1 Examples of Teaching with Computers

2 Election Math Graphing the vote (k-2) Pie graph percents (Grades 5-6) Popular vs. electoral vote paradox (6-8) State ElectoralPopulation AL94.5 Million AK30.6 Million AZ105.1 Million AR62.7 Million

3 Planning a Trip Look up information from the Net. Ways of traveling (car, bus, air, etc.) Points of interest for visiting. Lodging, food, and other expenses. Historical perspectives. Picture taking. Journal writing.

4 PowerPoint for Daily News Assign students to locate the most significant news of the day. Gather pictures and text into a PowerPoint presentation. Share with the class with formal presentation. Hold discussions. Get feedback. Online journal. Class news compilation.

5 Compilation of Good Jokes Gather jokes from the Web, magazines, books, or friends. Find some pictures or clip art images to go with the jokes. Compile the jokes in Word or PowerPoint documents. Share with the class and have a good laugh.

6 Captions for a Funny Picture Have students gather funny pictures. (If possible put it in on-line Web form for easy access.) Have the class look at the pictures one at a time and come up with funny captions for the pictures. Have the students decide which caption is the funniest.

7 Learn about the Writing Process Use Inspiration to generate ideas. Draft with Word. Have peers provide comments to each other’s writing. Revise the writing based on the feedback. Edit the paper with the spell-checker, grammar checker, and thesaurus. Save document in different versions and compare the documents.

8 Use the Synthetic Speech Turn text into English speech. Test the speech for its accuracy. Have the computer read numbers. Have students figure out rules of phonology. (How many different ways to spell “cousin”? Cussen, cuzzin, ….)

9 Use Excel for Multiplication Drill Create a multiplication table in Excel. Use random function to generate numbers for multiplication drill. Create an answer-judge device to provide feedback to students for their answer inputs.

10 Build Skills for Information Problem Solving Task definition Information Seeking Locating and Accessing Use of Information Organizing and Communicating Evaluation

11 Scaffolding Students’ Exploration – Web Quest Present students with challenging tasks that are relevant to the curriculum they are expected to master. Engage students with online resources in efficient ways. Gradually ease students into inquiry tasks by creating a supportive structure to guide their work.

12 WebQuest Resources Thoughts about WebQuest: ut_webquests.html WebQuest Page:

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