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Economics of Input and Product Substitution
Chapter 7
Topics of Discussion Concepts of isoquants and iso-cost line
Least-cost use of inputs Long-run expansion of input use Economics of business expansion and contraction Production possibilities frontier Profit maximizing combination of products
Physical Relationships
Isoquant means “equal quantity”
Output is identical along an isoquant Two inputs Page 133
Slope of an Isoquant MRTS = Capital ÷ labor
The slope of an isoquant is referred to as the Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution, or MRTS. The value of the MRTS in our example is given by: MRTS = Capital ÷ labor Page 133
Slope of an Isoquant MRTS = Capital ÷ labor
The slope of an isoquant is referred to as the Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution, or MRTS. The value of the MRTS in our example is given by: MRTS = Capital ÷ labor If output remains unchanged along an isoquant, the loss in output from decreasing labor must be identical to the gain in output from adding capital. Page 133
MRTS here is -4÷1= -4 Page 133
What is the slope over range B? Page 133
What is the slope over range B? MRTS here is -1÷1= -1 Page 133
What is the slope over range C? Page 133
What is the slope over range C? MRTS here is -.5÷1= -.5 Page 133
Introducing Input Prices
Plotting the Iso-Cost Line
Firm can afford 10 units of capital at a rental rate of $100 for a budget of $1,000 Capital 10 Labor 100 Page 136
Plotting the Iso-Cost Line
Firm can afford 10 units of capital at a rental rate of $100 for a budget of $1,000 Capital 10 Firm can afford 100 units of labor at a wage rate of $10 for a budget of $1,000 Labor 100 Page 136
Slope of an Iso-cost Line
The slope of an iso-cost in our example is given by: Slope = - (wage rate ÷ rental rate) or the negative of the ratio of the price of the two Inputs. See footnote 5 on page 179 for the derivation of this slope based upon the budget constraint (hint: solve equation below for the use of capital). ($10 × use of labor)+($100 × use of capital)=$1,000 Page 135
Line AB represents the original iso-cost line for capital and labor…
Change in budget or both costs Line AB represents the original iso-cost line for capital and labor… Change in wage rate Change in rental rate Page 136
Page 136 The iso-cost line would shift out
Original iso-cost line Change in budget or both costs The iso-cost line would shift out to line EF if the firm’s available budget doubled (or costs fell in half) or back to line CD if the available budget halved (or costs doubled. Change in wage rate Change in rental rate Page 136
Original iso-cost line
Change in budget or both costs Change in wage rate Change in rental rate If wage rates fell in half, the line would shift out to AF. The iso-cost line would shift in to line AD if wage rates doubled… Page 136
The iso-cost line would shift out to line BE if rental
Original iso-cost line Change in budget or both costs Change in wage rate Change in rental rate The iso-cost line would shift out to line BE if rental rate fell in half while the line would shift in to line BC if the rental rate for capital doubled… Page 136
Least Cost Combination of Inputs
Least Cost Decision Rule
The least cost combination of two inputs (labor and capital in our example) occurs where the slope of the iso-cost list is tangent to the isoquant: MPPLABOR ÷ MPPCAPITAL = -(wage rate ÷ rental rate) Slope of an isoquant Slope of iso- cost line Page 139
Least Cost Decision Rule
The least cost combination of labor and capital in out example also occurs where: MPPLABOR ÷ wage rate = MPPCAPITAL ÷ rental rate MPP per dollar spent on labor MPP per dollar spent on capital = Page 139
Least Cost Decision Rule
This decision rule holds for a larger number of inputs as well… The least cost combination of labor and capital in out example also occurs where: MPPLABOR ÷ wage rate = MPPCAPITAL ÷ rental rate MPP per dollar spent on labor MPP per dollar spent on capital = Page 139
Least Cost Combination of Inputs to Produce a Specific Level of Output
Least Cost Input Choice for 100 Units
Iso-cost line for $1,000. Its slope reflects price of labor and capital. Page 138
We can determine this graphically by observing where these two curves
Least Cost Input Choice for 100 Units We can determine this graphically by observing where these two curves are tangent…. Page 138
Least Cost Input Choice for 100 Units
We can shift the original iso-cost line from AB out in a parallel fashion to A*B* (which leaves prices unchanged) which just touches the isoquant at G Page 138
Least Cost Input Choice for 100 Units
At the point of tangency, we know that: slope of isoquant = slope of iso-cost line, or… MPPLABOR ÷ MPPCAPITAL = - (wage rate ÷ rental rate) Page 138
Least Cost Input Choice for 100 Units
At the point of tangency, therefore, the MPP per dollar spent on labor is equal to the MPP per dollar spent on capital!!! See equation (8.5) on page 181, which is analogous to equation (4.2) back on page 76 for consumers. Page 138
Least Cost Input Choice for 100 Units
This therefore represents the cheapest combination of capital and labor to produce 100 units of output… Page 138
Least Cost Input Choice for 100 Units
If I told you the value of C1 and L1 and asked you for the value of A* and B*, how would you find them? Page 138
Least Cost Input Choice for 100 Units
If I told you that point G represents 7 units of capital and 60 units of labor, and that the wage rate is $10 and the rental rate is $100, then at point G we must be spending $1,300, or: $100×7+$10×60=$1,300 7 60 Page 138
Least Cost Input Choice for 100 Units
If point G represents a total cost of $1,300, we know that every point on this iso-cost line also represents $1,300. If the wage rate is $10, then point B* must represent 130 units of labor, or: $1,300$10 = 130 7 60 130 Page 138
Least Cost Input Choice for 100 Units
And the rental rate is $100, then point A* must represents 13 units of capital, or: $1,300 $100 = 13 13 7 60 130 Page 138
What Happens if the Price of an Input Changes?
What Happens if Wage Rate Declines?
Assume the initial wage rate and cost of capital results in the iso-cost line AB Page 140
What Happens if Wage Rate Declines?
means that the firm can now afford B* instead of B… Page 140
What Happens if Wage Rate Declines?
The new point of tangency occurs at H rather than G. Page 140
What Happens if Wage Rate Declines?
As a consequence, the firm would desire to use more labor and less capital… Page 140
Least Cost Combination of Inputs and Output for a Specific Budget
What Inputs to Use for a Specific Budget?
M An iso-cost line for a specific budget Capital N Labor Page 141
What Inputs to Use for a Specific Budget?
A set of isoquants for different levels of output… Page 141
What Inputs to Use for a Specific Budget?
Firm can afford to produce only 75 units of output using C3 units of capital and L3 units of labor Page 141
What Inputs to Use for a Specific Budget?
The firm’s budget is not large enough to operate at 100 or 125 units… Page 141
What Inputs to Use for a Specific Budget?
Firm is not spending available budget here… Page 141
Economics of Business Expansion
The Planning Curve SAC = LAC = PLR
The long run average cost (LAC) curve reflects points of tangency with a series of short run average total cost (SAC) curves. The point on the LAC where the following holds is the long run equilibrium position (QLR) of the firm: SAC = LAC = PLR where MC represents marginal cost and PLR represents the long run price, respectively. Page 145
What can we say about the four
firms in this graph? Page 145
Size 1 would lose money at price P Page 145
Firm size 2, 3 and 4 would earn a profit at price P…. Q3 Page 145
Firm #2’s profit would be the area shown below…
Q3 Page 145
Firm #3’s profit would be the area shown below…
Q3 Page 145
Firm #4’s profit would be the area shown below…
Q3 Page 145
Page 145 If price were to fall to PLR, only size 3 would
not lose money; it would break-even. Size 4 would have to down size its operations! Page 145
How to Expand Firm’s Capacity
Optimal input combination for output=10 Page 146
How to Expand Firm’s Capacity
Two options: 1. Point B ? Page 146
How to Expand Firm’s Capacity
Two options: 1. Point B? 2. Point C? Page 146
Expanding Firm’s Capacity
Optimal input combination for output=20 with budget FG Optimal input combination for output=10 with budget DE Page 146
Expanding Firm’s Capacity
This combination costs more to produce 20 units of output since budget HI exceeds budget FG Page 146
Production Possibilities
The goal is to find that combination of products that maximizes revenue for the maximum technical efficiency on the production possibilities frontier.
Shows the substitution between two products given the most efficient
use of firm’s resources Page 149
Slope of the PPF MRPT = canned fruit ÷ canned vegetables
The slope of the production possibilities curve is referred to as the Marginal Rate of Product Transformation, or MRPT. The value of the MRPT in our example is given by: MRPT = canned fruit ÷ canned vegetables Page 148
Slope over range between D and E is –1.30, or: -1310 Page 149
Drops from 108 to 95 Increases from 30 to 40 Page 149
95,000 - 108,000 -13,000 40,000 30,000 10,000 ÷ = - 1.30 Page 148
Inefficient use of firm’s resources Page 149
Level of output unattainable with with firm’s existing resources
Inefficient use of firm’s existing resources Page 149
Accounting for Product Prices
Plotting the Iso-Revenue Line
30,000 cases of canned fruit required at price of $33.33/case to achieve A TARGET revenue of $1 million Canned fruit 30,000 Canned vegetables 40,000 Page 150
Plotting the Iso-Revenue Line
30,000 cases of canned fruit required at price of $33.33/case to achieve revenue of $1 million Canned fruit 30,000 40,000 cases of canned vegetables required at price of $25.00/case to achieve revenue of $1 million Canned vegetables 40,000 Page 150
iso-revenue line, indicating the number of cases needed
Original iso-revenue line Changes in income or both prices Line AB is the original iso-revenue line, indicating the number of cases needed to reach a specific sales target. Change in price of fruit Change in price of vegetables Page 150
The iso-revenue line would shift out to line EF if the
revenue target doubled (or prices fell in half) while the line would shift in to line CD if revenue targets fell in half or prices doubled. Original iso-revenue line Changes in income or both prices Change in price of fruit Change in price of vegetables Page 150
The iso-revenue line would shift out to line BC is the
Original iso-revenue line Changes in income or both prices The iso-revenue line would shift out to line BC is the price of fruit fell in half but shift in to line BD if the price of fruit doubled Change in price of fruit Change in price of vegetables Page 150
The iso-revenue line would shift out to line AD if the
Original iso-revenue line Changes in income or both prices The iso-revenue line would shift out to line AD if the price of vegetables fell in half but shift in to line AC is the price of fruit doubled. Change in price of fruit Change in price of vegetables Page 150
Profit Maximizing combination of Product Prices
Combination of Products
The profit maximizing combination of two products is found where the slope of the production possibilities frontier (PPF) is equal to the slope of the iso-revenue Curve, or where: Canned fruit Price of vegetables Canned vegetables Price of fruit = – Slope of an PPF curve Slope of iso- revenue line Page 152
Assume Line AB represents revenue for $1 million.
Page 153
We want to find the profit maximizing combination to “can”
given the current prices of canned fruit and vegetables. Page 153
Canned fruit Price of vegetables
Canned vegetables Price of fruit = – Shifting line AB out in a parallel fashion holds both prices constant at their current level Page 153
Page 152 125,000 18,000 MRPT cases of cases of equals fruit vegetables
-0.75 Page 152
Price ratio = -($25.00 ÷ $33.33) = - 0.75 Page 152 125,000 18,000 MRPT
cases of fruit 18,000 cases of vegetables MRPT equals -0.75 Page 152
= – Price ratio = -($25.00 ÷ $33.33) = - 0.75
125,000 cases of fruit 18,000 cases of vegetables MRPT equals -0.75 Canned fruit Price of vegetables Canned vegetables Price of fruit = – Page 152
Doing the Math… Let’s assume the price of a case of canned fruit is $33.33 while the price of a case of canned vegetables is $ If point M represents 125,000 cases of fruit and 18,000 cases of vegetables, then total revenue at point M is: Revenue = 125,000 × $ ,000 × $25.00 = $4,166,250 + $450,000 = $4,616,250
Doing the Math… At these same prices, if we instead produce 108,000 cases of fruit and and 30,000 cases of vegetables, then total revenue would fall to: Revenue = 108,000 × $ ,000 × $25.00 = $3,599,640 + $750,000 = $4,349,640 which is $266,610 less than the $4,616,250 earned at point M.
Effects of a Change in the Price of One Product
If the price of canned fruit fell in half, the firm must sell twice as many cases of
canned fruit to earn $1 million if it focused solely on fruit production. Page 153
This gives us a new iso-revenue curve… line CB.
Page 153
To see the effects of this price change, we can shift the new iso-revenue curve
out to the point of tangency with the PPF curve…. Page 153
Shifting the new iso-revenue curve in a parallel fashion out to a point of tangency with the PPF curve, we get a new combination of products required to maximize profit. Page 153
The firm would shift from point M on the PPF to point N as a result of the decline in the price of fruit. That is, to maximize profit, the firm would cut back its production of canned fruit and produce more canned vegetables. Page 153
Summary #1 Concepts of iso-cost line and isoquants
Marginal rate of technical substitution (MRTS) Least cost combination of inputs for a specific output level Effects of change in input price Level of output and combination of inputs for a specific budget Key decision rule …seek point where MRTS = ratio of input prices, or where MPP per dollar spent on inputs are equal
Summary #2 Concepts of iso-revenue line and the production possibilities frontier Marginal rate of product transformation (MRPT) Concept of profit maximizing combination of products Effects of change in product price Key decision rule – maximize profits where MRPT equals the ratio of the product prices
Chapter 8 focuses on market equilibrium conditions under perfect competition….
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