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Main Module 1 Fundamentals MODULE 3 BASIC SCIENCES Main Module 1 Fundamentals MODULE 3 BASIC SCIENCES ● Principles of Mathematics ● Physics.

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1 Main Module 1 Fundamentals MODULE 3 BASIC SCIENCES Main Module 1 Fundamentals MODULE 3 BASIC SCIENCES ● Principles of Mathematics ● Physics

2 PRINCIPLES OF MATHEMATICS Main Module 1 Fundamentals MODULE 3 BASIC SCIENCES Title of the Course: Student Workload: Compulsory/Elective: Objetives: Principles of Mathematics Sem.ModuleLec.ReciteLab.ProjectHW. Field study OtherTotalCredit 114530753 Compulsory 1.Familiarizar al alumno con el lenguaje matemático, con el método deductivo y con las actividades de abstracción y aplicación que hacen a las Matemáticas fecundas en la Técnica. 2.Suministrar al alumno el instrumento matemático que necesitará para el estudio de otras disciplinas de su carrera. 3.Proporcionar al alumno un repertorio de conceptos fundamentales, métodos de razonamiento y técnicas de análisis o cálculo, adaptado a sus futuras necesidades profesionales. Prerequisites: - Learning Outcomes: 1.Work with vectorial spaces and know how to change the base. 2.Know the concept and meaning of matrix and know how to work with them. 3.Resolve determinants. 4.Recognise the different types of equation systems and know how to resolve them. 5.Calculate the equations of the various geometric elements in the plane and the space. 6.Understand and work with trigonometric functions and complex numbers. 7.Determine the converging of series and calculating them. 8.Study the real functions reales determining their continuity, maxims, minims. 9.Interprete and calculate derivatives of real functions.

3 T.M. APOSTOL, Calculus. Ed Reverté Barcelona. (Parte I y II). A. GARCIA, A. LOPEZ y OTROS, Teoría y problemas de funciones de varias variables. AGLI, S.L. Madrid 1996. (Parte II) M. SPIVAK, Calculus, Vol 1 y 2. Ed. Reverté. Parte II (3 y 4) Prentice Hall: Álgebra. Smith y otros. (2001). Serie AWLI.Álgebra lineal y sus aplicaciones. David C. Lay 2ª edición (2001) Assessment Criteria: Criteria:Any (X)Percent (%) Midterm Exams:X30 Quizzes: Homework:X15 Projects: Term Paper: Laboratory Work: Other:ATTENDANCE5 Committee Exam: Final Exam:X50 Bibliographical Ref. PRINCIPLES OF MATHEMATICS Main Module 1 Fundamentals MODULE 3 BASIC SCIENCES

4 Course Content: WeekSubjects 1Vectorial spaces and changes of bases. 2-3Matrices. Determinatives. Operations and properties. 4Lineal equation systems. Gauss Resolution. Cramer´s Rule. Diagonalization. 5 Related and euclidean geometrics: Straight and plane equation. Relative positions. Angles and distances measurements. 6Trigonometric functions. 7Complex numbers. 8-9Sequences and series. Convergence. 10Functions of real variability. Limits y continuity. 11-12 Derivativility of real functions. Geometric interpretation. Taylor´s development. Calculation of maximums y minimums. 13Riemann´s integral. Barrow´s rule. 14-15Indefinite integral. Methods of integration PRINCIPLES OF MATHEMATICS Main Module 1 Fundamentals MODULE 3 BASIC SCIENCES

5 PHYSICS Main Module 1 Fundamentals MODULE 3 BASIC SCIENCES Title of the Course: Student Workload: Compulsory/Elective: Objetives: Physics Sem.ModuleLec.ReciteLab.ProjectHW. Field study OtherTotalCredit 214510515753 Compulsory 1.Acquire a conceptual understanding about the size and fundamental principles in the field of classical physics and its applications in the field of engineering. 2.Contrast, if posible, theoretical results and their practical applications. 3.Get used to the usual terminology and methodology in the fields of science and technology. 4.Develop reasoning capacity to resolve problems and exercises, from the theoretical concepts exposed in class and in combination with the provided mathematical tools given to the trainee throughout their educational background. Prerequisites: -

6 Física para la ciencia y la tecnología; P. A. Tipler, Reverté arg., 1999. Física universitaria; F. W. Sears, M. W. Zemansky, H. D. Young, R. A. Freedman; Addison-Wesley Longman arg., 1998. Física; M. Alonso, E. J. Finn; Addison-Wesley Iberamericana arg., 1995. Física para ingeniería y ciencias (Teoría y 695 problemas resueltos); Dare A. Wells, Harold S. Slusher, Schaum Seriea, McGraw Hill, 1985. Problema de Física; R. V. Giles, J. B. Evett, C. Liu; Schaum Seriea; McGraw Hill, 1994. Assessment Criteria: Criteria:Any (X)Percent (%) Midterm Exams:X25 Quizzes: Homework:X10 Projects:X10 Term Paper: Laboratory Work:X10 Other: Committee Exam: Final Exam:X45 Bibliographical Ref. PHYSICS Main Module 1 Fundamentals MODULE 3 BASIC SCIENCES

7 Course Content: WeekSubjects 1Introduction: Dimensions, units of measure. Measures and their errors. 2Statics 3Particle cynematics 4Particle dynamics 5Work and energy 6Particle system dynamics 7Rotation of rigid solid dynamics. 8Fluid statics. 9Hydrodynamics. 10Simple harmonic vibrating movement 11Waves. 12General wave properties. 13First thermodynamic principle 14Ideal gases 15 Second thermodynamic principle PHYSICS Main Module 1 Fundamentals MODULE 3 BASIC SCIENCES

8 Thank you for your attention

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